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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Sorry for the doublepost but oh yeah we have a new ride opening this year!


The guys over at Great Adventure History posted a nice big new trip report with some behind-the-scenes photos of the JLBFM construction (I guess we're still aiming for Memorial Day? Was it even ever officially announced for Mem Day wknd?) and some other cool shots of the park. Here are a few, the rest are over at Great Adventure History. Go visit their site, its awesome!



Look its our new ride!




I love that they have incorporated the old observatory, even if the hands are gone.




Showcase Theater is getting rehabbed as well (at least the exterior is) and all new concrete poured out front.



New Munchopolis eatery



and the new Metro Grill



YAY! November can't come soon enough



This is for Bill.



And this is for everyone else.


Go check out the rest!

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Thanks for the update . . . . and also for pointing out the Great Adventure History website.


On a (somewhat) related note, how long have some of you had season/gold passes for Great Adventure/the other SF parks?

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^ *gasp!* A flume log with only two people in it?! I gotta get over there ASAP!


I really hope they do away with this grouping policy. I'm not overly hopeful though, I'm chalking this up to the fact that it was cold and there was likely nobody in line.

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I'm chalking this up to the fact that it was cold and there was likely nobody in line.


Bingo. I'm surprised they had it open at all this early in the season.

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Thanks for the compliments on the picture! We had just pulled out to leave, and the sun broke through the clouds behind us. My friend and I just looked at each other like, "Well, of course we are taking a picture of that." It did look really nice.

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What do they do regarding wallets on El Toro? My wallet is in my front pocket. Would they want me to take that out too? All of this is quite absurd... Nothing in my front pockets, when I'm sitting, is EVER in danger of coming out of my pockets, as it's sealed off by my position of sitting, and the seat belt/restraint.


When I was talking with the guy he did ask what was in my front pocket to which i had my wallet. I even said it was my wallet and he let me go, so it might depend on the worker? I think that like everyone else the policy won't last till the summer. Also, thank Boldikus for the link for the past conversation

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So heading to the park after who knows how many years. Have a plan of attack from reading through the thread. My one question is, is there anyway you can convince the ops on El Toro to run the dang lift full speed? I know it's a flip of the switch but any ideas would be nice.

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The lift does run at full speed, it just slows a bit as it levels out at the top. And you are correct, it is something they can just adjust on the control panel. I've been lucky to experience it both with it slowing down as it (usually) does now, and when they allowed it to crest without slowing down. There is definitely a noticeable difference if you are sitting in the back in how much it flings you out of your seat on the drop but the rest of the ride it doesn't really make much of a difference. It's insane either way.


I'm not sure what to tell you as far as how to convince the operator to turn off the slow-down, maybe please and thank you with a cherry on top?

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Six Flags generally still have all of theirs, even the parks with double flumes like St. Louis and Great America. There's a lot to criticize them for, sure, but removing log flumes is not among their crimes.

Edited by ytterbiumanalyst
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Six Flags generally still have all of theirs, even the parks with double flumes like St. Louis amd Great America. There's a kot to criticize them for, sure, but removing log flumes is not among their crimes.




Oh yeah, they're getting criticized for that one.


They may have had good reasons (though, being SF, 50/50 odds at best...) but I still regret never getting on that.

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Six Flags generally still have all of theirs, even the parks with double flumes like St. Louis amd Great America. There's a kot to criticize them for, sure, but removing log flumes is not among their crimes.




Oh yeah, they're getting criticized for that one.


They may have had good reasons (though, being SF, 50/50 odds at best...) but I still regret never getting on that.


Eh, you didn't miss much. I always enjoyed Sawmill more, and still like it, in spite of its horrific grouping policy.

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Six Flags generally still have all of theirs, even the parks with double flumes like St. Louis amd Great America. There's a kot to criticize them for, sure, but removing log flumes is not among their crimes.


I don't know, removing that one at SFNE for that horrific joke of a raft ride is pretty unforgivable.

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Six Flags generally still have all of theirs, even the parks with double flumes like St. Louis and Great America. There's a lot to criticize them for, sure, but removing log flumes is not among their crimes.


I don't know, removing that one at SFNE for that horrific joke of a raft ride is pretty unforgivable.

I don't really know much about SFNE, or frankly, much about any parks outside the Midwest. Around here, Valleyfair and Cedar Point have removed their log flumes, but all the Midwest Six Flags still have theirs.

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Six Flags generally still have all of theirs, even the parks with double flumes like St. Louis amd Great America. There's a kot to criticize them for, sure, but removing log flumes is not among their crimes.


I don't know, removing that one at SFNE for that horrific joke of a raft ride is pretty unforgivable.


At least Joker is a redemption.

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