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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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This is obviously a no win situation. Stupid kid jumps 2 fences and gets killed, SFoG gets negative press, just what they need. If the media does what they do best this will effect all parks, and it was nice that they remind everyone about the girl getting her feet cut off, just when that had blown over.


Accidents happen, in many cases they turn out to be very tragic, but if it weren't for the media wanting a "shock story" accidents such as these wouldn't be headlines.

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Wait, so the outside park fence is just a normal 6 foot chain link fence? That seems kind of minimal.


I always figured the outside fences should be larger, with possibly barb wire on them. Especially in the area of thrill rides.


I'd imagine any lawyer would go after that point.

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I have Thrillnetwork an my homepage, and just read the report. It is sad to hear about this tragedy and how it will affect everyone. Not only will the Six Flags company have an even harder time becoming that "family friendly" chain as Shapiro wants, but the family, friend, and riders involved will have to live with such a tramatic event. Honestly, if I were to be riding Batman or Silver Bullet and that'd happen to my train, it might be enough to keep me off inverts... at least for quite awhile.


But as for the stupidity of the kid, wow. It's sad, but we've seen that stupidity with such threads as "Weirdest things GP has ever said." I just really hope Six Flags doesn't get screwed in all this.


Proof yet again that the christian groups of kids are the worst-behaved at the park.


And this was totally uncalled for. This is a group of teenagers who decided to be stupid, and happened to be with a church group. Your religion, ethnicity, sex, age, etc., has nothing to do with behavior. I can tell you from experience that religion has nothing to do with behvaior, for I have been with a Christian friends who are stupid and ones who aren't at parks. I have also been with non-Christian friends who behaved poorly, and some who've behaved great. Watch who you point fingers at. Thank you.

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Maybe it was the crazy way I was raised, but I always thought that fences were built to keep things out (or in) To climb 2 fences, these kids obviously knew what they were doing.


Kid One : "Hey now that we're inside the first fence, maybe we are doing something wrong"


Kid Two: "Nah, let's climb the other one, what can go wrong"


Insert inappropriate comment about losing one's head.

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Wait, so the outside park fence is just a normal 6 foot chain link fence? That seems kind of minimal.

Paul, here's a little better look at the perimeter fence (in the background). It's at least 6 feet tall, and while not the greatest barrier, still doesn't seem real easy to climb.



Another look at the perimeter fence (obviously by Scorcher).

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Just when I thought stupid people couldn't get any dumber...I'm sorry, no wait, I'm not. What could possibly posess someone to do that? 'Hey there's a giant coaster that can kill you and because of that it's fenced off. I know let's jump the fence and grab their feet as this 2 or 3 ton whatever giant machine comes screaming by.' Where is the common sense if nothing else? You can feel bad for the family, I do and that is a terrible trajedy. But I have absolutely no remorse for that kind of ignorance and selfishness... Selfish because of the pain he has caused his family for being so stupid. So now what? Along with metal detectors I guess we need some kind of stupid detector or ingorance-o-meter to prevent losers like this from doing stupid things and causing their family pain. God how stupid! Unbelievable but there it is.

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A giant machine in a fenced in area...yeah that could be dangerous. So it's true then, there's no such thing as being too dumb as he proved. I feel sorry for the family but absolutely not for that kid's ignorance. It pisses me off that he was so selfish to do this and cause his family so much pain. 2 fences with off limits signs..wtf was he thinking? You can't seriously believe you can grab someone's feet as they whiz by at 50mph on a rollercoaster, but if you have no common sense then I guess anything is possible. So now what? Along with metal detectors do we need stupid detectors or dumb-o-meters to keep these ignorant fools out of parks? God how completely rediculous and stupid. Did mention stupid?

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Survival of the fittest.

Or would this be survival of the shortest, that is the question?


Nobody deserves to die, OK almost no body deserves to die after thinking about that. Some people due to lack of up bringing make choices to better insure this fate while thinking nothing could, might, can happen.


Events like this should be eye openers to these parents special little angels (But of course this could and would never happen to little bobby) And I'm sure this kid spent most his life saving sick animals, and helping the homeless, blah, blah blah.


As usual the system will be at fault, the company will be sued and no one will ever learn other then the one who intentionally went into a piss poor location for jumping jacks.


As for the age, outcome and action I have no pity other then for those who unfortunately had to witness this moron. After all it’s not like it’s an accident, rather a very dumb and poor decision that by the age of 17 they had no excuses to not know any better.


Condoms are a great thing, maybe IQ test should be required before people can legally mate


Now lets get to the real question here, is the train ok?

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^Um, how many teens actually pay attention to their parents? Really, we have no idea what kind of parents the kid had. Heck most kids don't see the parents most of the day anymore, and are effectively raised by their peers, which in my opinion is why most older teenagers are idiots.

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Now lets get to the real question here, is the train ok?


Us enthusiasts will breathe a little easier knowing the ride is expected for full operation Monday morning.


Now, mistakes I'd expect a 17 year old to make:


*Having sex without a condom.


*Cheating on a test


*"Borrowing" your parents' car when they're not home.


*Flirting with two girls that both have the same class


Things you should know by age 17:


Heavy machinary (8 ton train plus riders) + High speed=


...well you guessed it.


I just hope Six Flags can get AHEAD in their investigation.

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Oh yeah and by the way, there is such a thing called a Ride Safety Lockout System where he could've simply asked a ride operator to retrieve the hat or whatever he lost even if it took a few minutes delay. I'm thinking these kids tried to hop the fence in order to possibly cut in line. Any takers????

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I'm thinking these kids tried to hop the fence in order to possibly cut in line. Any takers????


No. They were trying to get back into the park. They weren't trying to cut. The fences to the que line for Batman are really high up. I'd doubt they'd make it over the fence.


They check for lost items in the morning. It doesn't just happen in a few minutes. I'd rather loose the hat, than loose my life.



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Grab someone's feet, retrieve a lost item, cut in line, get back into the park, it really doesn't matter. The fence is there for a reason and they clearly ignored that nevermind the potentially dangerouus attraction behind it. And what about his 'friends?' Did they try to stop him or was it all their idea? Some friends. Is this how kids from a church group act? I would hope not. The more I think and read about it the more rediculous this becomes. Why not climb the tower on X2 and sit on the fire cannon when it goes off, it can't be dangerous after all it's just fire. This is kind of like the ignorance the kids that jammed up that water slide and caused it to collapse in Concord displayed, or what about the guy that climbed Top Gun's fence to retrieve a hat and got killed. Maybe he couldn't read the sign but that doesn't matter. WHERE IS THE COMMON SENSE NOT TO DO THE THESE THINGS? I don't care if there is a sign there or not something should be telling you 'maybe I shouldn't do this because it could kill me.'

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The only story I'm following is the "trying to grab riders' feet" one. There was no other reason to be so close to the train/track.


If he was just passing through, he wouldn't have stood right in front of the train. And between the locker/loose article policy, and the loud noise from the train, he could have avoided the accident by moving away.


Obviously a dare-gone-wrong.


Something else to consider: Maybe the teen was suicidal?

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Well, now that his age has been released and he was 17, that rules out the ignorance factor. I would certainly hope, at the age of 17, one would understand the meaning of the word "DANGER"


You would be surprised!! I have some friends that do some pretty stupid stuff. I'm honestly not too shocked by a 17 year old trying to grab people's feet. This is really horrible though, and my prayers go out for the friends and family, no matter how dumb the kid was.

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Along a prayer of sympathy, I pray that the family sees what we all see, and what hopefully the country sees, and does not throw this onto the park and sue. Honestly, if that boy was Christian, and his family as well, the right thing to do would be to not sue. But, I guess we'll see where their morals lie and where their faith really stands.

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I do agree, the family should not sue. In these cases it's common for there to be a sort of settlement even if the family does not sue though, I think. Sort of a "Please don't sue us, and here's a little gift." The family shouldn't get that, I mean after all, the park already gave them condolences, which to some is obviously more than enough.


However, I think the park should put higher fences or barbed wire at the top of them now, just to make it so it doesn't happen again.

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As one poster has put it I also believe this is bad for everyone!! The family, the park, the whole thing is bad. A series of unfortunate events for Six Flags.


A lesson learned in what happens when we don't obey warning signs and when people are doing things and are in places they should not be.


I was at Six Flags Georgia not too long ago and those fences don't seem high but they are. When crossing over them here you have to know what you're getting into, becuase it is clear the coaster is very close to the fence and the walking path into the park. I believe this adds a great element to Six Flags Georgia. I rate it as one of the better experiences I've had at a Six Flags Park.

Here are some pics I took when I was there.












I hope these links work!!

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oh well. I find it more strange that cnn.com totally forgot about the boy and went into the situation of the girl getting her legs amputated at SFKKand they say it happen in JUNE!! Im like what does that have to do with this situation and that was sooo last year!


LOL,I'm suprised that CNN didn't go so far as to mention all the times that two face has gotten stuck in the past five years....or to just mention every single accident/death in the history of the chain.


The story keeps changing so it's almost impossible to make sense of what is fact & what is not,especially from eyewitness recollections.

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