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Theme Park Review in JAPAN! 2011

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Gyoza dogs are so good and were always a highlight of my visits to Disney Sea. This whole trip report is making me want to go back to Tokyo Disney and see all the updates and new things for myself, and part 3 of your update is only going to add to that.

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Awesome update, makes me so jealous! DisneySEA ties with Epcot and Europa Park as my all time favorite parks! I forgot how cute Chandu is! This update brought back so many great memories from the 2008 trip! Thanks for posting!


As I read this TR at my desk at work, I am reminded by how much I loved our 2008 trip with my DisneySEA keepsakes on my cube wall. =)

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Honestly, I've always wanted to go to Japan for Disney, but I'm pretty sure it'll never happen. But, when I read yalls reports, I feel like I'm actually there! Tower of Terror looks incredible! Maybe one day I'll make it over there, but for now, Ill just live with reading this amazing report. Keep it up!

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  testtrack321 said:
Any reason why there's a random photo of AquaTopia instead of Indiana Jones?

Fixed! I'll blame Larry...since it was his photo of the Indy ride sign!


--Robb "Thanks for letting me know!" Alvey

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Great report, thanx for including all the great rides that DisneySea has to offer. I personally found Storm Rider an enjoyable ride (for a motion simulator) and found it is a great ride to cool down with on a hot day (you get like "flume ride" wet on this ride) too bad you call it a "do once" ride. Thanx for the POV of it though, brought back great memories of the ride.


Robb and Elissa, Just want to ask your impression on the "no tipping" policy in Japan. Did it feel awkward not tipping anyone? I stayed at the Tokyo Disneyland hotel and tried to tip out the bellhop girl and she got insulted, it is really a strange reaction. I was told about this policy before I went to Japan but did not believe it was true. Working in Las Vegas where 80% of the jobs here depend on tips I got an awkward feeling not doing it.


All the videos so far have been amazing, my goodness so many memories I really need to go back, I can only imagine how much better their Toy Story Mania will be. Oh and the "hot cosplay girls"... When I went last year they were everywhere and they were awesome, definitely the place to go if you have a Cosplay girl fetish... which I do not ,LOL.


One last thing, I did not see this mentioned but Tokyo Disney Sea does not have "hidden mickeys" like other parks, but they do have references to "Harrison Hightower" (from TOT) all around the park. When I was there last year I found 5 references to him throughout the park. Just a fun little thing I have not heard mentioned before. Again Robb, thanx for the memories.

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My mouth is going to be permanently slack jawed due to the awesomeness that is Tokyo DisneySea! From previous TRs that you have done, I knew that ToT was amazing, but those queue photos have brought me to a whole new level of astonishment!


In regards to the various popcorn flavours, have you tried to combine the black pepper with the sea salt for salt and pepper popcorn, or are the flavours in different parks?


Chandu is adorable, and yet again I am jealous of Kidtums!!


Thanks so much for yet another amazing insanely-awesomely in-depth look at Tokyo DisneySea!

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  russman7 said:
My reply.

Ok, this doesn't actually count. In fact, posts like these will be not only disqualified, but deleted. The rule states "POST YOUR COMMENTS", not click reply, type a couple of letters, and click submit.



Edited by robbalvey
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This park is so beautiful and so magnificently realized, I swear to god, I got a little choked up looking at these incredible photos. Disney magic at its best. Unreal.


Their Tower of Terror is appallingly beautiful. (And does the story (and evil doll) seem to have a Karen Black "Trilogy of Terror" episode vibe to anyone else old enough to remember that terrifying TV movie?)


As god is my witness, I will stay one night at the Miracosta. (Scratches furiously at lottery ticket.)


(Can't believe, though, that "Raging Spirits" cost nearly $70 million. )

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  RoCo said:
This park is so beautiful and so magnificently realized, I swear to god, I got a little choked up looking at these incredible photos. Disney magic at its best. Unreal.


Their Tower of Terror is appallingly beautiful. (And does the story (and evil doll) seem to have a Karen Black "Trilogy of Terror" episode vibe to anyone else old enough to remember that terrifying TV movie?)


As god is my witness, I will stay one night at the Miracosta. (Scratches furiously at lottery ticket.)


(Can't believe, though, that "Raging Spirits" cost nearly $70 million. )



Yeah, RCDB says it cost 8 billion yen which is like 100 Million US dollars which is ridiculious to me. Disney attractions always seem to cost a hell of a lot more than they should. How does Raging Spirits cost as much as Everest? And how does Everest cost $100 Million to begin with?

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  la2lvtom said:
Great report, thanx for including all the great rides that DisneySea has to offer. I personally found Storm Rider an enjoyable ride (for a motion simulator) and found it is a great ride to cool down with on a hot day (you get like "flume ride" wet on this ride) too bad you call it a "do once" ride. Thanx for the POV of it though, brought back great memories of the ride.

I can see why some people may think it's a neat ride. I, personally, though, am just not a 'simulator' person. I've probably been to Tokyo DisneySea 20 times since my original visit in 2004, and this was the first time I went on Storm Rider since then. And I kind of had to be dragged on! It's just not my thing. Not even Star Tours 2 impressed me. I was just like "Meh...it's a simulator...I'm watching a movie...meh..."


Robb and Elissa, Just want to ask your impression on the "no tipping" policy in Japan. Did it feel awkward not tipping anyone?

Yes, but we've gotten used to it, and we've figured out the cultural acceptance ways that will allow people to accept tips. Some places, like Disney, for example, do have a policy where they cannot accept them, but in other parts of Japan, you CAN tip, but the receiving party has to refuse it at first, then you have to be persistent, and then they are accepting and thankful. There are ways to tip, but there's a ritual you have to go through!



One last thing, I did not see this mentioned but Tokyo Disney Sea does not have "hidden mickeys"

They don't?



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  Hilltopper39 said:
  RoCo said:
(Can't believe, though, that "Raging Spirits" cost nearly $70 million. )


Yeah, RCDB says it cost 8 billion yen which is like 100 Million US dollars which is ridiculious to me. Disney attractions always seem to cost a hell of a lot more than they should. How does Raging Spirits cost as much as Everest? And how does Everest cost $100 Million to begin with?

It all went into the theming and surrounding area. When you look at the ride system itself, that was probably nothing. But the attention to detail paid to everything else - the pyro used on that huge statute out front, the fog machines that trigger perfectly, the lightning that is set up at night, even down to the little rotating "360" signs complete with tracer lights and you can see where the money went.


You have to remember that in Japan, "presentation" is almost more important than the ride itself. If your "show" is GREAT, then you can afford to have a slightly more mediocre ride. This theory is true for Raging Spirits.

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