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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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look at the plans!? The size of the plans really dont look big enough for it to be a 4D coaster.


The trains on 4d coasters are heavy and it would be hard to get them over the hills. Also, they usually have Raven turns and the plans don't have the supports required on barrel rolls. Besides, somewhere they said that this ride is more family-oriented than the other SWs, and 4d is not exactly what comes to mind when you say family.

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There is also no 'third rail' on the plans, which turns the trains on a 4D coaster.


I could see alton going for a 'different' riding position, ala Jet Rescue. Every new coaster AT get has a gimick to it. They have inverted, flying, launched, spinning, powered, vertical. Something like a motorbike style seating position could easily be done looking at the plans. Add to that a tilt or switch track and Alton DO technically have a worlds first on the cards.

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Here's the Robo Coaster promo video for anyone who might've missed out on it:




The music is pretty cool too.


The last product at the end, the one that's an actual coaster, is the one that caught my attention the most...the other flat rides I believe already exist at Legoland. The track looks a lot like B&M track...If it turns out that its marketed as a "B&M 4D coaster" (with the RoboCoaster trains) I might need a tissue...


Though I must admit, there is one thing that I think could end up describing that ride...



Still, it could be freakin' sweet if one with raven turns and hearltine rolls gets built!!

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^I dunno, I think it's clear from the layout that even if it was *exactly* the same ride type as X (it won't be, lol, just, humour me), it still won't ride like X because it... well, does something


I don't understand the whole noise test on X thing though, it does seem a little odd cause the plans don't show the track being anything like X and if it was a Vekoma, it'd almost certainly use the new track type... surely? I really don't think it's going to be too similar to X, I wouldn't worry about it.

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Here's the Robo Coaster promo video for anyone who might've missed out on it:


The last product at the end, the one that's an actual coaster, is the one that caught my attention the most...the other flat rides I believe already exist at Legoland. The track looks a lot like B&M track...If it turns out that its marketed as a "B&M 4D coaster" (with the RoboCoaster trains) I might need a tissue...


That's not B&M track -- it's made by AMEC. It's the same style track that AMEC used to retrack Disneyland's Space Mountain:


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I found this on Screamscape.com

Planning - (1/29/09) According to this news article reprinted at Alton Towers Almanac the proposed 2010 coaster for Alton Towers may be delayed due to claims that the coaster may extend into a historic area where an “Iron Age hill fort” may exist. While a crew will come out to investigate, Alton claims that the fort is nowhere near the new ride zone and is actually on the opposite end of the proposed site.

You can read the full article here:


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  • 2 weeks later...

^Thats not actually that bad an idea. Planning applications have to go through various stages. If people managed to demonstrate to the council how important this new ride could be for Alton Towers' Future then it could be quite important. Every little helps

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^or those who go to Alton Towers could argue that the noise from the Ropers' pottery factory is making it difficult to enjoy your day at the park. Do to them what they do to Alton Towers. Another thing that might work is to show up at a town meeting and say to the locals that "unless you lived in Alton before the park opened, then don't complain."


I'm sure that the coaster will still get built though because:

1. it will be away from the historic building that locals said would be destroyed

2. the ride will probably be filled with sand reducing noise

3. few trees will supposedly be removed

4. if I remember correctly, the local government is starting to realize that the locals will do whatever it takes to get the park closed(most recent time Ropers complained about noise)

5. won't the ride will be smaller height wise than corkscrew

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  • 4 weeks later...



From Towerstimes.co.uk

Alton Towers new rollercoaster for the 2010 season has been approved, just minutes ago, by Staffordshire Moorlands District Council. The ride, which will replace the Corkscrew, is dubbed to have world first features and has been codenamed "Secret Weapon Six".
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Here is an article from The Sentinel on the news.



Plans went before Staffordshire Moorlands District Council today and were approved unanimously.

Councillors were told the new ride code-named 'Secret Weapon 6' was essential to enable the Staffordshire theme park to retain its number one status.

The ride is “world-first”, and is expected to attract an extra 100,000 visitors to the park once opened.

Head of development at the attraction, Mark Kerrigan, who is also chairman of Destination Staffordshire, said: “The Corkscrew was the most iconic ride of its generation and this will be as good if not better.

“We are fundamentally aware of the limits on noise and height and we have worked very hard to ensure that it will not cause any environmental harm.”

The new ride will be built in the park's Ug Land area and could open next year. It will be at a track height of 20 metres, about 1.7 metres lower than the Corkscrew.

A large section of the track will run through woodland known as Abbey Wood and part of the ride will take passengers in reverse.

Nearly 100 letters of objection were lodged with the district council including complaints that the ride will extend into protected woodland and encroach on the area of an Iron Age hill fort.

Councillor John Fisher raised concerns about the impact on Abbey Wood, which provides a protective screen to the Churnet Valley.

But he said: ”Alton Towers needs this ride to attract new punters and if they do not get new punters their business will go down.

“We need Alton Towers. It is one of our three major employers and without it there would be a lot of people out of work.”

Read more in tomorrow's Sentinel and on www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk


This is great news! Can't wait for more details to get released and then finally getting to follow an AT construction project.

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