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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Am I the only one who has never felt any discomfort from a stand up coaster/ I've ridden 3, Green Lantern, Goergia Scorcher, and Vortex at Carowinds and I have enjoyed all of them. Vortex's only real issue is that it was boring. I actually love GL and GS.

I've ridden the same 3 as you, well I rode it as Chang, but of those 3 the only discomfort I ever expirenced was slight force on the back of my legs on Chang, and honestly I think it had to do more with the length of the ride, as it's duration is longer than both Vortex and Scorcher.

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Am I the only one who has never felt any discomfort from a stand up coaster/ I've ridden 3, Green Lantern, Goergia Scorcher, and Vortex at Carowinds and I have enjoyed all of them. Vortex's only real issue is that it was boring. I actually love GL and GS.

I've ridden the same 3 as you, well I rode it as Chang, but of those 3 the only discomfort I ever expirenced was slight force on the back of my legs on Chang, and honestly I think it had to do more with the length of the ride, as it's duration is longer than both Vortex and Scorcher.

I think that's my main problem with it. I hated the leg pain and it was very awkward for a lot of the ride. But the first drop, loop and dive loop were really great! Then after that the ride started to get worse and worse until it just ruined the whole ride. And I'm pretty tolerant of pain on rides. If the ride ended in about 20 seconds it would be fine, but that would make for a lame and uninspired layout.

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Am I the only one who has never felt any discomfort from a stand up coaster/ I've ridden 3, Green Lantern, Goergia Scorcher, and Vortex at Carowinds and I have enjoyed all of them. Vortex's only real issue is that it was boring. I actually love GL and GS.

I've ridden the same 3 as you, well I rode it as Chang, but of those 3 the only discomfort I ever expirenced was slight force on the back of my legs on Chang, and honestly I think it had to do more with the length of the ride, as it's duration is longer than both Vortex and Scorcher.

I think that's my main problem with it. I hated the leg pain and it was very awkward for a lot of the ride. But the first drop, loop and dive loop were really great! Then after that the ride started to get worse and worse until it just ruined the whole ride. And I'm pretty tolerant of pain on rides. If the ride ended in about 20 seconds it would be fine, but that would make for a lame and uninspired layout.


That's why Georgia Scorcher imo is the perfect stand up. It's short, sweet and compact.

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^Most stand-ups are either horrific, boring and/or rough. I promised myself that Green Lantern, my first stand-up, that it would also be my last once I got off the ride, except for two exceptions. Those would be Riddler's Revenge and Georgia Scorcher, because most people say that they're not as painful and their layouts look good.

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I find it hilarious that Green Lantern was the replacement for the "rough" Scream Machine.


There's nothing wrong with its layout or the fact that you're standing, but the rattle is way more than I'm willing to tolerate. I will not be riding it again; that's time I could be spending on El Toro!

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^I'd still ride GL every day of the week and twice on Sundays, over the wretched pile of crap that was GASM! Sure, it's a Stand-Up, therefore not a great coaster. But at least it's not as slow and painful of a death as its predecessor was...

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I find it hilarious that Green Lantern was the replacement for the "rough" Scream Machine.


There's nothing wrong with its layout or the fact that you're standing, but the rattle is way more than I'm willing to tolerate. I will not be riding it again; that's time I could be spending on El Toro!


It still better than its sister Mantis when it was a standup. I can tolerate GL but Mantis was really rough and painful.

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Like clockwork every couple of months someone says something about Skull Mountain and this thread spirals into the exact same discussion for a few pages.





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Heading to the park Wednesday, we're going to try going in the afternoon and staying u till close. Since we've been multiple times this year with our season passes, we thought we would try this since it's the middle of the week and most camps vacate around 4pm. Hopefully some night time rides on Nitro and El toro will make for an excellent evening!

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^ Ive done a hooky day on a Wednesday in July the last two years and the park completely cleared out both times when the camps left around 4/5pm. You should be good.

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Heading to the park Wednesday, we're going to try going in the afternoon and staying u till close. Since we've been multiple times this year with our season passes, we thought we would try this since it's the middle of the week and most camps vacate around 4pm. Hopefully some night time rides on Nitro and El toro will make for an excellent evening!


I've went twice during weeknights the past week and a half. Both times I got 5 laps on major rodes in only 2.5 hours, and that was while dragging my feet. Everything should be under 20min waits after 7pm.

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If this year is a JL in Chiller's spot where and when do you think we will see the next real coaster expansion? Really wish this spot would have been saved for Chiller 2.0. JL in the sim would have fit perfect.

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If this year is a JL in Chiller's spot where and when do you think we will see the next real coaster expansion? Really wish this spot would have been saved for Chiller 2.0. JL in the sim would have fit perfect.


RT's old footprint, to the right of Zumanjaro's queue. Only logical location that requires zero removals/relocations.

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If this year is a JL in Chiller's spot where and when do you think we will see the next real coaster expansion? Really wish this spot would have been saved for Chiller 2.0. JL in the sim would have fit perfect.


RT's old footprint, to the right of Zumanjaro's queue. Only logical location that requires zero removals/relocations.


That isn't necessarily true. That footprint is very tight so you'd be restricted with what you could do coaster wise. Way more likely for a midway with games and flats to go there. Next coaster expansion will most likely be anchoring Old Country.

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If this year is a JL in Chiller's spot where and when do you think we will see the next real coaster expansion? Really wish this spot would have been saved for Chiller 2.0. JL in the sim would have fit perfect.


RT's old footprint, to the right of Zumanjaro's queue. Only logical location that requires zero removals/relocations.


That isn't necessarily true. That footprint is very tight so you'd be restricted with what you could do coaster wise. Way more likely for a midway with games and flats to go there. Next coaster expansion will most likely be anchoring Old Country.


If you look below, RT's footprint plus the area behind El Toro's lift and next to Zumanjaro's queue is a HUGE portion of land. If JL is added to Chiller's spot, OC is now pretty landlocked as far as major coasters go.


Courtesy of Flyin Phil

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There's a ton of room for expansion if they want to expand. Remember that a large chunk of Golden Kingdom is also sitting abandoned. There's more room along the lakefront (seriously... a lot of room), there's room at the back of Seaport accessible from the main path where the haunt maze goes and you still have a huge abandoned building behind Sling Shot with a Go kart track (something a lot of parks are removing) right next to it and room where they had the Food Truck festival last year sort of near Green Lantern (and for added room they could always remove Green Lantern lol).


Plus they could build over things, through things or around things if they really wanted to.

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There's a ton of room for expansion if they want to expand. Remember that a large chunk of Golden Kingdom is also sitting abandoned. There's more room along the lakefront (seriously... a lot of room), there's room at the back of Seaport accessible from the main path where the haunt maze goes and you still have a huge abandoned building behind Sling Shot with a Go kart track (something a lot of parks are removing) right next to it and room where they had the Food Truck festival last year sort of near Green Lantern (and for added room they could always remove Green Lantern lol).


Plus they could build over things, through things or around things if they really wanted to.


What room along the Lakefront? The old Grandstand spot is a small parcel of land, with BBNP on one side and Joker on the other. And the sim building + Go Karts can't fit much...it's roughly the size of S:UF.

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Went to the park on Tuesday and got my first ride on The Joker! I think it is a good clone- probably my 2nd favorite behind a Premier Sky Rocket. However, it was an even shorter experience than I expected, and the sensation wasn't too far from a typical Topspin. Definitely not worth too long of a wait.

Though I have only been to the park a few times, Nitro was running significantly better than my previous visits; not sure why. I felt it had more floater than any other B&M hyper I have ridden. Still, I prefer Apollo's Chariot.

P.S. El Toro still kicks ass

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