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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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according to the design and access statement it'll be hydraulic powered.
In which document does it say that?


If this is an Intamin then a hydraulically powered friction wheel launch over the lift is a possibility.

It could also say that hydraulics will be used for the switch tracks etc...

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So, then the question still begs, what is going to be new and unique about this ride? What will make this a first of its kind? Could it be a new concept of an Aquatrax? Or is it a Vekoma? We got a layout, but we still have to figure out what's going on with this thing.


Edit: Did it say it was going to be a hydraulic launch on the lift? cause it could have hydraulics on the switch backs or for when it goes inside the building.

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Well, the new and revolutionary things could be the switchbacks...

They've been used before, but not really in Europe...

At least I can't think of a coaster in Europe that would use switchbacks...


Well, they could be used with a different track style...

Like Intamin Megalite...

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I like the sounds of this. To me, AT has never bested Nemesis. They haven't come even close. Air, Rita, and Oblivion are fun in their own ways, but they lack the pure awesomeness and originality that went into Nemesis. I'm looking forward to hearing the backstory for this ride. It sounds like they'll put as much energy into the atmosphere of the ride as the ride itself - which is truly what separates the epic rides from the plain old coasters.

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OK, here's my take on it.


For sound level testing, X:/ No Way Out has been marked as a 'similar' roller coaster - mostly because it's indoors, but it may also indicate the track is the same (different track = different noise), so perhaps we're looking at a Vekoma?


Also, does X:/ use several, smaller trains running at once? Maybe this will also be a characteristic of the new coaster, as the noise survey makes note of how many vehicles were on the track at any one time.


Lots of comments are made about the reduction of noise coming from the lift hill of the old corkscrew, but no mention of 'new' noise, so a launch roller-coaster certainly looks likely - that or a quite lift hill!


'Replacement of Corkscrew will eliminate the characteristic motor whine associated with the lift'


It also mentions that track will weave through well-wooded areas, so that's pretty much confirmed.


Found some more info from the Habitat Survey:

Clearance work in the wooded areas (just low level, not trees) is due to start this month.


AT have also committed to laying track within the wooded area outside of bird-nesting season which is September - March, so we may start seeing track around September, which would fit the 2010 Launch time scale.

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Lots more detailed plans have been put up, clearly showing the layout and track type etc.


To me, the shape of the hills and turns and the use of bi-rail heavily suggest a Mega-Lite. This then matches up with the station, which is slightly shorter than Rita's, and would be perfect if it was a four car Intamin train. If it was a ML with switchbacks, that would also take care of the World First thing.


The other viable option I can see is a Premier coaster, think Maximum RPM... but, one that works. If it does the rumored backwards launch this would fit in with Premier, but, I then don't see how it could be a World First? And I really hope it's not a Premier, I just don't trust them to make it as well as Intamin would.


Another option I see is Gerstauler, but we can rule out Spinner and Eurofighter, and that doesn't leave a huge amount of options...


I personally think we can rule out Vekoma as well, the track style doesn't match recent Vekomas of a similar scale (think Tibidabo's new coaster), nor does it match that of their Mine Trains.


It's interesting, to say the least, and we can certainly rule out some things now (like Eurofighter, a significant launch etc.). I'm just not sure I hold too much faith in it being an excellent ride though...

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Just want to be side of caution here, Alton Towers have in the past submitted plans for coasters / attractions that were just ideas.


As an example does anyone remember the plans for Vekoma launched coaster in the woods close to Duel ?


I'm not saying these new plans are not the new coaster, but just wanted to say don't be surprised if it turns out to be something else.


Whatever it maybe, I look forward to it & seeing it's construction.

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I've come to the conclusion it's a megalite...


Clickety Click


You ca tell the heighth of the track by the width of the barcing...

The first helix is almost on the ground, so the bracing isn't that wide...

The next section is probably a hill, it doesn't have any bracing...

Is there a valley there? becouse that could indicate a descent not far from the ground...

Anyway, the next is a short turn, another hill, and another short turn.

Than the double S section looks suspiciously like this...

See the double S?

than another hill, and a turn, that would lead into the switchback...

the train would than travel backwards through that helix. Which is the only thing that bothers me... Why so drawn out? You can see it's larger than the first helix... The only reasonable thing that comes to my mind is a backwards launch...

But, it's probably not gonna happen...


Well, that's basically how I imagine the layout...

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