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The Simpsons Tapped Out

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How high are folks on snakes? I just got the snake stone at 2000, and it seems like Duff Stadium is a pipedream, unless EA gets their act together, fixes the bugs, and lets me get on via my Android from work. Even then, I don't see it happening without LOTS of time spent looking for snakes in towns, which I'm just not willing to do.


Duff Stadium is free in theory, but unless you are a power player, it could be the most expensive, cool item in teh game, if you buy a whacking license, rocks, logs, etc. The hotel with Mrs. Springfield seems anticlimactic, unless Mayor Quimby gets a task "Poling the electorate", which I doubt.


One site says you need to be around 4000 snakes today to be able to get everything. Although it also says you get 2 snakes every 8 minutes. I need to check on snake generation. It's definitely easier to get them in my town than others, since finding 5 in a huge town is a royal PITA.


I also need to see if I can glitch extra snake rocks.



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OK - Begging time! I only have time to visit 5-10 towns a day so I am realizing quickly that I am going to be screwed when it comes to collecting all the items. Anyone who wants to throw a few eggs my way, I promise I will drop as many as I can in your town! Thanks!!!


Reed, whats your screen name?


Got it

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How high are folks on snakes? I just got the snake stone at 2000, and it seems like Duff Stadium is a pipedream, unless EA gets their act together, fixes the bugs, and lets me get on via my Android from work. Even then, I don't see it happening without LOTS of time spent looking for snakes in towns, which I'm just not willing to do.


Theoretically it's still possible to win everything but like all free-to-play games you have to invest a lot of time if you don't want to spend any real-world money. Personally I've added a few snake logs into my town to speed up the process and save time, and Ninja Homer earns plenty of snakes as well.


I think it's still possible to get everything for free (math alert!):

- 1 snake every 8 minutes is 180 snakes in your town each day. Assuming 20% end up as eggs you'll get about 144 actual snakes. So potentially 2900 snakes from that from now until the end of Whacking Day.

- the snake stone can give 50 snakes/day, again a fifth will be eggs so add another 800 or so (more if you want to get up in the middle of the night to reset it!)

- assigning Cletus, Homer, Willie, Lisa and Apu to their respective snake-earning tasks will get you another 60/day, for an additional 1200.

- so without visiting friends you could still get another 4900 or so snakes, easily enough to get Duff Stadium.

- BUT If you have 100 friends and collect 5 snakes from each of them per day, that's 500 snakes, or closer to 400 since around 20% will be eggs. So between now and May 9th you could potentially get another 8000 snakes that way, for a total of 12900. So, ignoring the 2000 you've already got and any extra snakes you might earn from trading, you could still win all the items.


Elissa - as promised, dropped off about 150 eggs in your town last night. Enjoy!

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It looks like if you do hit the maximum 50 snakes in your town that you do not lose any snakes. Once you clear out a few of those snakes, any snake that was not able to regenerate (the ones that appear every 8 minutes) automatically does. Also the game will not allow you to whack any eggs until there is room for them as well.

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I think Captain McCallister needs to come with the Frying Dutchman, but yes I would really like to see the Boardwalk and Burns Casino expanded into the sea portion along with some beach decor. Patty and Selma and Disco Stu need to show up soon too!

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