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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

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*When you get legitimately frustrated at the inaccuracy of some of the physics/calculus problems involving roller coasters you're given.

Very guilty of this one. I remember being kind of pissed but in a way finding it funny when we were studying a loop and the teacher transmitted the idea that if, for some reason, the train does not carry enough speed, it will fall instead of rolling back, but then most people don't know roller coasters have upstop wheels

Our physics professor gave us an in-class problem about centripetal force in a loop...assuming the loop was perfectly round. I know that Schwarzkopf coasters have perfectly round loops...so why he used pictures of two elliptical loops and a corkscrew I will never know.


And the other day we were given a calculus problem where we had to make sure a coaster's drop wasn't too steep by using a derivative...saying that if it was too steep the train would fall off the tracks.


As somebody who wants to design roller coasters with their degree, I found this incredibly insulting...

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You Might Be A Coaster Nerd If....

-at work or school, you often lose attention and daydream about coasters.

-when your family wants to go on vacation somewhere, all you can think about are nearby amusement parks.

-you hate getting up early for most things, but will gladly wake up early to go to a park.

-you ride the Wacky Worm at the county fair just to get the credit.

-you hate when people in line say stuff like "How many people have died on this?" or "Corkscrew is the world's tallest ride!"

-you can go on a coaster right after eating a meal and not vomit.

-you can't ride one ride more than two times in a row, or else people will realize you're obsessed.

-you are reading this forum.

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You say the "oncoming riders" announcement to yourself as you're getting in your car. And, if you live in Ohio, this is probably accompanied by the Millennium Force station music playing in the back of your head.

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You say the "oncoming riders" announcement to yourself as you're getting in your car. And, if you live in Ohio, this is probably accompanied by the Millennium Force station music playing in the back of your head.

Live in Ohio, and while I don't do that, I do think LSM noises in my head when I speed up on a big road.


*You see a picture on one of those lists of natural wonders and think, "MAN a coaster would be awesome there!"

*You have had dreams about finding coasters you had forgotten about at various parks that were never there in real life.

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If you are willing and/or have done a theme park trip completely by yourself (especially one that requires you to drive at least 3 hours).



Last Year I went to Cedar Point Opening day - 10 hours, by myself


This year I am going to Kings Island - 9 1/2 hours by myself


Funny this was brought up because I've been thinking about doing a trip down to FL by myself sometime this year.


Do it!!!! It will be worth it! Being a single rider can be a blast!!

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You might be a coaster nerd if you ... enjoy airplane launches.

And if you like when pilots accidentally pull the plane up to fast during take off producing some Gs!

And also would like to go through a massive air pocket in order to get zero geeee!

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-All you do during the off-season is watch POVs, check webcams, or visit Florida where the parks are open year-round.

-You built a sanctuary to Millennium Force or Bizarro in your house

-You go up and down Elevators at the mall because they remind you of coasters

-You take sleeping pills so you can dream about coasters

-During the off-season, you play Theme Park Studio, RCT3, No Limits 1 or 2, and if you are REALLY desperate, Thrillville

-You get REALLY MAD when someone tries to tell you some bull about a coaster and you KNOW it's fake (for example, someone told me that Six Flags has 100 roller coasters and Cedar Point doesn't have any )

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-You call a park to ask if a ride is running on a certain day.

-You love listening to first-timers' reactions to coasters.

-You have dreams about roller coasters.

-You prefer a vacation at an amusement park over the Bahamas or Hawaii

Edited by VF15
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You might be a coaster nerd if...

You're listening to music and you come across a song that has nothing to do the coasters, but either the beat or the lyrics remind you of them.

You draw coasters in the margin of you're notes you are taking in class.

You hate when people make up obscure stories about coasters. i.e. "I heard so and so died on the ride"

You also hate when people think woodies aren't safe

Your friend that is terrified of coasters thinks you're nuts for liking them.

You want to get a job at an amusement park. (to bad I'm more than a hour away from my home park. One day I will get a job there.)

Sorry, I had to comment on this again. I can't help it.

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If you can't help but perk up whenever you hear somebody use the phrase "life's been a roller coaster," or "it's been an emotional roller coaster" etc.

Haha! Guilty of that one.

If when the car you're in hits a small bump in the road and does that "two stage noise" you remember when on some rides the train travels over the place where the transfer track connects to the main one (where there is a gap) and it does a similar sound, and you can also feel it.

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