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The Santa CLAW! Live Claw Machine - Crane Game!

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I'm currently in line 7 times all within 20 minutes of each other. Sometimes having multiple email addresses and Twitter accounts pays off! I got to see them refill the machine, they look so tiny in there!


I was also able to get in touch with Real Art Design and i'll be walking over there on Friday for a little bit and get a quick tour around the place. Any questions you want me to ask? Expect a Santa Claw photo trip report!


Ask them if they expected selfish people to occupy 7 spots and prevent others from getting in line.

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Maintenance scheduled for tomorrow:


[From Facebook]


Scheduled shutdown tomorrow morning: The elves are performing maintenance.


Line entry ends at midnight, and I'll be back up by noon. (If you do get in line tonight, you won't be kicked out.)



So basically, get in line before midnight tonight, or else you can't get back in line until tomorrow at noon!

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I'm about 38 minutes away, going to be an early game tonight. Played earlier, almost had a clear prize bubble. I somehow manage to keep catching one of the prongs on a neighboring ball, or my aim has been just that bad.


According to their Facebook, I guess they've already cut the lines off at midnight their time for some maintenance...Those who got in line just before midnight will still be able to play. Wonder what they're doing with it, maybe replacing worn parts? This thing has been consistently operating for the past couple weeks.


Anyone else notice it's been much easier to get in line now? The past several days, I've been able to get right in line without spamming the "Try Again" button. Also, with the release of LittleBigPlanet 2 yesterday, the Santa Claw has inspired me to make this contraption, which still has a few tweaks before I publish it online. It is a working crane game...I just have yet to figure out how to put objects in the prize bubbles to make the game worth playing (Objects in which people can use for their levels).


Yup, LBP Crane!

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It's been about two weeks since I have won now, I really hope that they do send me what I won within the next 2-3 weeks. I see that nobody has posted about receiving their prize yet so I still wonder if they really do send it to you despite being told many times they do. Just gotta have patience

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So the claw is all up and running. I got in line with only a 2 hour wait. So I get some work going and an hour later I'm down to an hour. I carry on with my work and a minute later I head back to my computer to find my turn was ready for me. I guess the queue had a massive fart and kicked a good 50 or so people out.

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