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Gardaland Discussion Thread

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Is there any confirmation of the ride from the park, or any news on what the layout must be? The dive machines are really cool looking rides so I am excited another one is being built.


No, no information on the layout. We are too in the preliminary stages. And Gardaland never reveals projects before the time, for viral marketing

It is not even certain that it is a Dive Machine....could also be a coaster as "The Smiler" (Alton Towers). At the moment the rumor about the type Dive Machine are the most insistent.


If this is true, then how big is this project? I could understand the closure after summer season, but the entire season seems quite long for 1 coaster.


Has already happened to Gardaland. In 2010 the attraction "Trans Gardaland Express" (panoramic train) remained closed for the construction of "Raptor".

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Was confirmed that "Space Vertigo" (Free Fall Tower Intamin) will remain closed for the entire 2014 season for the yard of the new coaster





I really hope this means the ride might get a retheme or something to that nature as it was really tacky inside the queue and could do with being modernized.



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The Gardaland Aggiornamenti fansite has posted this (EDIT: False) elevation view of the new Dive Machine on their Facebook page.





I'm not sure I like this. At the first glance it looked like more track was made up of the station/lift/brakes than actual gravity-driven track. It isn't, but it still looks incredibly short.



This was circulating around the time SheiKra rumors started popping up as well. Notice the splashdown?

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I really hope this means the ride might get a retheme or something to that nature as it was really tacky inside the queue and could do with being modernized.




This attraction has more than 10 years (1998), the queue line was renewed over the years, but at the moment there is no news of a restyling. This attraction is closed for the safety of the construction site, since it is located at the center. Anyway is still in progress the renewal of some areas of the park, such as the area hawaii, Medieval area, the area of Atlantis, as well as the restyling of some restaurants (Casetta dei Fiori and Self-Service Aladino).

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The Gardaland Aggiornamenti fansite has posted this (EDIT: False) elevation view of the new Dive Machine on their Facebook page.





I'm not sure I like this. At the first glance it looked like more track was made up of the station/lift/brakes than actual gravity-driven track. It isn't, but it still looks incredibly short.


I don't think that is the layout, especially if it was seen around SheiKra's rumors. Plus, I have no evidence supporting this, but I think Gardaland will get one with three cars, not two, especially because Krake has three, and since Gardaland is owned by the same company as Heide-Park, it would make sense to me.


Personally I am hoping for something more extreme, maybe one over 200 feet and with a few inversions and a splashdown.

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The Gardaland Aggiornamenti fansite has posted this (EDIT: False) elevation view of the new Dive Machine on their Facebook page.





I'm not sure I like this. At the first glance it looked like more track was made up of the station/lift/brakes than actual gravity-driven track. It isn't, but it still looks incredibly short.

About this picture. If I could remember when it was released it was soon dismist to be the Gardaland dive coaster. If I'm right this belongs to one dive coaster without a splash, 1998 Oblivion Alton Towers. Therefor the tunnel and the short lay-out. I have no idea why they didn't do it, but I did read that it was from Oblivion. It's to long for me to find out where I read it so no proof.


Anyways this seems to go in a good diraction.

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  • 2 months later...

I have some photos from yesterday. There is not much to see at the moment but here they are!

Many cast members saw me taking photos but they did not tell me anything. I think that if they REALLY didn't want people taking photos they could have arranged things differently.


Just to have an idea where the new ride will be.


I saw it posted earlier but here's the sign!


Not much to see here at the moment!


Nothing here!


Also here there isn't much happening right now!


Some secret wooden boxes containing secret elements are well hidden behind Space Vertigo!


There used to be a theater here! Probably the parts of the ride will be placed here during the construction!


There is also a quite large empty field behind the Flying Island. Some of it has grass that looks like it has been cut recently! I guess this is just where the track will be stored during construction but I hope the ride will cover also this area!


I spent a long time looking for markers or signs and all I could find were two large circles on both sides the path that goes up the hill to Flying Island.


Some trees were marked too! They will probably be removed!

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