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Holiday World (HW) Discussion Thread

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Am I the only one who has been picturing a new New Year's Day section? I've had this idea for years. A giant ferris wheel themed like a clock. A drop ride themed like the Times Square Ball. A dark ride about time travel maybe? A few flat rides and restaurants themed around different countries around the world and how they celebrate New Year's Day?


They can even have a soundtrack consisting entirely of one song, forever stuck on repeat.


This reminds me of the day The Imperial March was stuck on loop in the Fourth of July section. I was never more happy to go on break.

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Didn't B&M just open a new "family" styl;e inverted coaster in China somewhere? That seems like it would be a perfect fit for Holiday World, major ride, huge capacity and still family friendly. Makes sense at least....

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Just curious what everyone thought about the clue from yesterday with the two pics of the "deck"? Honestly I seen all kinds of stuff in the images.... So really it could be anything.. Was curious if anyone spotted anything significant?


I saw what looked like an obvious large support near the right side of the picture on the right. I didn't look any harder, because it seems kind of pointless to think too much into the pictures at this point. I do however think the steel support is meant to be seen, because of how obvious it is.


I think the park has more money to spend then we might think, especially if they've been following some sort long term plan leading up to this year being the year they were targeting for big expansion.


I was thinking the same thing.


Didn't B&M just open a new "family" styl;e inverted coaster in China somewhere? That seems like it would be a perfect fit for Holiday World, major ride, huge capacity and still family friendly. Makes sense at least....


I don't think Holiday World is going to tease something like a family style invert this much. It will make them lose their credibility if they cry wolf.

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I saw what looked like an obvious large support near the right side of the picture on the right. I didn't look any harder, because it seems kind of pointless to think too much into the pictures at this point. I do however think the steel support is meant to be seen, because of how obvious it is.\


I wouldn't be surprised if the wood grain images end up being sections of a ride rendering with some sort of heavy "wood filter" applied to them. It will be fun to see all of the stuff that was right under our noses come day 67.

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^They're not my first choice either. Though I will say I have a certain trust in Holiday World to make a great addition regardless of manufacturer. I could see a Holiday World Beemer being very unique in design like some of their seemingly excellent European installations. Banshee has also restored some of my faith in the company to deliver a forceful, well paced ride.


Further, if they got the first LSM B&M, I'd be quite excited to see their take on a high speed launched coaster.

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^Or a wingrider that spins (fourth dimension) would be great! Not really sure this would be the perfect fit for the general audience that visits the park, but it would be great for us enthusiasts! 66 days is a long teaser, so we could expect something big!

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Paula, you have a mole! Well, having spent the first 23 years of my life living in your neck of the woods, I would say you have more than one mole…but I digress. I know exactly what the 2015 plans are!


Santa Claus, Ind. – The secret has been revealed! Confidential sources high inside the Holiday World organization have revealed the parks 2015 expansion plans. Taking a cue from parks like Universal Studios and their successful expansion centered on the Harry Potter franchise; Holiday World has entered an agreement with a major movie director/producer to open a new themed area at Holiday World and Splashin Safari. We can confidently reveal that this new themed area will be centered around the movie genius Mel Brooks. Rides will include a new whitewater rapids ride themed to the town of Rock Ridge from the movie Blazing Saddles. A new motion dark ride will take riders to ludicrous speed in a Spaceballs themed ride. Plans call for a new water based dark ride similar to Pirates of the Caribbean but themed to the movie Young Frankenstein. Also in the works is a new amphitheater that will debut a new stage show: The Adventures of Robin Hood Man in Tights. We will continue to update this story as additional details surface.

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^Or a wingrider that spins (fourth dimension) would be great! Not really sure this would be the perfect fit for the general audience that visits the park, but it would be great for us enthusiasts! 66 days is a long teaser, so we could expect something big!


They could ask some turkey squakings during the ride to make it cute.

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Paula, you have a mole! Well, having spent the first 23 years of my life living in your neck of the woods, I would say you have more than one mole…but I digress. I know exactly what the 2015 plans are!


Santa Claus, Ind. – The secret has been revealed! Confidential sources high inside the Holiday World organization have revealed the parks 2015 expansion plans. Taking a cue from parks like Universal Studios and their successful expansion centered on the Harry Potter franchise; Holiday World has entered an agreement with a major movie director/producer to open a new themed area at Holiday World and Splashin Safari. We can confidently reveal that this new themed area will be centered around the movie genius Mel Brooks. Rides will include a new whitewater rapids ride themed to the town of Rock Ridge from the movie Blazing Saddles. A new motion dark ride will take riders to ludicrous speed in a Spaceballs themed ride. Plans call for a new water based dark ride similar to Pirates of the Caribbean but themed to the movie Young Frankenstein. Also in the works is a new amphitheater that will debut a new stage show: The Adventures of Robin Hood Man in Tights. We will continue to update this story as additional details surface.


I would buy a season pass every year. Every year.

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Paula, you have a mole! Well, having spent the first 23 years of my life living in your neck of the woods, I would say you have more than one mole…but I digress. I know exactly what the 2015 plans are!


Santa Claus, Ind. – The secret has been revealed! Confidential sources high inside the Holiday World organization have revealed the parks 2015 expansion plans. Taking a cue from parks like Universal Studios and their successful expansion centered on the Harry Potter franchise; Holiday World has entered an agreement with a major movie director/producer to open a new themed area at Holiday World and Splashin Safari. We can confidently reveal that this new themed area will be centered around the movie genius Mel Brooks. Rides will include a new whitewater rapids ride themed to the town of Rock Ridge from the movie Blazing Saddles. A new motion dark ride will take riders to ludicrous speed in a Spaceballs themed ride. Plans call for a new water based dark ride similar to Pirates of the Caribbean but themed to the movie Young Frankenstein. Also in the works is a new amphitheater that will debut a new stage show: The Adventures of Robin Hood Man in Tights. We will continue to update this story as additional details surface.


I would buy a season pass every year. Every year.


Hell, screw a season pass every year, I'd quit my fulltime job and go work at Holiday World. This would be amazing if were true

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^Or a wingrider that spins (fourth dimension) would be great! Not really sure this would be the perfect fit for the general audience that visits the park, but it would be great for us enthusiasts! 66 days is a long teaser, so we could expect something big!

First B&M fourth dimension coaster?

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