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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

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... when you rethink doing a summer college abroad program so you can attend your home park's grand reopening.


If you are willing and/or have done a theme park trip completely by yourself (especially one that requires you to drive at least 3 hours).

Check. Started doing that late last summer.

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If you are willing and/or have done a theme park trip completely by yourself (especially one that requires you to drive at least 3 hours).



Last Year I went to Cedar Point Opening day - 10 hours, by myself


This year I am going to Kings Island - 9 1/2 hours by myself


I might add that you might be a coaster nerd if you decide not get a hotel but sleep in your car in the park's parking lot (yes security allowed me to do this, I got in around 3am at Cedar Point for Opening day 2013)

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  • 2 weeks later...
You might be a coaster nerd if you wish your car had lap bars instead of seatbelts.......

Omg. Omg. Omg.. NOW PLEASE

Funny, I imagined the opposite: coasters only having car-like seatbelts! That would give a lot of freedom.

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-You spend the offseason counting down the days until opening day.

-You spend at least half of your free time on amusement park-related websites.

-When at amusement parks with non-enthusiast friends, you have to be careful about concealing your coaster geekiness.

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If you are willing and/or have done a theme park trip completely by yourself (especially one that requires you to drive at least 3 hours).



Last Year I went to Cedar Point Opening day - 10 hours, by myself


This year I am going to Kings Island - 9 1/2 hours by myself


Funny this was brought up because I've been thinking about doing a trip down to FL by myself sometime this year.

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If you imagine your on a roller coaster as you go up and extremely tall escalator.


...and drops like a drop tower!


So maybe it's a Drop Tower nerd, not a coaster nerd, but still.

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If, when riding your bike, you try to do the transitions between corners as fast as possible, the intamin-style.

Also, I find it funny how this thread is basically a way of telling all the coaster nerdy stuff we do

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*When your car shoots out a part upon being started and you think, "LOL, Smiler!" before "Oh, no! My car might be toast!"

*When there are certain restaurant items you associate with certain theme parks forever because you had them near that park that one trip.

*When you are willing to have a day where you wake up at 4:30 am, go to Banshee media day, drive an hour, take a chemistry exam at 5, and drive back down for Scream for a Kid Again.

*When you postpone your spring break vacation just because one park was closed during it.

*When you feel any sort of abnormal force (accelerating while a plane takes off, when you go over a hill in a car) and instinctively put your arms up.

*When you get legitimately frustrated at the inaccuracy of some of the physics/calculus problems involving roller coasters you're given.


Guilty of all of these, of course!

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*When you get legitimately frustrated at the inaccuracy of some of the physics/calculus problems involving roller coasters you're given.

Very guilty of this one. I remember being kind of pissed but in a way finding it funny when we were studying a loop and the teacher transmitted the idea that if, for some reason, the train does not carry enough speed, it will fall instead of rolling back, but then most people don't know roller coasters have upstop wheels

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