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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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Anyone else experiencing the glitch with the Rich Texan? The 'Ride the Mechanical Bull' task doesn't persist once you leave the game, just resets to having the Rich Texan doing nothing, so the only way to pass it is to spend 6 donuts to rush.

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Anyone else experiencing the glitch with the Rich Texan? The 'Ride the Mechanical Bull' task doesn't persist once you leave the game, just resets to having the Rich Texan doing nothing, so the only way to pass it is to spend 6 donuts to rush.


Yeah. I tried 6 times before I gave up and spent the donuts. Oh well.

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Anyone else experiencing the glitch with the Rich Texan? The 'Ride the Mechanical Bull' task doesn't persist once you leave the game, just resets to having the Rich Texan doing nothing, so the only way to pass it is to spend 6 donuts to rush.


Yeah. I tried 6 times before I gave up and spent the donuts. Oh well.


Yes, I have the same glitch.

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