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You can only ride 1 coaster for the rest of your life....

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I'm gonna have to say Steel Eel. It's not the most amazing coaster, or the most intense coaster, but for sure is one of the most enjoyable coasters I've ever ridden. I rode it like 7 or 8 times in a row, by myself, in a foreign country and still had an amazing time riding it!

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  • 1 month later...

I'd pick California Screamin' from DCA. It has everything I want in a coaster, a launch, a little airtime, it's pretty long and it goes upside down. Plus, since it's not the most wild ride I could see myself riding it when I get older!

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Now that I have ridden it...


HKDL's Grizzly Gulch Runaway Mine Cars


It's fun, has some good speed in parts, the hills

and launch are great, there's a quick airtime pop

in there...


And assuming my body can't take it in later years,

it'll be perfect!


This part of it is great. Bunny hops, then air time into a speedy (sort of) figure eight.

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  • 5 months later...

Well, I'd have to choose from my all time favorite coasters (which are TTD, MF, El Toro and Skyrush), which would be a tough call. I'll rule out TTD, as I'm sure that would end up boring me after a while. All of the other three have a good deal of re-rideability, at least for me (and on Skyrush I pretty much have to stick to the center seats to get that re-rideability). MF is the furthest away of the three (I guess the question assumes you would have good access to the one coaster, wherever it is), so realistically that might narrow it down to the other two.

Of those, I'd have to pick Skyrush, as I'd be a lot less likely to get bored with it, and since the wing seats offer a rather different ride experience than the center ones, it would provide the most variety of the three. That, and there are no inversions, which seem to get harder to deal with the older I get.

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