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Fun Spot America Discussion Thread

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  ernierocker said:


Anybody want to argue that this ride isn't going to be a GCI now???


I was just going to say, this roller coaster looks more like a Gravity Group coaster like Wooden Warrior + Twister. I will admit that this does look like a really fun coaster. I doubt it will bust into many people's Top 5's or Top 10's, but it sure will keep you laughing the whole ride.

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The waterpark took a budget hit I think. Could there be any reason at this late of date to have "place holders" for the waterpark. That is a very big downgrade, it's completely off my radar if that's what they are building. It might work fine for them but anything interesting about the original plan is gone. Maybe Splashtacular lost interest in the project.


The coaster looks like a lot of fun. I hope people ride it, The Hurricane seemed to always be empty.

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So I drove by Fun Spot today to see if anything was happening in the way of construction, and there really wasn't much. There are tons of stakes in the ground marking the layout of the GCI, and it pretty much looks like it runs parallel to the road all the way to the end of the property and back. They were taking core samples of the ground, however, and they had some trucks parked next to the field. So hopefully we see some land clearing beginning soon!

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Very exciting news everyone!


Today, we were sent some official news from Fun Spot Action Park about their new GCI woodie! Check it out....


Dear Robb,


In the past you have been kind enough to help Fun Spot get the word out about a number of different events or new attractions we have. We wanted to thank you by providing you information about one of our new roller coasters before it becomes public. Initially, the wooden (with steel supports) coaster that GCI was building for us was going to be “family Friendly’ and unique to Central Florida because of it’s wooden ride. However, as finances have permitted, we can develop a more challenging and thrilling coaster experience than we first planned on.


Below are some details about the new coaster and attached are 4 drawings of what GCI is presently building. This stills fits in with the Master Plan approved in March by the City Of Orlando. This coaster will be part of Rebranding to Fun Spot America, with a Vekoma steel suspension coaster and a 250 foot SkyCoaster, plus other family themed rides. The Grand Reopening will take place in February or March of 2013. This wood coaster will be called “White Lighting” and on clear night, you will see Moon shine off the steel struts. White Lighting will run parallel to two streets; Grand National and Touchstone.


White Lightning Stats:

Length= 2000ft

Height= 75ft

Max Speed= 48mph

Max drop= 58degress (world record coined “Claire Curve”)

Max bank angle= 90degrees (world record coined “Ariel Dive”)

Air time moments= apprx 18

Ride length= apprx 1:15min

Rumored by International Coaster Experts to become “the BEST coaster ride in Central Florida, maybe the world!!!”

Opening Feb 2013


I know am certainly looking forward to finally getting a quality wood coaster here in Orlando! What do you all think?


Layout pictures:










Edited by robbalvey
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That far turn-around looks amazing, and despite being a small-ish ride, the ride itself looks far better than most wooden coasters out there. This ride seems to push the smaller isn't always better to its limits, and the only other coaster that I think will be able to match this coaster is Timber Fall's Hellcat. Those of you in the Orlando area sure look like you'll be lucky to get this ride.

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This thing looks great. I'm happy to see more of these small "family" wooden coasters that still pack a punch. They're great looking. And that turnaround is gorgeous. Maybe I'll be able to get to Fun Spot and check it out when I'm (hopefully) in Orlando after New Years.

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It's beautiful...


Whilst i'm not typically a fan of out and back coasters, this just looks phenomenal and will be brilliant for Florida.

Good on Fun Spot for really pushing the boundaries with this one.

Here's hoping this coaster can really set this place on the map and rejuvenate the otherwise dying area of International Drive.


Cannot wait, it looks an total airtime beast

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