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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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^ Except that the layouts a total phony cuz' it looks like something I'd doodle in my Spanish class when I try to draw my own coaster designs.


Yeah remember when this **totally fake layout** with the same **terrible amateur drawing style** got leaked of Diamondback at KI like a year before the announcement?


Oh wait it turned out to be accurate.


I'm not saying that drawing is the new Alton coaster, but a lot of times someone will catch a glimpse of the layout and then recreate it from what they saw so they can get the scoop out there.


editz: ALSO the Diamondback diagram below came from the ECC magazine, and the Alton coaster diagram is on the ECC website. ECC is usually good at getting some insider info so take that for what it's worth.


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Man I'm really curious what it could be but if you look at the esteamted pricetag its gonna be big!!! Do the math 12million pounds is like 17million euros and around 20-23million dollars if I'm calculating correct. I've seen that Fahrenheit at Hersheypark costed 12million dollars and Intamins aren't cheap + its not a small one either and its about as much as diamondback costed and that one is huge. So it'll be very big or very high tech.

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Erm, whats a switchback?


It's a piece of track that you enter in one direction, stop and then return in the opposite direction. The difference between this and a shuttle coaster is that the track you return on will be different due to a switchtrack. If you've ever been on Expedition Everest, you can find one there.


I hope that helps

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^Except that element is labeled "Switch Backs."


I think it's safe to say that ECC put those labels on. Wes could be right - someone might have seen some "rough sketches" and then later recreated them using a computer program. They might very well be switchbacks, though, since one of them looks to be inside a building.

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^Except that element is labeled "Switch Backs."


I think it's safe to say that ECC put those labels on. Wes could be right - someone might have seen some "rough sketches" and then later recreated them using a computer program. They might very well be switchbacks, though, since one of them looks to be inside a building.


Could be & let's keep in mind that the Brits do have some rather odd terminology for things unlike how ours is here in the states.

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Does anyone know the exact maximum height. I'd say it's something

launched, like The Hulk but more compact.

Max height of permitted attractions at Alton? That's tree-level, whatever exact meterage that may be.


If your asking about the rider's height req't, I think we should see more about the ride first.

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^I think it's somewhere around 70 feet. No coasters at the park are taller than that currently, and that number sounds familiar (not that that really means anything) so I think that can give us a ballpark number to estimate the maximum height for this ride.

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Yeah. Thats what I thought. I swear names of elements only differ between companies. Such as, for sitting coasters, B&M would call a Corkscrew a 'Flat Spin' whereas Intamin would call it a 'Screw.' However, Britain has the same generic element names as the USA as far as I know. We say Corkscrew, Immelmann and Cobra Roll as much as Americans do.

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^There is a difference between a flat-spin and a corkscrew. While corkscrews seem to flow consistently through the inversions, flat-spins have a sort of 'snap' at the top, where the train is whipped over that point of the inversion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After looking at the planning application, it can be seen that the ride will be 22.8m or about 74 feet tall, steel with a lift hill and themed to a castle or maybe even the towers themselves. There is a section below ground level but whether that means a tunnel or just a cutting isn't clear at the moment.


Anyway, at the moment it isn't possible to tell what the 'world's first' is about this coaster but it looks great anyway - can't wait to ride it

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^According to the survey's Alton Towers sent out regarding the new addition, the coaster is themed to some sort of high speed chase through the woods. Exactly who or what was chasing you was interchangable in the survey (I believe it came down to bikers or robots).

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^I'm only repeating what information was provided in the surveys. One proposed theme had a coaster moving through the forest at high speeds. The question of what would be chasing you was posed in the survey, either themed to a robotic chase or a motorcycle chase. That is what was given, but I'm not saying that this is the theme that will actually be used, just what was proposed in the survey.

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Well anything is possible in that area of Alton Towers. You have a female drag racer driving around Prehistoric times for a start.


Robots chasing you from a haunted building sounds quite cool and plausible..

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