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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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For those who stopped voting, Wildebeest has fallen way behind Noah's Ark's Scorpion's Tail. It's now nearly 3000 votes (out of over 28000 votes cast) and 10% behind. Nothing else has garnered even one tenth of one percent of the vote.


I voted for it, though I admit to being kind of torn. They're both great rides, though very different.


If I were to go on sheer intensity, then Scorpion's Tail would definitely win. What's probably getting the masses to vote for Scorpion's Tail is the fact that they've incorrectly labelled it a "looping" water slide because of an overbanked turn. Yeah, technically it's a sideways loop. but by that argument most of the water slides in the world have at least one sideways loop (AKA a helix.) They've also labeled it as Amrerica's first (or was it the world's first?) looping waterslide. Even if it did have an actual inversion, that claim still wouldn't be true, since there was a water slide with an actual vertical loop that VERY briefly operated at Action Park in NJ.


But Wildebeest is definitely a more overall FUN ride. And it's a MUCH longer ride, whcih is more rewarding after a long wait. Think Phoenix vs Coney Cyclone (but not painfully rough.)


And for anyone planning to visit in the future, Wildebeest has a single rider line, which can save you a lot of time in the queue if you're not getting ERT!

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Wildebeest looks like a hell of a Ride. I really enjoyed the three masterblasters that I have ridden (Butlins Bognor Regis, Butlins Minehead and The Sancastles one in Blackpool) But this looks soo much better. Even though I havn't ridden...I voted for it.

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Wildebeast was awesome.One of, if not the best, water ride i've ever ridden.

It was like a Cedar Point or Disney opening in the morning, with a huge percentage just heading for Wildebeast.

The lines were massive for this, but i got on in under 30 first thing in the morning by going single rider.

Giving me way more coaster time.

Would have loved a reride, but couldn't afford the time unfortunately.

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  Raven Maven said:
^ Wildebeest are known for their frenzied migration. We didn't think of that when we named the thing, but it's sure turned out to be true!


Here's that link again: http://bit.ly/fCSYKS Thanks so much!




You also have go to past a crocodile isle to get to the Wildebeest grounds.

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  • 2 weeks later...


As promised, here is an update about the Timberliner trains for Voyage:


In 2011, The Voyage will use two seven-car PTC trains (The Raven will have two six-car PTC trains).


The Timberliner models tested here in 2010 will be upgraded after similar models are used at other parks this season. Because of the extreme speeds and forces on The Voyage, we feel it is better to wait until there has been a full season of Timberliner-use elsewhere (on less extreme coasters which were designed with Timberliners in mind). GravityKraft will then refurbish our trains so that we’ll have the most up-to-date models.


We intend to introduce Voyage’s Timberliner trains at the start of the 2012 season.


Happy St. Patrick's Day! Paula

Edited by ernierocker
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  PKI JizzMan said:
Oh wow, bummer to hear. I was really looking forward to seeing them on the Voyage this year.


/\ this


But, id' rather have them be super amazing and safe with additional testing, rather than rushing them out and potentially having major issues down the line

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