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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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I just had a though.


Maybe, SF switching from thrill coasters to family coasters is not just because they want to apeal to kids, but because big ass thrill rides like Deja Vu are too much trouble.


Just look at SFMM. most of their biggest, most problematic rides are there, and SF doesn't even like the park!

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I think leaning towards family parks again is a good decision. And Vu barely ever ran, EVER! So its a good idea to get rid of the waste of space Vu is causing because it barely ever runs, and put in something else, that will attract some kids so they have something to do. Though Thomas The Tank Engine wouldnt have been my themed choice. I wouldve made this WHOLE kids land, and have a bunch of little kids stuff.


Backyardigans Show

Thomas Train

Curious George Ball Fight

And a Woody Woodpecker ride with a different theme

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I think leaning towards family parks again is a good decision. And Vu barely ever ran, EVER! So its a good idea to get rid of the waste of space Vu is causing because it barely ever runs, and put in something else, that will attract some kids so they have something to do. Though Thomas The Tank Engine wouldnt have been my themed choice. I wouldve made this WHOLE kids land, and have a bunch of little kids stuff.


Backyardigans Show

Thomas Train

Curious George Ball Fight

And a Woody Woodpecker ride with a different theme


And it would be called? Not very realistic, especially because the Backyardigans are Nickelodeon and CF owns the rights to those characters. It just wouldn't look right to have Thomas right next to Curious George, right next to Sesame Street, right next to TMNT, etc.

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And it would be called? Not very realistic, especially because the Backyardigans are Nickelodeon and CF owns the rights to those characters. It just wouldn't look right to have Thomas right next to Curious George, right next to Sesame Street, right next to TMNT, etc.


Actually, Nickelodeon independently leases out their characters to several parks, not just Ex-Paramount's. The MoA park, Movie Park Australia, and Dreamworld are all examples.

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Oh dear, I hope this doesn't happen at SFMM! Deja Vu is second to only Tatsu and El Toro to me. The airtime on the spikes, the height, the insanity of rumbling through the station and flying through the dizzying inversions makes Deja Vu high on my list of things I do not want to loose. However, if they were to relocate it to another section of the park that would be fine with me, it is placed a little awkwardly.

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I think its great that SFOGs getting more child based rides, and this is perfect for what the park needs. And sorry, but I highly doubt Deja vu will be replaced somewhere in the park. Getting rid of Deja Vu is kinda half the reason they're doing it.


Also, SFOG has said that "a ride" will replace free falls old space. Does anyone see it possible that they could be getting one of these new Dark night Mack mouses? Possibly expand all of Gotham City towards that part? Does this make any sense at all?

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What a shame. I doubt I would ever get up to SFOG many more times in any event, but that was the best Deja Vu in the chain. You are lifted up right over a midway (literally, right over). Ahhh what a shame. At least I have gotten on all 3. Other than El Toro, Deja Vu is my favorite ride in the SF chain. The SFOG model did look to have more problems than any of the others though...


Just please don't remove the one at SFGAm. I am also not all that thrilled about the Thomas Town addition, especially to this park. The addition of Thomas Town is not enough to turn that place family friendly... They first need to get rid of some of the more rowdy clientele.

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Also, SFOG has said that "a ride" will replace free falls old space. Does anyone see it possible that they could be getting one of these new Dark night Mack mouses? Possibly expand all of Gotham City towards that part? Does this make any sense at all?


I think FreeFall's location has HUSS writen all over it. A Frisbee, Top Spin, or some other kind of big flat would be great there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

^ Yeah. It's weird. Some say the colder climate in Gurnee is a reason why the Great America installation had a lot of operational issues. Not sure if that's the problem though. It has the least amount of total operational days of the three Giant Inverted Boomerangs in the States.

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I was at SFoG on Friday, and I was talking to one of the hostess at Monster Plantation and I asked her, "Are they taking out Deja Vu?" And she said I think they changed their mind about taking it out because it is having a good year this year. So there is hope for Vu. But was closed when I was there. Lickskillet would be a good place for Thomas Town, but not where Deja Vu!

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I think is sad it is going to eb replace I mean I haven't ride it but It seems like a good coaster and a friend went on SFOG last summer and he told me it was a pretty good coaster. Evens o I found this at rcdb

The Déjà Vu experiences an unusual amount of downtime due to mechanical problems. Changing the status from operating to SBNO and back has simply become too tiresome. Should you need an up-to-date operational status of this roller coaster, it would be wise to contact the park.

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I think they changed their mind


Well, didn't they recently announce the new addition and subtraction? I would not put a lot of hope in what the attendant said.


I took this my visit the first weekend of fright fest. Maybe the last pic i'll ever take of it.




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That really sucks deja vu is one of the best rides at the park and one of the ones you actually get a thrill on. There is room somewhere else to put that lil train thats only gone go in a circle, but i hope they will relocate it somewhere because even though its down most of the time its a great ride everytime I ride it

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Do you guys think Deja VU will still be up and running (ignore the typical maintnence problems) this coming Sunday, or do yall know if it is already started to be dismanteled. Because I was wanting to ride it one more time before its was taken down and Im going this coming Sunday to SFOG and wasnt sure if it would still be up and running.


This is probably a stupid question to ask because yall probably have heard of it, but have yall heard about on the vertical spike when you go backwards that sometimes a harness clicks to another notch (position)? I heard that somewhere, but when I rode it that didnt happen. How often does that happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
^^They have taken out the Deja Vu bit.

Either Six Flags over Georgia is keeping Deja Vu or the park really wants to distance itself away from that ride.


I choose the latter.


Like said earlier, why would the park want to emphasize that a major ride is being removed?

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Yea as much as I hate to see it go...just because they took out the DejaVU bit in the Thomas Town press release don't really mean anything! Because it has been taken off the ride list and the train has been taken off the track...so that is 2 very good indications to me that they are deffinantly taking it out.


But to raise a question...could they have decided to acctually just move DejaVu!?! Reason I say this is because as yall said...they took the DejaVU bit out of the Thomas Town press release(and that does kind of seem strange to me that at first they would say this will replace DejaVU but then just take it out of the press release)...and they could have taken it off the site because it wont be open for the rest of the season, then they would put it back on when they get it rebuilt! What do yall think about this? I'm just trying to look at the optimistic side...I really enjoy the ride and wish they could once and for all fix all of the problems and keep it running on a regular basis.


Oh yea and really nothing to do with the removal...but i think some of the reason that it had so many problems is because I think the coaster was almost TOO technical...and I think Vekoma made the Giant Inverted Boomerang much more technically complicated that it really had to be! What do yall think...


Oh and one more thing then ill get back on subject...did/does the Stunt Fall (the 4th Vekoma GIB in Spain) have as much trouble as the DejaVu models?


Ok back on subject...

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