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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

p. 235: Nemesis Reborn announced for Spring 2024!

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I think a park with a boomerang or other vekoma should buy it (preferably Pleasurewood Hills - my home park) and use it as the front car on the ride. That way people could still enjoy it.


It seems like it's really popular - 56 bids with the highest one currently at £1650 - $2378 at todays exchange rate.


EDIT: The auction ended yesterday. It ended up going for £7300 or $10606. Someone must've really loved that coaster to pay that much for the front car

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Any one else see this on Screamscape?



Maybe it's some stats of the new coaster?

Sounds very interesting if all these elements are included!!


I did not even realize a vekoma tilt coaster was in the cards. That sounds what it is in the last thing mentioned of what a coaster can do.

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well, tilting could jsut be the GP expression for sloped track? Or it's some other form of tehcnological innovention.


I dunno. =\


I do know that the people living around Alton are not the most forgiving folks, and I can't see alton breaking the skyline rule they've spent so much time and money to avoid breaking all these years.

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Parks will almost always find a way to solve spacial problems though, or maybe this is a new design of tilt coaster.I myself would actually be pretty surprised if it is a tilt coaster, because all of Alton's past secret weapons were very innovative. Nemesis(One of 2 inverts with a ground hugging layout) AIR(Worlds first flyer I believe) Oblivion(First vert drop coaster)


I am in agreement that it may actually be a robo coaster, cause whatever it is it will be innovative. I guess well know soon enough, has anyone successfully even made a prototype? We have Knights Tournament in California which is the robo without the coaster part, but the ride would need to be nearly forceless unless they dont want the robo part to do much.

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^ I think Air was the first B&M flyer in the world, not the very first flyer, but I'm sure someone else will be able to confirm that.

Regarding the robo-coaster, I'm sure I've read (both in this thread and another thread) that Universal currently hold the 'exclusive rights' for a robo-coaster which is rumoured to be going in at Islands of Adventure in the Harry Potter land, so I would be surprised if one ended up here - but not implausible I guess, going on AT's record on getting new & innovative roller coasters.

Regarding the space issue, the height limit, as I understand, is pretty much non-negotiable, but this again meant that rides have been innovative & ground hugging.


Either way, can't wait!

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First flyer was Stealth(which was then moved and renamed Borg).


As for a tilt coaster - a tilt coaster can't really be very ground hugging unless Alton Towers is subject to a spontaneous earthquake that creates a large cliff in the park. Plus they already have a verticla coaster that goes undergroudn so redoign that would be redundant.


I figured it was a robocoaster too untill I read abotu the universal agreement.



Wasnt there a thread not long ago that showed 4 potential ideas alton towers is going with? Can't we see that for a refference?

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  • 2 weeks later...
A layout for SW6 at Alton Towers has appeared on the European Coaster Club website today, make of it what you will....



I don't think this will be Secret Weapon 6.

Air and Nemesis have a much more impressive layout compared to this new rollercoaster.


And if you want to compare this with Expedition Everest. This new rollercoaster looks like a kiddie coaster.

And also Revenge Of The Mummy is much more a rollercoaster then this thing.

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I highly doubt that a track layout would have been leaked this far in advanced of the opening. I mean, we still don't know much either about the IOA plans, why would we get a track layout for this already.


Plus, that looks too easy. I don't know what about it, but it looks fake to me. Until I hear better sources, I don't think that's it.

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^ Agreed, I highly doubt this is the layout, unless it is a crazy coaster like a robo. I believe that this is either a trick or some kind of new coaster layout that would work on this layout. Every other secret weapon has been a major coaster, so I would be very surprised if this was not major. Especially with the recent closure of corkscrew.

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I think the layout doesn't mean there's going to be switchbacks. Those could be just innelmans or dive loops from above. Having a dive loop right before the breaks also reminds me a bit of Mystery Mine... maybe that can lead us of on some thought...

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