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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Holiday World is making itself known lately in the last few years. The park has grown tremendously over the years. I love Splashin Safari, one of the best waterparks in the world, and the Voyage is just amazing, actually put them on the map.


I think this is a good addition to HW. Thrilling, yet family friendly, but not to terrifying.

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The people are definitely going to be talking about it, and apparently they already are! I never hear the end of it about ShieKra over here, so what makes you think that they won't talk about it over there.


In Holland over here they don't even know legendary coasters such as ShieKra.

They can only talk about the great, great Goliath wich is almost shorter then this insane water ride will be!

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Pilgrims Plunge has gone vertical! The first piece of steel to be installed was the very last section of the drop before the splashdown. (The first support has also been installed.)



PLUS, lots of work has been going on with the queue building, and I'm positive this will look amazing when finished.




(Photos taken by Lisa at HW)

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