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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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It's just disappointing that Merlin cannot come up with exciting new ride concepts. It's another horror themed attraction that a lot of people will not pay for if it is an upcharge. Alton Towers has never particularly had a 'horrible history', so I'm sceptical about how unique the attraction will be to the park.


The location is awful - in a kids area between the bright and colourful Burger Restaurant and the rest of Cloud Cuckoo Land.

Edited by Baffles
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So I was thinking of going to Alton Towers in March as I have never been there before But then I checked the opening times... Only open from 10:00 to 16:00 and closed on Wednesdays So I have decided to go back to Efteling instead... This place really seems to be going downhill. Closing a theme park at 16:00 Is just ridiculous to me, and must be putting people (including me), off from visiting and rather go somewhere else

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So I was thinking of going to Alton Towers in March as I have never been there before But then I checked the opening times... Only open from 10:00 to 16:00 and closed on Wednesdays So I have decided to go back to Efteling instead... This place really seems to be going downhill. Closing a theme park at 16:00 Is just ridiculous to me, and must be putting people (including me), off from visiting and rather go somewhere else


Yeah, I find it pretty odd how parks close so early Monday-Thursday. I'd thinking that it would make sense to only open parks early Saturday-Sunday, and holidays, and close pretty late Monday-Friday. I think that fairs and beachside parks are like that. The parks could get a much better after work patronage than they could people burning off PTO just to go to the park for a day.

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So I was thinking of going to Alton Towers in March as I have never been there before But then I checked the opening times... Only open from 10:00 to 16:00 and closed on Wednesdays So I have decided to go back to Efteling instead... This place really seems to be going downhill. Closing a theme park at 16:00 Is just ridiculous to me, and must be putting people (including me), off from visiting and rather go somewhere else

I didn't manage to get there last season because the park was either closed, or I knew it would be packed. Even with Wickerman there, I don't feel I really missed it. With the park closed on off peak days, the short opening times, staggered ride openings and the number of closed rides, it seems to be very difficult to avoid the queues. I prefer just to fly to the continent and visit some of the parks there instead.

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When I visited the park in June, once they saw how crowded it was, they increased their hours to close at 17:00 but it is still pretty bad. Wicker Man was even closed for 6 of those hours, and that entire time, the lift chain was on, all the effects were still working, it seemed like the ops just left the ride running, and some of the ops don't seem to care about their rides. Hopefully they get some better management.

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I loved everything about Alton Towers except the hours. Even on a day with no crowds, it was hard to ride all the major rides simply because of how large and spread out that park is.


The other annoying part is that basically everything at the resort closes with the park- mini golf, hotel water park, etc.

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The other annoying part is that basically everything at the resort closes with the park- mini golf, hotel water park, etc.


This is what killed me the most!!!


You pay a premium to stay at the resort, the park closes at like 4 or 5pm...and so does EVERYTHING ELSE!!! Keep some stuff open for the resort guests.

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^ Yes the Alveys paid a bunch for us to have a "WaterPark Party" (at the hotel park) after our park visit, during our 2010 UK trip. And I know they would have paid a bunch less, if the waterpark was open later, after the themepark closed???


p.s. Elissa & Robb for that. I couldn't do the waterpark stuff, but the parkside party w/cocktails rawked!

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If the park closed at like 10 or 11, I'd understand things being closed by the time you leave the park but 4 or 5 is just asinine.


I still think it's worth staying on-site for the morning ERT and the hotels are nice, but the resort as a whole has the potential to be so much better if they didn't cut back on hours.

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^ And if they had better operations. Rita's ride ops were nasty during my visit, and Galactica was running one train on one side, switching back and forth with VR. I already explained my experience with Wicker Man in a post higher up on the page.

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If you want to recreate the disappointment of the Fyre Festival, you can now do so by booking an optimistically named 'Star Gazing Pod', Alton Towers' latest accommodation offering. For around £100 a night (plus £10 for towels), you can now truly say you're happier than a pig in mud thanks to their similarity with farmyard pig shelters.


In other news, Merlin have announced Nemesis Sub-Terra and Twirling Toadstool (Waveswinger) are both now permanently closed. Nemesis Sub-Terra was pretty poor in the first season, but I quite enjoyed it once they made some improvements.


The Alton Towers Dungeon is new, however, replaces Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, and will cost £7.50 on top of the £56 entrance fee (which has gone up from last year, naturally).


Image: TowersStreet


Image: Not TowersStreet

Edited by KarlaKoaster
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If you want to recreate the disappointment of the Frye Festival, you can now do so by booking an optimistically named 'Star Gazing Pod', Alton Towers' latest accommodation offering. For around £100 a night (plus £10 for towels), you can now truly say you're happier than a pig in mud thanks to their similarity with farmyard pig shelters.


This is the best description of this new "Offering" HAHAHAHAHA

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If you want to recreate the disappointment of the Fyre Festival, you can now do so by booking an optimistically named 'Star Gazing Pod', Alton Towers' latest accommodation offering. For around £100 a night (plus £10 for towels), you can now truly say you're happier than a pig in mud thanks to their similarity with farmyard pig shelters.


In other news, Merlin have announced Nemesis Sub-Terra and Twirling Toadstool (Waveswinger) are both now permanently closed. Nemesis Sub-Terra was pretty poor in the first season, but I quite enjoyed it once they made some improvements.


The Alton Towers Dungeon is new, however, replaces Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, and will cost £7.50 on top of the £56 entrance fee (which has gone up from last year, naturally).

This is fantastic.

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In other news, Merlin have announced Nemesis Sub-Terra and Twirling Toadstool (Waveswinger) are both now permanently closed. Nemesis Sub-Terra was pretty poor in the first season, but I quite enjoyed it once they made some improvements.


The Alton Towers Dungeon is new, however, replaces Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, and will cost £7.50 on top of the £56 entrance fee (which has gone up from last year, naturally).


Could it be the sub terra towers have been re used in this dungeon? The ride wasn’t that old to be scrapped and I think the London dungeon have the same tower for a hangman’s ride or at least one similar in that you load at the top of the tower and get dropped below.

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Ok so this is not specifically Alton Towers, but its too good to not post. At 1:30 in this video the Chief Executive Officer of Merlin Entertainment says: "One of the things that I think Merlin leads the whole world in at the moment is themed accommodation. I think we do it better than anybody else"... What have this guy been smoking What about Disney, Universal, Europa Park, Phantasialand, Efteling, Port Aventura, even Fårup sommerland have better accommodation!


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