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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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i just went the 15th. the lines there are still incredible. if you bring someone in a chair. there is no waiting. there's one catch to it. if the otherside lines are incredible, they lock the frontside of the train. the incredible lines are to be expected for a few weeks estimated. interesting superman ultimate flight didn't last this long.

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I went yesterday and ended up waiting for 3 hours to ride. The wait time sign said only 2 hours, but it had not been updated. It was crazy how the line seemed to move only about 5 people at a time, instead of 36! It was irritating how only about half of the line had shade, and the same 20-minute loop of 5 songs played over and over.


When I finally got on the ride, I rode in the backseat. The seats were surprisingly comfortable, and I got to have about an inch between my leg and the restraint. The whole ride had really amazing airtime. Sitting in the very back, I got floater air while going up the hills, and once it started going down, there was some really great pull-down airtime. The helix was also way more powerful than I had expected. I was already starting to grey out about half way through, so I moved around a lot to try to keep myself from blacking out.


At the end of the ride, that last little pop of air really throws you forward a lot. The only really bad part of the ride is the location of the onride camera. When I looked at my picture, I looked exactly how I would just sitting in a chair while having my picture taken, since that is the least exciting part of the ride.


I ranked the ride as my #3, just behind Millennium Force and Magnum XL 200.

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I had the pleasure of riding Goliath twice on Easter Sunday. I only waited 20 minutes each time (the crowds were really light.) I actually ended up waiting longer to get the crap beat out of me on Ninja than I did to enjoy all of that wonderful airtime on Goliath.

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  • 2 months later...

Let me try to explain this as best as possible. We were all wiped out from riding rides all day and my group decided to go home and return our gold Flashpass. We made our way to the exit and we all see that the exit had been blocked off. My group were wondering what happened so we look outside the gate and there is the whole Cobb county police department, ambulences, and firetrucks. We asked somebody what happened and they told us that 1 or more people had been shot in a drive-by shooting. 20 minutes later security let all of the people that were leaving out of the gate. My group started walking towards our car and there was a trail of blood going towards the parking lot next to the GA Cyclone and then there was crime scene tape at the re-entry gate where there was a pile of blood against the wall next to the re-entry gate. It was pretty bad, and the people or person went to the hospital.


If you live in Georgia like I do, watch Fox 5 at 10 for a description of what happened.

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^Typical here in Atlanta, AKA "The 'Hood"


Any city ghetto is called the hood. You'r not special :-P


Seriously, why are people so damn ignorant. We don't care if people try to show us if they are the biggest and baddest by trying to see who can kill who. Get a grip people, guests come to the park to have fun, not to get the $hit shot out of them. It really makes me mad that this happens so often. I mean, look at SFA they have had numerous shootings in the past years. Garsh it makes me angry.

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Not as bad but I saw a fight almost brew up today at SCBB. We decided to stop at the little corner market to save some money on sodas and sure enough, a group of guys comes in, one drunker than ever...(He looked like he rode one-to-many rides on the tea cups) and he couldn't walk. Another group of guys come in and the drunk dude's running his mouth...shoving is going on and I actually walked (Or plowed) my way through the middle of the fight. A few minutes later, the police had a hold of the guy and was finding out what was going on.

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