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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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A backwards launch has been done multiple times before.


Heck, Arrow were doing it 30 years ago!


However, I wouldn't be surprised if they fobbed us off with a backwards launch as a Worlds First (think, something that has been done before but improved/done by a different manufacturer described as a World First... sounds a lot like Air!).


And I'm not sure these are dummy plans... I didn't think the Gloomy Wood coaster plans were ever submitted for permission, they were just released. If I'm wrong, fair enough, I may just be remembering incorrectly. But, I only ever remember seeing them on fansites...

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I'm still routing for some track movement like on Winjas / A turntable thingy. The train enters the station building for the first time very high up, then comes out of a trench lower down and to the side.


Obviously the train has to turn around somehow? That or its some crazy Maurer Sohne inversion.. (please god no!)

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Does that launch you backwards? Boy, I have a poor memory, I only rode that 2 and-a-half years ago...


Yeah. It's VERY weak (so is the forwards 'launch' as well though), but, it definitely accelerates you backwards. Obviously, the same goes for the clones and the one or two others that still remain.


Also, the Mummy at USH has a backwards launch if we're going for a complete list, lol. That's probably the strongest one around if I'm not wrong?


And the Impulses!


I think that's all, lol.

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^Is mummy a shuttle coaster?


If yes, than this could be the first continuous circuit coaster with a backwards launch...


Also, see how many coasters launch you backwards? It clearly is possible...


Nope, Mummy is full-circuit.


Yeah, it does mean it's possible, but not a World First. It could however just be that it's the World's First ______ with a backwards launch.

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hey! I just came across this forum and had to register.


I'm just gonna say...


...I cannot give exact details because of risking my job but with my knowledge of Merlin they tend to buy rides in pairs from the manufacture and get discounts for it. Supposedly buy one get one free? I cannot provide evidence so take it if you want or not.


I'd like to say that the planning app claims noise tests have been caried out on a very similar ride at thorpe. Also check out the drawings on the plan app link and you'll see the drawings were originally made August 06.


=D x

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Is the reverse portion of the Mummy LIM driven or is it wheel driven? It isn't that powerful. So you don't need too much momentum to get the ride moving pretty quickly. And for some reason I recall some sort of squealing like rubber from a tire or something like that.


Joey, can you fill in these blanks for me.


Any way, this coaster intrigues me. I look forward to seeing it's progress.

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To be honest, the only manufacturer we can properly rule out at this stage is Togo!


It could be anybody. Who's to say B&M haven't been working with AT on another new concept. B&M have never done anything such as trick track, and haven't introduced a new ride type since Air in 2002. In fact, B&M have never done anything other than coasters with a good old fashioned lift hill (excluding Hulk, but then the launch wasn't done by B&M). Times have changed, so maybe B&M have decided its time to do the same!


I'm not saying it is B&M, as I still have my money on Vekoma. But then again it could be intamin, mack, Gerstlaur, Premier, Maurer...

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I'll bet £0.01 / $0.01 / €0.01 it will be from Gerstlauer.

Like a previous post mentioned Tussauds / Merlin have seemed to of got some of there coasters in pairs.

Ones I can easiler relate like this are


Air - Alton Towers & Nemesis Inferno - Thorpe Park

Spinball Whizzer - Alton Towers & Dragon's Fury - Chessington

Rita - Alton Towers & Stealth - Thorpe Park


I know there not coasters, but in a simular vain the 2 S&S rides at Thorpe Park.


Paul 'Wishes its a Togo' Chapman

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If AT were to get a Gerstlauer, I'd put my money on it going in the black hole tent. SW6 is supposed to have a capacity of 1200ph, which suggests a train length of 16+ capacity, and I none of their current coasters (at least adult coasters) have actual 'trains'. Correct me if i'm wrong, of course!


Which manufacturers have previously done switch/trick track? Maurer, vekoma, premier, S&S? Any I'm missing out?

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If AT were to get a Gerstlauer, I'd put my money on it going in the black hole tent. SW6 is supposed to have a capacity of 1200ph, which suggests a train length of 16+ capacity, and I none of their current coasters (at least adult coasters) have actual 'trains'. Correct me if i'm wrong, of course!


Which manufacturers have previously done switch/trick track? Maurer, vekoma, premier, S&S? Any I'm missing out?


Actually, think it may very well be Premier. I can see it being a combination of Italian Job and Mummy.


Just because Tussauds / Merlin tend to get coasters in pairs, it doesn't mean they have to do it this time. Also, didn't Tussauds recently sell the park to another company, or am I mistaken? Wouldn't this mean AT is on their own? Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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^The whole of the ex-Tussauds chain is now owned by Merlin Entertainment

hey! I just came across this forum and had to register.


I'm just gonna say...


...I cannot give exact details because of risking my job but with my knowledge of Merlin they tend to buy rides in pairs from the manufacture and get discounts for it. Supposedly buy one get one free? I cannot provide evidence so take it if you want or not.


I'd like to say that the planning app claims noise tests have been caried out on a very similar ride at thorpe. Also check out the drawings on the plan app link and you'll see the drawings were originally made August 06.


=D x

Well if what you say is true that rules out SAW, the date is too early, Stealth since they already have Rita, Nemesis Inferno since they already have Nemesis, leaving only Collosus or X:\ WTF. I would be surprised if Alton Towers put in either of those two.

My bet is some form of shuttle with some special quality so it can claim 'Worlds First'.

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I just came up with this, why can't it be a 4D coaster with a launch??

It would be really exciting, and the new trains S&S made for X2 are great, maybe they came up with a new loading-unloading system to increase capacity. Who knows, I'll pray

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I really have no clue as to what this coaster is going to be at the moment, however i am betting it on being a big installation as the other SW's have been!


Also from what DExter said... i think i would like to draw peoples attention to the word SIMILAR when they are talking about the noise tests. From this im trying to say that the ride we are getting at AT might not be the same make of coaster (a Gerstlauer) as the SAW ride they are getting at Thorpe. So they did the noise tests on a similar coaster in thorpe park but not one that is the same as the one we are getting at AT.

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I just came up with this, why can't it be a 4D coaster with a launch??

It would be really exciting, and the new trains S&S made for X2 are great, maybe they came up with a new loading-unloading system to increase capacity. Who knows, I'll pray


look at the plans!? The size of the plans really dont look big enough for it to be a 4D coaster.

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