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The Off-Season Survival Thread

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For most of us, the end of October marks the end of the Theme Park season. So, how do you spend those cold months without coasters or theme parks?


So who else loves the fact that now we can just answer this question with... "riding Nitro"? February should be the only month with no operating days at local parks. ... gotta love it.

Exactly and I kind of find it amazing that it has got to the point where some of the parks in our region will only be closed for a month or two before opening back up again. Usually I would think these would be the last three weeks of the coaster season, but now with Six Flags and Hershey keeping most of their coasters open until New Year's Eve or the first week of January, it still feels a little like the middle of the season.

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So who else loves the fact that now we can just answer this question with... "riding Nitro"? February should be the only month with no operating days at local parks. ... gotta love it.

Can we lobby Six Flags for a "Valentine's At The Park" experience to change that empty calendar month?

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Does anybody have any idea what coasters will actually be open for SFGadv's Holiday in the Park? I know Hershey is only keeping Sooper Dooper Looper and Wildcat open. Hopefully Six Flags keeps something a little better open to justify the increased price of the tickets (18 bucks for Hershey compared to whatever SF is charging, which will probably be a lot)

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Well, with no local parks pretty much all year is off-season for me, with a couple of exceptions throughout the year when I'm travelling. So it's not that much different really, except it getting colder and a hell of a lot darker.


I do watch a lot of football (or soccer if you prefer to call it that) through the entire year, and with the Norwegian football season coming to an end in a few weeks, it's good to have a lot of other European football on TV to keep me entertained. Add some beer to that and I'm a happy boy.


I'll probably also spend the usual amount of time here on TPR!

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My off-season started after last night, after I went to Playland's (PNE) Fright Night, in Vancouver.

Nothing to do after this, except stay at home, get through the winter, and live vicariously through

all of you who still have year-round parks to go to, LOL.


As I left Fright Night, I took this parting shot of The Beast and Wave Swinger. 10:15pm

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Does anybody have any idea what coasters will actually be open for SFGadv's Holiday in the Park? I know Hershey is only keeping Sooper Dooper Looper and Wildcat open. Hopefully Six Flags keeps something a little better open to justify the increased price of the tickets (18 bucks for Hershey compared to whatever SF is charging, which will probably be a lot)

According to their press release posted on their website, there will be "nearly 30" rides open during HITP, and they have confirmed at least six coasters to be open, weather permitting:


- Nitro

- Batman: The Ride

- The Dark Knight Coaster

- Skull Mountain

- Superman: Ultimate Flight

- Green Lantern


They haven't yet posted a full list of exactly which rides will be open all in all, but you can read the press release here:


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That would seem to be the complete list. The only coasters I could see them adding to that list are Blackbeards and the Kiddy coaster. It sounds like they'll close off Golden Kingdom and anything beyond the boardwalk which could be done pretty easily.

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Is it sad that this thread depresses me??? It makes me realize that the off season really is here... I was hoping I could ignore that fact for a few more months... But no such luck. Looks like I will be spending a lot more time watching POV's.

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Six Flags Great Adventure is making it increasingly clear (now with a bonus weekend too) that they won't be having any of winter's crap this year. Thanks to Great Adventure for making the off season tolerable.


I just hope Holiday In The Park is successful enough for it to not be a 1 year event. It would be very nice every year knowing the offseason is less than 3 months.

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I usually plan a Disney trip or Disney cruise for the "off season". Bit of a shock to the system leaving Toronto in February at minus 25 degrees C and arriving in Florida or the Bahamas! It was more amusing this year with the cold and snow we had up North, the Floridians were telling us how "cold" it was at Disney at the time. All the Torontonians, New Yorkers and Bostonians were in shorts and t-shirts, while the locals were in long sleeves and long trousers!

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...and so the off-season has officially begun. It shouldn't be too bad for me since I have several other hobbies I'll be occupied with, but the off-season depression will still be kicking in sooner or later.

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