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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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shivtim: If you've been on El Toro or any other Intamin Plug 'n Play, which is smoother?


No contest, El Toro is much smoother. The topper track portion of GA Cyclone feels more like a new GCI. Smooth, but not Intamin woodie smooth.

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^Believe it or not, that was actually the exact answer I was hoping for. I love El Toro and all (tied for #1 woodie) but the only reason it hasn't overtaken Boulder Dash is because it is too smooth to be characteristically like a woodie. I am now officially in love with RMC.

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Had an AMAZING time over the Easter Weekend at SFoG. I truly look forward to the Cyclone having all of the track replaced. That nice appetizer at the beginning was amazing. Always loved that ride, even when it felt like it was running on square wheels . Got 6 back-to-back rides on the Mindbender, which was delivering its always epic rides and Goliath was awesome as usual.


^ As far as I recall, Ninja received one of the trains from New Jersey. It actually runs smoother with that train. You still have to ride in the "brace position" but it has actually been enjoyable on my last two visits.

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^ The ad wrap is off of Mindbender and the sky buckets were running all weekend over Easter. There seemed to be fewer "buckets" than usual, but we rode it across the park (we were feeling particularly lazy by that part of the day and that hill is a $%@.)

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Which hill are you talking about?


Awesome! I guess this means that the coaster ads are over! Good job Six Flags!


I wonder why they don't run the sky buckets sometimes?


The hill that goes from Acrophobia down towards Thunder River (basically the path that is under the sky buckets.) It's just a long incline and by the end of the day will just wear you out .


I'm gonna make a guess about the sky buckets running...I was looking at the mechanics while waiting in line on Easter Sunday and it kind of hit me...there is A LOT going on with the sky buckets. The cables are constantly moving and go over those sets of gears - under the floor - and back up to the other side. There is just a lot of mechanics for what appears to be a pretty simple ride. Also - they were one of the first attractions in the park (there used to be two sets - one going perpendicular to the existing set.) This means they are kind of old and probably require extensive maintenance to keep them in tip-top shape. For lower capacity days, I can completely see them not running them to have maintenance performed.

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Ok I was there this past sunday and there was almost nobody at the park . we rode everything we wanted to that day. But for the first time skipped over the Ninja due to how rough my last 2 experiences were on it. But I did notice they had 2 trains finally and both looked to be Arrow trains and not the typical ninja vekomas. But I have noticed from my one and only ride on the arrow trains that the vekomas were much smoother. the arrows seemed to shake in places the others didnt.

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Just have to echo the sentiments of everyone in regards to the topper track on Georgia Cyclone. The first two hills are ultra smooth like brand new but after the second turnaround it goes back to being it's evil alter ego. Hopefully there will be a second half to that project. The Scream Machine is smooth throughout the circuit, best ride I've had there in a while.


Something else really cool from my visit last week was that on Mindbender, the final trim brakes before the final loop in the ravine have been removed so instead of hitting that slowdown as I was expecting, you're just full speed flying down that hill now which adds a little extra to the final few seconds of the ride. Great trip overall.

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I visited the park Saturday April 28th and it was amazing. I did most rides except for the dare devil, goliath and ninja. From far its hard to notice but while in the park goliath is in a deep need for a paint job sad to see such a huge ride faded out the way it is. I havent been in a long time but things have changed, Batman the ride is very quiet and has lost its roar compared to the georgia scorcher, but on a good note the mindbender and cyclone were extremely well for their age, topper track has helped alot. I had an amazing trip and I'm already buying season passes at the moment, hope to visit six flags again real soon.


Moderator Edit: Removed all photos from your post. Generally, when someone posts a report and wants to include photos, they use their own photos and not photos that they have copied over from Google Image. Plus, your joke about the kid that got killed in the Batman The Ride accident was completely out of context and pointless.

Edited by ernierocker
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Do I spy Deja Vu in that last picture? That's one way to tell that you didn't take those pictures. That and also the fact Goliath is not seen towering over Scorcher.


I agree with the statement on Ninja. That ride needs to go, NOW! That's the only blemish on SFOG's coaster roster.

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^Well, until that happens, time to enjoy the true beauty of the coasters!

Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly think blue and pink stride gum decals on a green and black train look good.. but to me, the real beauty of the trains is in its shape, which the decals don't really alter

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^If only it happened after Memorial Day. Stupid EOCT's


Seeing the other Six Flags threads has made me realized something: SFOG treats their coasters well. I was looking at the SFMM thread, and I realized that they really have ruined a couple of their coasters.


We don't have OTSR's on Mind Bender, a smooth Arrow train on Ninja, and we put Topper track on Georgia Cyclone. We also have a coaster collection that any person can enjoy, as well as being the only Six Flags park with an Eurofighter. We haven't rethemed any rides except Mind Bender, but that happened a long time ago. All the coasters that the park had that left were moved to other parks and are operating now. (I understand Flashback is gone, and Greezed Lightnin is reopening in 2013, hopefully.)

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Six Flags Over Georgia has sent us a press release regarding their upcoming season at Six Flags White Water.


Six Flags White Water will kick off the summer season as it opens its gates for the 2012 season on Saturday, May 19. In the hours leading up to opening, the park will host the U.S. Army Reserve for a water-rescue training mission in the Atlanta Ocean Wave Pool.


“We are excited to open our gates here at Six Flags White Water”, said Melinda Ashcraft, park president. “The summer season has arrived, and what better way to beat the heat than to bring the entire family to splash around at the park.”


The 982nd Combat Camera Company of the United States Army Reserve will utilize the park’s huge wave pool, aptly named the Atlanta Ocean, as its location to conduct Combat Water Survival Training to help the combat parachutists survivability during water landings. Soldiers will be submerged in full gear to simulate combat-like situations as close as possible. The training will take place from 6:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the park on May 19.


Six Flags White Water will introduce Dive-In Movies in 2012, a summertime event for families to relax at the Atlanta Ocean wave pool and catch the latest flicks on a giant screen. Dive-In Movies will take place each Thursday evening from June 7 through July 26.


The park’s operating hours during opening weekend will be 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. The park is open daily from May 26 through August 12.


Six Flags White Water has season passes on sale at 2 for $99. A season pass provides unlimited admission for the entire 2012 season, free tickets for friends and a coupon book with discounts on food, souvenirs and merchandise.


For more information on Six Flags White Water, visit sixflags.com/whitewater.

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