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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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^ You can't even see the whole car, dude... how can you say best wing rider trains ever?
Because he's only 15 and only posts about Thunderbird? Diamondback in the username is just a cover-up

Well, sort of I LOVE Diamondback, but Thunderbird seems to be the hype for me.


Which is ironic because Diamondback is the hype®. See what I did there?

I get it

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New Hard Hat Chronicles video from Facebook. This one is about the woodies:


The Voyage has received a new sprocket and is getting new track work done.


The Legend is getting over 1000 feet of track work in honor of it's 15th year ( has it really been 15 years? I remember getting measured by my dad to see if I would be tall enough to ride it when it was announced)


The Raven is also receiving extensive track work in honor of it's 20th season.


Edit: If you pay attention in the video, you can see that the second overbank (or elevated spiral) on Thunderbird is probably now completed (assuming this was filmed sometime last week). I knew I was seeing track through the trees.

Edited by ZeroGravity55
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Just booked me flight so will get my 1st visit in 2015 yipeee!


Stu K

Based on the information from your profile, you're coming from England. (I remember learning that it's not polite to say you're from the UK or something like that, so either way, I apologize if I said it wrong. You'll run into a lot of that with us Yanks). Anyway, you're going to be absolutely enamored with Holiday World. If you do any trip reports or take any pictures, make sure to post it. I especially love trip reports and reviews by people coming from other countries with different perspectives


I would highly recommend Plymouth Rock Cafe for dinner when you visit. It has some of the best Thanksgiving food that I have ever had. Also, if you're into some authentic "American Mexican" food, the Alamo is something different than the normal American theme park food. If you have any questions about tips or advice, there's plenty of people on here who would be happy to answer, or Holiday World actually has a page on there website with tips for your visit: http://www.holidayworld.com/plan-your-trip/insider-tips/


Are you visiting any other parks? Visiting Holiday World will help to ensure that you enjoy your time in the colonies!

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^Getting a little patriotic, aren't we? Don't most foreign countries refer to the U.S. as "the states," or does it differ?


There's lots of people who fly in from different countries I see attending Holiwood Nights, and many of them are return visitors, so I'm sure they'll have a pretty good time anyways! Hope you have fun!

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Just booked me flight so will get my 1st visit in 2015 yipeee!


Stu K


If you have any spare time, do explore the area around Holiday World/Santa Claus. The region will kind of feel like a bit of Germany transported to America. Most of the people that settled in the area come from southwestern Germany. Our own wonderful Raven Maven's in-laws and my mother's side can trace it's ancestry to one family that came over from Germany (at least from what I remember the last time I saw the family genealogy book). Towns like St. Meinrad, Ferdinand, and the city of Jasper are quaint and peaceful. There are locations in each place where you can actually sit and be with your thoughts in silence. In St. Meinrad I suggest the grounds of the Archabbey (one of two in America and 11 in the world) or the Monte Cassino Shrine on the east side of town. For Ferdinand, pretty much anywhere in town is peaceful, but my fav spot would be the grounds of Monastery Immaculate Conception. In Jasper, the Riverwalk in the early morning hours can be very peaceful. But that is not all there is to do.


I hope you enjoy your trip to Holiday World!


I really need to drop by myself. I haven't been back in several years.


Sorry for hijacking the thread for a moment

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ROFL. They actually made "Orange is the New Track" into a shirt. This just made my day



They put a picture of the shirt on Facebook and people are already making comments about how they can't believe HW would use a phrase off such a (and I'm quoting somebody off FB) "pornographic" show to advertise one of their products. People take this stuff way too seriously sometimes.


I am not ashamed to admit that I already own it.


I just ordered mine, no shame.

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ROFL. They actually made "Orange is the New Track" into a shirt. This just made my day



They put a picture of the shirt on Facebook and people are already making comments about how they can't believe HW would use a phrase off such a (and I'm quoting somebody off FB) "pornographic" show to advertise one of their products. People take this stuff way too seriously sometimes.


I am not ashamed to admit that I already own it.


I just ordered mine, no shame.


It's called Pop Culture. Even if you don't watch "Orange is the New Black" on Netflix, chances are you've at least heard of it (like me). Parks have done Pop Culture things as long as I can remember and I'm pretty damn old, just not as old as Jeff Johnson.

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ROFL. They actually made "Orange is the New Track" into a shirt. This just made my day



They put a picture of the shirt on Facebook and people are already making comments about how they can't believe HW would use a phrase off such a (and I'm quoting somebody off FB) "pornographic" show to advertise one of their products. People take this stuff way too seriously sometimes.


I am not ashamed to admit that I already own it.


I just ordered mine, no shame.


It's called Pop Culture. Even if you don't watch "Orange is the New Black" on Netflix, chances are you've at least heard of it (like me). Parks have done Pop Culture things as long as I can remember and I'm pretty damn old, just not as old as Jeff Johnson.




And can that latest pic of TB get any more coaster pornagraphic... Jeez! Stunning!

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ROFL. They actually made "Orange is the New Track" into a shirt. This just made my day



They put a picture of the shirt on Facebook and people are already making comments about how they can't believe HW would use a phrase off such a (and I'm quoting somebody off FB) "pornographic" show to advertise one of their products. People take this stuff way too seriously sometimes.


I am not ashamed to admit that I already own it.


I just ordered mine, no shame.


That's one person, lol, chill. The other 3 comments are pretty positive.

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Thanks for tips guys!


UK/british is how I class my self lol. My Scottish wife will always be Scottish 1st lol! its a personal thing.


I use America , US , USA and Stateside ! Sometimes when we land in Orlando feels like we have come home lol.


other parks Six Flags Chicago (forgot name) Michigan's adventure cedar point and kings island. Bought my season pass in the sale lol.


Stu K

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^ I haven't bought one or wore one since I was a freshman in high school. This one was just too good to pass up though.


That's one person, lol, chill. The other 3 comments are pretty positive.


There was a couple. I wasn't getting all mad about it. Just pointing out people take something like a phrase on a tee-shirt way too seriously, much like some of us probably take roller coasters and theme parks way too seriously.


Took this screen shot. Zero-G roll has started to go up:


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^With the zero G being closer to the ground than on most other wing coasters I hope they have no option but to make the rotation a little faster.

(wait a minute. . . I just remembered x-flight's slow second roll...)

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