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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Yay for 12 free doughnuts for Whacking Day!


Happy Whacking Day!!


I'm assuming that part of the update fixes the one glitch I found, and that was the rich Texan riding the bull.


But YAY! Donuts!!

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I woke up this morning to no eggs!!!


Someone trade with me! I've got 100 ready!


I should have 100 eggs later this morning, I will trade with you!


Just dropped off 100 for each of you. Enjoy!


I've still got another 100 to trade if anyone's up for it.

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I've still got a little over 100 left. Let me know who else I owe more to for that lot of 700 that someone (or someones) left in my town!


I dropped about 350 of those, so if you want to send some more my way that would be awesome!

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I got about 80 eggs from someone, but I couldn't decipher their message. I think it said Mike W or Matt W or something. Let me know if it was you so I can repay you. I lucked out and got the upgraded license for free! I bought it, and a little while later when I went back I had the license, but all the doughnuts were still there!

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