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You can only ride 1 coaster for the rest of your life....

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It's very close for me between El Toro, Phoenix, and Thunderbolt. All three give amazing rides, but which would I like to ride for the rest of my life? A little too difficult to decide! If we'd have to wait in line, I'll say Phoenix. If we don't get old and brittle, I'll say El Toro. If our brains don't turn to mush and we can remember our first coasters, I'll say Thunderbolt.

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For woodies? Probably El Toro because it's awesome!


For steel? I'd probably say Medusa at SFDK. It was my first ever coaster and I never get tired or it no matter how many times I've ridden it! It's pretty long, not too rough or dizzying, and good to take newbies on it.


Idk if any of you thought of this, but if we could only ride one coaster the rest of our lives we'd have to think about which coaster we'd want to ride when we're old/have young kids/with non-coaster enthusiasts/don't necessarily want a super intense ride, etc. For me, Medusa covers all of those bases.

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Well... Riddler's is my #1, but it's a standup so it's a bit hard to marathon... so I am plugging in my #2 coaster Apollo's Chariot. Simply because although Riddler RULES Apollo is more comfortable and offers a ride I loved again and again. Riddler is aggressive and intense... but it's not necessarily a marathoner... 5 or 6 rides is awesome but more than that is a bit much in one "sitting." Get it?



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  • 1 year later...
  JonnyRCT3 said:
Maverick @ CP

what doesn't this coaster offer?




I have to go with Big Thunder Mountain, all through i think there are much better coasters out there. I don't see an 80 year old me riding El Toro anymore. It would break my bones because of the awesome airtime.


And BTM is just pure fun for the whole family, i prefer the Disneyland Paris version over the Magic Kingdom one. Just because it has these tunnels at the beginning and end of the ride.

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I was gonna say Alpengeist, but I remembered the transition going into the breakrun lol. One of my top coasters, but nothing I'd wanna ride over and over again for the rest of my life. I'm gonna have to go with I305 or Apollo's Chariot.

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It would need to be something long, comfortable, and thrilling, plus have interesting scenery so not to get boring. And preferably wood so as to give a greater variance of experiences from one ride to the next. Easily Boulder Dash!

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For a woodie, I would definitely say Phoenix. Smooth, and lots of airtime. El Toro is awesome but the restraints being inside of you isn't the most comfortable experience. For steel, I would say Millennium Force. I305 is much more intense, but Millennium Force is just a good time.

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