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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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I feel as though Holiday World has really been putting this project on the back burner since the tragic loss of Mr. Koch and I really don't blame them. I hope they will be ready soon for the sake of everyone, but if the cars are either dangerous or not running correctly I agree with them working on them longer.

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I haven't heard anything from Holiday World about the new Timberliners. This is the latest from their Facebook page.
Bailey: when are the timberline trains for the Voyage getting put in?

Holiday World & Splashin' Safari: Sorry, we don't know yet.

I have heard a rumor that they won't be ready until August though. Like any new product, they are running into a couple problems, specifically the suspension. Again, just a rumor that i've heard.

Well, good thing that these trains aren't an Intamin product otherwise people would just be unfairly bashing them like crazy.



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This just in from Paula regarding the Timberliner trains:


Timberliners Update: Our friends at The Gravity Group (Gravitykraft) are continuing their work on refinements to the new train design. Since we’re in full throttle with the season, we will not have sufficient chunks of time for testing until we’re back to weekends-only operation. We'll keep you updated with progress as we move into "weekends-only" after August 15. Thanks for your patience -- they'll be worth the wait! Meanwhile, The Voyage is running great using the original trains. :0)

Thanks, Paula

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I can certainly accept riding Voyage with PTCs. I think of it as kind of coincidental that I'm visiting the year they were scheduled to debut--basically, they would've been like a bonus. (Although of course, I had been looking forward to them.)

My only concern is the roughness I've heard so much about. It would've been great to be able to ride in trains that reduce that.

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I always feel so contrarian around here...but I'm still worried about the new trains (especially the 'crotch horn'). Who knows? Maybe this delay will give some people one last chance to ride The Voyage during what will be looked back on as its golden age.

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I always feel so contrarian around here...but I'm still worried about the new trains (especially the 'crotch horn'). Who knows? Maybe this delay will give some people one last chance to ride The Voyage during what will be looked back on as its golden age.


You may have a point. PortAventura's Stampida was supposedly a halfway good coaster before its new trains. I hope the timberliners don't make The Voyage worse, but I guess you never can tell till they actually run on the coaster.

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Another rumor from the park today. It seems like things are close to dialed in on the first Timberliner train and it only needs 100 more laps of testing to go, but they want to test both Timberliner trains at the same time so they'll need to wait until August to do so. The second train isn't put together on the transfer track yet. I rode the Voyage today and I absolutely loved it! It was very intense and packed full of airtime, but I could see why they got the new Timberliners.

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After riding The Voyage the other day, along with 5 friends, we all agreed that it has gotten to the point of being unrerideable. (Is that a word?)


It still maintains its spot as my favorite wooden coaster, as the shear intensity, airtime, and speed are unmatched by anything else I've ridden...but this time, the constant jackhammering/roughness was almost too much to bear (especially near the beginning of the turnaround, and in the valleys of the 3 main hills). Each of us came off the ride with long-lasting headaches, and felt no desire to get a second ride in that day. This is the second time we have had these feelings, as we had the same reaction after our visit a few weeks ago.


Needless to say, we are all anxiously awaiting the new trains, and are very thankful to live relatively close to such a nice park run by people who really care about the guest experience.

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Wow, I'm really surprised to hear about any serious roughness or jackhammering on Voyage. Especially after the reports I read about Hollywood Nights and how great it was running during the events. I didn't hear any complaints from the few reports I read about roughness, only about how great is was running. I know that it was very aggressive on my last visit a few years ago, but most of that wasn't due to roughness just shear speed, intensity, and airtime. Seems like they'll need to do some work on it, again, if it that bad in only 1.5 months after the event. I fear that by adding these trains maybe they'll do less work on the track itself, which would be a bad thing.

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^^ I've never ridden the Voyage so cannot make a opinion on your opinion, but...


Was it hot outside? At KD, If it is above 90 degrees I won't touch any of KD's woodies.


Rebel Yell has been at its smoothest in years but I will jackhammer you to death if its 95 degrees outside.


Also, Did the train feel like it was rolling funny? I know on Grizzly that the Orange train didn't do to well with its rehab in the offseason. Its not connecting to the track correctly or the wheels aren't lining up, IDK, but it is producing some terribly rough rides. The yellow train is just fine though.


Just curious.

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Here's my opinion on The Voyage. I rode it this past weekend and absolutely loved it! The first time I rode it in the back row on the red train. The ride is rough in the back, but an intense kind of rough and not so much a painful rough. The airtime is all over the place and there were a ton of forces on you. I also rode it in the front row on the blue train which provided a smoother ride compared to the back. Still rough, but better. Maybe I was just having too much fun, but I didn't notice much jack-hammering. I did have a slight headache when I got off, but that went away very quick. It's my new number one woodie and will be even better with the new Timberliners!

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To the people saying Voyage is un-re-rideable. The front seat of every car is much smoother than the back seat of a car. The front seat of the first car is the most smooth seat on the ride and offers the best airtime IMO. If it's still too rough for you, ride in Ravage. Ravage is smoother, but slower and has less airtime. I prefer the blue train over Ravage because roughness doesn't bother me.

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Just to add some details about my last visit to the park/rides on the Voyage...


We rode the coaster twice that day, once on the original train, and once on the Raven train. My favorite seat on any wooden coaster is the second from the back (non-wheel seat...and best place to get airtime on first drops), so that is where I rode both times. Temps ranged from 82-85 degrees that day (cooler than it has/had been).


The Voyage does give much smoother rides in the front seat...but I prefer the airtime and extra intensity experienced near the back of the train. However, in its current condition, it's getting pretty unreridable back there.


I've ridden the coaster well over 100 times now, and from my personal experience, it is getting progressively worse. Still amazing...but much less pleasant.

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