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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Is Opening Day very crazy and busy at this park? I just moved to the South and March 17th opening day is in 2 weeks. Is it wise to try and go or is it better to go another day.


Opening day can be very busy - last year it was packed. I'd suggest going the following day (Sunday).

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I want a giga 300ft+ winged coaster from b&m please! make a good track route through the back of the park.


I would like something like this please: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HopY26W0mjQ The Swarm..


Hell just GO BIG....taller, faster, longer more intense. thx


Please use proper grammar. This post made my eyes bleed.


Yea, the chances of that happening are pretty slim. B&M probably wouldn't make a coaster like that. I do wonder why they would close the train ride though. If construction for 2013 is beginning this early where they have to close down the train ride, there is a possibility we could have a coaster. I doubt it since we did get DDD last season.


Also, is the retracking on the Cyclone done yet?

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I want a giga 300ft+ winged coaster from b&m please! make a good track route through the back of the park.


I would like something like this please: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HopY26W0mjQ The Swarm..


Hell just GO BIG....taller, faster, longer more intense. thx


I severly doubt a 300' B&M wing coaster will be built in SFOG. I personally wouldn't even see a hyper wing coaster being built anywhere, though this is clearly unrealistic.

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I was planning on heading up opening weekend just to get my pass processed, crowds or not, but I'm wondering one thing....has it been confirmed if Georgia Cyclone will be opening with the park? I was just curious if the track work that was taking place was going to delay it's opening until a bit after the park actually opens for the season.


- Todd

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I want a giga 300ft+ winged coaster from b&m please! make a good track route through the back of the park.



I talked to my guys and they said ok. I told them about your route suggestion and they said no. They told me that it will duel with every ride in the park instead. That isn't what you asked for so I told them to kindly go back to Russia or Sweden or wherever it is they came from where they could make it duel with whatever they want. Around this time next year I'll send them a Christmas card with a photo of a roller coaster built by their competitor that took the route you specified.

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I really don't see a wing rider coming to SFOG. Where are they going to put it? There's no room behind GASM since the Chattahoochee River is right behind those trees. Beyond the river is a CSX rail line, so that won't be a place for the ride to go. They could replace Ninja (SFOG please take this as a serious suggestion) with a smaller coaster.


As I said a page back, I don't see a coaster for the 2013 season since we got Dare Devil Dive in 2011. They should spend more money improving their coasters like they did for the retracking of Georgia Cyclone. They could also spend money on flat rides. There aren't many flats there, and they took out Shake, Rattle, and Roll, which was always a crowd eater, when they built DDD.


I love SFOG's coaster line-up (besides Ninja) but we don't need it becoming the SFMM of the south.


(Also, am I the only one getting a GP troll feeling from the guy who originally posted about the giga wing rider?)

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To provide an update, it looks like the Georgia Cyclone will NOT be operating opening weekend. The Topper Track installation is a bit behind schedule and will not be completed in time for opening.


I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

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I don't know if ANYONE will ever get a "Giga Wing Rider"......but count me as someone who would be thrilled beyond words if SFOG ever got just an X-Flight clone or a 4D coaster from S&S or B&M-that to me that would perfectly round out a stellar assortment of coasters. However, it could be a while, as they just got DDD.


I have to reiterate what I know i have said before: I continue to be nothing but impressed with SFOG as the past three visits I have had there-last summer, Deep South Bash and last November on Season Passholder Day-have been nothing short of outstanding. In addition to a great assortment and variety of rides, the park is very well kept and clean, offers a good balance of thrills and stuff for everyone to do, and even a good assortment of food options. I look forward to this coming season as well.


I wish I could do opening weekend, but as of the moment I am instead planning on going on the 24th on my way back from Dollywood. It would be great if Cyclone were open by then, but if not, I will definitely come back when it is as I am anxious to see how it rides after the Topper Track.

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To provide an update, it looks like the Georgia Cyclone will NOT be operating opening weekend. The Topper Track installation is a bit behind schedule and will not be completed in time for opening.


I'll keep you posted if anything changes.


Thanks for the update! Do you know if it will be ready by the second weekend of operation?

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not trolling at all just wanting a 'big' record setting coaster at sfog


winged coaster is my first choice, then maybe a launch style coaster think top thrill at cedar point but faster taller etc....


i just love the trills...bigger faster longer pls



Anyway, the park is looking great! I hope the topper track installation proves to be successful!

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In my opinion, the height restriction from the airport has not prevented them in the least from having awesome coasters. Goliath may not be the tallest hyper coaster there is but it is the best of any hyper coaster I have ever been on and a solid ride. I don't think the restrictions would ever pose a problem with them adding another great coaster whenever they decide to.

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^^ This is also a small airport nearby. Charlie Brown is it's name, I think. It's on the north side of I-20 and SFOG is on the south side a little further west.


This has always been my understanding regarding the height restrictions. WOrked there a LONG time ago 1986 and 1987. I remember growing up and going to the park a lot. It seems like they used to get a "bigger" ride one year, then a more family style ride the next and they would kind of flip-flop ride types like that.


I have always loved that park and can't wait for my annual Easter Sunday visit this year!! One month from today!!!!!

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^ Yes, Hartsfield Jackson International Airport is 30 minutes away by car.


The power grid might not be able to do a launch coaster due to high demand.


Also, 10 days till SFOG opens!


There is also the second busiest airport in the United States less than 2,000 ft. away... Fulton County Executive...

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^ Yes, Hartsfield Jackson International Airport is 30 minutes away by car.


The power grid might not be able to do a launch coaster due to high demand.


Also, 10 days till SFOG opens!



Six Flags could always add some power thing on their park. I'd say a Wind-fan/Solar Panel but people on other forums tell me that's stupid.

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There is also the second busiest airport in the United States less than 2,000 ft. away... Fulton County Executive...


Are you talking about Fulton County Airport? It's not anywhere close to being the second busiest... not even in the top 50. It doesn't have passenger flights, just general aviation.

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