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This might be better for the random forum since it's not huge news, but still...


Lady Gaga gears up for theme park


SHE’S scared a fair few punters in her time – and now Lady Gaga wants to create her own “Monster Island” theme park.


The 25-year-old has begun brainstorming names for the rides including “little monsters”, “paparazzi”, “roller doll” and “freak mobile”. Sounds very Gaga.


She wants her pet project to be a main attraction in New York and a source said: “Think yellow snakes, aliens and zombies. The plans are still new as she’s just drawn up the ideas and discussed it with a few pals.


“But she wants the theme park to be rock ’n’ roll and bad ass so she is talking to Alice Cooper and wants him to get involved.”


That could be a theme park marriage made in hell because I’m told: “Alice loves theme parks, he’s a big kid at heart. He’ll do anything for Gaga, who dotes on him. They’ll both be in Blighty in mid-May so no doubt they’ll find time for brainstorming.


“Alton Towers approached Alice to do a horror ride so he has plenty of ideas. ”


In fact, Alice will be appearing as a hologram for a Jägermeister event there on May 11.






Not exactly the first theme you would think of for a park, but hey, if it was built I really can't imagine it would fail!

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I'm having trouble seeing Lady Gaga remaining relevant 10 years from now. A show or attraction (probably for Halloween) at an existing park (like the afore-mentioned Universal), yeah, and probably in the short term it would be really popular. A whole park would be an abortion of a business plan.

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I'm having trouble seeing Lady Gaga remaining relevant 10 years from now. A show or attraction (probably for Halloween) at an existing park (like the afore-mentioned Universal), yeah, and probably in the short term it would be really popular. A whole park would be an abortion of a business plan.


Dolly Parton isn't necessarily "relevant" anymore but she has a theme park. Madonna isn't "relevant" anymore but she still has a large fan base. To be honest, I could definitely see this working out, and I would definitely find myself there.

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Dolly Parton isn't necessarily "relevant" anymore but she has a theme park.


However, the rides at Dollywood aren't all about her. The park isn't particularly themed to her. Gagaland sounds like it would be themed to Gaga and her music videos. I'm not saying she couldn't run a theme park in ten years, but if it's heavily themed to Lady Gaga, it could lose popularity over time.

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I say, if the Lady has the $ (and interested investors)

and the interest and ideas to create

and build such a park, let her do it.


As Disney said (and IMhO to me, not just for DL),

"As long as there's imagination in the world..."

(partial quote, I know)


And to those who think that it wouldn't work, couldn't work,

and/or shouldn't be created...

Simple. Just don't come to the park when it opens.


Ro - Ro - Rollercoaster!


And I bet when Dolly first announced her DW plans, a lot of the planet went "WTF"?

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I'm having trouble seeing Lady Gaga remaining relevant 10 years from now. A show or attraction (probably for Halloween) at an existing park (like the afore-mentioned Universal), yeah, and probably in the short term it would be really popular. A whole park would be an abortion of a business plan.


Dolly Parton isn't necessarily "relevant" anymore but she has a theme park. Madonna isn't "relevant" anymore but she still has a large fan base. To be honest, I could definitely see this working out, and I would definitely find myself there.


Dolly Parton is a different situation altogether. She enjoyed decades of success before becoming co-owner of an existing park and re-naming it Dollywood in 1986.


Same with Madonna- decades of success.


The Potter franchise, around since '98 and in an altogether different realm of popularity than Lady Gaga will ever see recently opened a themed land within an existing park. I ask again, how and why does anyone think this is a good idea (Paparazzi: The Ride, really?)? Based on her two years of popularity? How can this be marketed towards families? (It can't)

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^That's another issue. Families are kinda the biggest market for amusement/theme parks right now. Much of Lady GaGa's act is not really appropriate for younger kids, which will make it hard to reach that market. I'm willing to bet that if you asked a handfull of parents if they would take their family to a Lady GaGa park, the majority of them would say no.


No offense to GaGa fans. But it's similar to the enthusiasts vs general public deal with parks. As much as some of us would love more intense coasters, the general public isn't ready for them, and because they are the larger portion of the attendance base, that's what companies need to appeal to in order to be successful.


I'm not saying she couldn't open a park. I just think that opening a park that's main theme is her and her music would not be the smartest idea in the long run.

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Maybe GaGa should get together with Disney


and create that Villains Park the company


famously rumored years ago,

with the idea/concept of creating it at WDW...


Just a suggest, lol.

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