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Gardaland Discussion Thread

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Hoped the supports where a different color. I mean white track yeah fits the ears (although the poster is black and orange) but one color is just plain boring.

As I understand, they wanted black for the track, but they were not allowed by the organisation that is responsible for natural environment of Garda (they are also responsible for height restriction of rides in Gardaland as I understand) because it would interfere with surroundings, so they had to go with white. I'm not sure if this information is true because I use google translate to read theparks.it, but it seems plausible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

sorry for writing off-topic. If there's a thread for a meetup @ Gardaland or you know a good place to find people to meet up with, please let me know!

I'll be visiting Lake Garda from September 2nd to September 4th this year.

As I'll be traveling alone, I am searching for people, who speak English to some extent (or German for that matter) to meet up with at Gardaland on any of these days.


Any answer is appreciated. Thanks

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  • 2 weeks later...

^It looks like the arms are not lined-up. Probably the ride automatically e-stopped when the sensors detected that the ride arms were not synched.


I hope to see construction for the Oblivion knock-off start soon!

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I hope to see construction for the Oblivion knock-off start soon!


According to what I see, the new dive machine should look more like Krake than Oblivion... Lift, drop, Tunnel, Immelman and so back to the station turning around Space Vertigo.

Because of bad weather in July & August here in italy, i know that the "building program" is a bit in late.. So I suppose that in few weeks we will see a lot of new stuff


^It looks like the arms are not lined-up. Probably the ride automatically e-stopped when the sensors detected that the ride arms were not synched


Yes.. I think the right arm rotor failed

There's also a video captured yesterday afternoon where we can clearly heard weird sounds when gondola is running on the top of the spin (max mechanical stress)


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