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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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WOW, spring break+awesome new ride= ABSOLUTE MADNESS. If I lived near SFOG, I would either spend the night in the parking lot or STAY AWAY. But good luck to everyone who tries....

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"Does anybody have a guess of how crowded it will be Sunday April 2nd, the day after it opens?"


Crystal Ball Says...................VERY!


I'm super impressed with the Station design; Looks great with those colors. I'm also excited for all you Georgian because you have a nice coaster at your whem! Sadly I wont get to ride until May 27th, but I'm glad to relish the goodness with you.


By the way, great PHOTOS!

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^We can't on media day:


"Any ACE member who attempts to film POV or other on-ride footage will be immediately escorted from the park an, if registered, will be suspended from attending Spring Fling".


So dont look for and POV's from any of us till it officially opens.


EDIT: Who all is going to Media day and opening day? We should get a TPR meet up going if there is enough people...


Colin"haha ESCORTED"C

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If you are going to Media Day please post in this thread!




If you are going to SFoG this Saturday or Sunday please post in this thread!





It will be interesting to see how many TPR members are going to be riding Goliath over the next couple of days!

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I've ridden Goliath 2 times and it has intense airtime!! We got there at 9 a.m. to queue for it and it was pouring down rain. I was bummed, but then they tested a train and the line started moving. You go up the lift hill and then you drop. I came completely out of my seat and then you go up the first hill and you come out of your seat again. Really, it was an amazing ride and I hope you guys get to ride it.

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I couldn't go because of the weather. What was Goliath like? I read somewhere that there is so much airtime, it kind of hurts. By the way, which rides were open? How much supports on Ninja are black? IF you have a pic of Ninja with black supports, could you please post it? Thanks.

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I rode it over 50 times on Thursday, but I wanted to be there again for opening day. We got there and all of the que houses were full, yet the line was at most, an hour long. This ride has the best capacity I have ever seen on any ride I have ridden, and that is a lot. If you think the line looks big, try it out, you will be suprised how fast it moves. It doesn't hurt whatsoever, it is smooth and the airtime is amazing. A great ride that no one will be disappointed with!

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