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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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i just went thru a ton of videos on the internet from BnM hypers and what makes all the others suck IMO is the BRAKE RUN. there's no reason for em, just make the hills larger... but our goliath, AWESOMe even if its running slow. this ride is so different from all the other rides in the park and towers em all. i love your vid, doug, from the "sams" parking lot, you can see how it towers over everything. 11 days, 9 hours and 45 min to the start of media day!!!

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I'm not trying to sound like a hater or anything but Raging Bull has a much more interesting layout than this one. I live in Southern California - San Diego to be exact, so no I'm not a fanboy of it either, but even when raging bull and Apollo's chariot runs empty, it takes the hills with a decent amount of speed especially Apollo's. I just hope the no Brake run and expected air time hype actually comes through because those video's did not look too thrilling to me. I know the video can't do total justice, but wow, those hills were kinda slow and on par with the other B&M hypers, sadly just not better. But regardless of what I have said, I still love that downward helix.

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I'm not trying to sound like a hater or anything but Raging Bull has a much more interesting layout than this one. I live in Southern California - San Diego to be exact, so no I'm not a fanboy of it either, but even when raging bull and Apollo's chariot runs empty, it takes the hills with a decent amount of speed especially Apollo's.



Kinda odd you say that. I've seen Apple's Chariot near-valley on two different occasions and I love AC too, but this is at least cresting hills with no worry of valleying. Should be gravy man. Worry not.

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I guess you could say it's cresting the hills just fine, but regardless, significant air time seems to be none-existant. I hope the extra weight make a difference. I'll be in Atlanta on May 28, so I should be able to take a ride or two and have a first hand experience and see how it really feels to me. Never the less this look like it might be the best coaster at the park by far. Goliath to me is a taller, faster, steel version of Scream Machine; I just hope it have at least half of the air time you get on that great woodie.


Goliath at Magic Mountain has 2 different speeds logged that all operaters of the coaster should know.


Empty - 83.7 mph

Average Load (4500Lb) - 85.3 mph


NO, I didn't pull these numbers out of my butt, they are located in the station's ride manual. I remember this because I used to be a prior operator of this coaster.


So maybe GA's version will have an increase in speed but I can't imagine that it would be that much more since Magic Mountain's version increases by less than 2 mph.

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I still say, show me someone who doesn't feel Goliath (SFoG) will not be easily a better coaster than Goliath (SFMM), and I'll show you someone who has never left Southern California.


It depends on what you consider better. SoCal's version is totally different from the Ga counterpart; they both have something different and unique to offer.


Goliath CA.- Designed by Giovinola, super smooth, has incredible speed, height, and an insane Twister portion that delivers a not so common dose of positive G's that NO other hyper has besides Titan.


Goliath GA.- Designed by B&M, no doubt will be smooth as well, has an out an back design that is brilliantly placed and very scenic, has loads of camel back humps (bunny hops) with the potential to deliver great air time.


Fun? Maybe, but I wouldn't really say exceptionally better because out and backs can be really boring to me when they are repetitive.


And just for the record, I've been all around the globe already, so yes I've been outside of Southern California.

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I still say, show me someone who doesn't feel Goliath (SFoG) will not be easily a better coaster than Goliath (SFMM), and I'll show you someone who has never left Southern California.


It depends on what you consider better. SoCal's version is totally different from the Ga counterpart; they both have something different and unique to offer.


Goliath CA.- Designed by Giovinola, super smooth, has incredible speed, height, and an insane Twister portion that delivers a not so common dose of positive G's that NO other hyper has besides Titan.


Goliath GA.- Designed by B&M, no doubt will be smooth as well, has an out an back design that is brilliantly placed and very scenic, has loads of camel back humps (bunny hops) with the potential to deliver great air time.


Fun? Maybe, but I wouldn't really say exceptionally better because out and backs can be really boring to me when they are repetitive.


And just for the record, I've been all around the globe already, so yes I've been outside of Southern California.



At the end of the day, we're just talking about people's preferences. Goliath (MM) is a fun coaster to me, please don't get me wrong, however I don't rate it highly because it's most notorious element is the helix... which just ISN'T that much fun. It's ok. But to me, I'd just as soon leave the "grey out" G forces for looping coasters. Goliath (SFoG), again TO ME, is more of what I prefer in a hyper. The people that voted felt the same way, as Nitro came in at #5, Appollo's Chariot #14, Raging Bull #29, and Goliath #35th.


For what it's worth, I'm not an absolute B&M nuthugger. Intamin hypers crush B&M hypers IMO, but hey, I'm just glad we're getting the second best option. The South was in DIRE need of ANYTHING tall.

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The helix and the Drop both are Notorious! When I was in New England and rode their Superman ride, I was actually scared a little. I thought it was really fun but the air time on that monster was out of control. Most of the time I like to hold my hands up and enjoy the ride, but on Superman, I was really intimidated because at any moment I thought I would fly out.

(That's how it felt to me)


Nitro is a similar coaster to Goliath in GA, and I just can't imagine it not remaining superior. Agreed, I am pleased that GA has a Large scale coaster too, but it's just up and down primarily with a helix in the middle.


Everyone has their preference and it seems most of you like air time from a hyper, but me on the other hand, I like speed and height from them. Nitro, Goliath MM, and Millenium Force are my three favs.

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So maybe GA's version will have an increase in speed but I can't imagine that it would be that much more since Magic Mountain's version increases by less than 2 mph.


After watching it test with two trains -- one empty, one with dummies - it's hard to imagine that the change is less than 2%. It is remarkable noticable.


Also, with that figure you used, the average weight for a rider would be 150 lbs and I don't think I've ever known a manufacturer to design a ride with such a low payload in mind.


This ride should be pretty fun. 8)

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That's why it's labled as Average. Actually all the Coaster dummies are to simulate an average weight of a 150lb person. So if you put 2 and 2 together you can see why it's labled as such. That's not really a low number considering significantly larger and smaller guest have the potential to not fit safely for the ride.


Anyway you look at it, you are going to have nearly a balanced train on most occasions with some diverse weights above and below the 150 mark.


By the way, it's great to hear that the dummies did make a difference with the Speed though.

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I hear ya, but those dummies were made specific for 150lbs and it's stamped on the back of them so you can't mistake it. I myself weigh 175 pounds but I can't recall at any moment ever seing a full train of adults riding. Most of the time I see a few adults in your weight range and then a lot of younger kids around 80 - 100 range, the 250+ range usually hope over to the exit platform or humiliate themselves by trying to lower the lapbar but fall short and have to leave the ride anyway.


Anyway I took the time to find something about the average Human weight and I found it very interesting


Female - 137 lbs

Male - 172 lbs

Average between the 2 is 154.5 lbs.

This was just food for thought


Info was derived from Wikipedia in the Physiology and genetics section http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humans

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I have talked to different park management that state they expect a 4-5 hour line easily. Keep in mind, the south hasn't really seen many rides of this size. It is a big deal. I have traveled around the US, so it isn't BIG to me, but I am definitely extremely excited about it. I will be there on Media Day, so the only thing I will be doing on opening day is filming for my documentary.

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