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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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The people at Great Adventure History are a little delusional sometimes. The owner of the site is fantastic however and a lot of the posters are excellent but I'm not sure that speculation page is in the least bit reputable (Railer, cough cough).

I read that thread when I need a good laugh. I especially love it when people still suggest a wing coaster, totally ignoring the fact that the chain abandoned building them after X-Flight.

Oh it's obnoxious. The main point they're going off for "knowing" it's a T-Rex is that that Joker is more thrilling than El Diablo, so "obviously" they're going for a three year plan of increasing intensity of new coasters. lol wtf?


But back on topic I could totally see a flat package as well.


I'm still waiting for the T-Rex to be built in my neighborhood. My neighborhood already has a ton of houses, so we don't need any more.

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I read that thread when I need a good laugh. I especially love it when people still suggest a wing coaster, totally ignoring the fact that the chain abandoned building them after X-Flight.


Did they abandon it? I'm not sure that's the right wording... If I'm not mistaken, that was the last B&M Six flags built is it not? It's possible that they still have it planned for other parks, but hasn't decided to purchase it for other less expensive options.


I'm sure we will see more B&M coasters going into parks in the chain in the future...

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I don't think he meant abandoned B&M in general, just the Wing-Rider design. I've never been on one, but it seems as if the industry was not all to crazy about Wing-Riders. If we were ever to see a Wing-Rider at Great Adventure I'd hope to see a launched Intamin one like Furious Baco.

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Did they abandon it? I'm not sure that's the right wording... If I'm not mistaken, that was the last B&M Six flags built is it not? It's possible that they still have it planned for other parks, but hasn't decided to purchase it for other less expensive options.


I'm sure we will see more B&M coasters going into parks in the chain in the future...

Perhaps abandon is the wrong word, but my point was that Six Flags usually always adds rides of the same model in multiple parks. That isn't the case with the Wing Rider.

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The people at Great Adventure History are a little delusional sometimes. The owner of the site is fantastic however and a lot of the posters are excellent but I'm not sure that speculation page is in the least bit reputable (Railer, cough cough).


I post over there as well, I wouldn't mind the flat package but I just don't think it would go in the chillers spot because to me it seems like a wasted potential when that space could have something else.


I would really like to see the area over by zumanjaro utilized more with some flats since it's such a long walk already to zumanjaro some flats right near there would be great

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I think B&M and Six Flags don't mix at the moment. SF seems to be trying to go with more economical investments and a new B&M is like $20mil. Plus, SFGAdv already has pretty much every common type of B&M. However, I'm sure the chain will eventually add B&Ms again. As for SFGAdv, I could see a major flat package like SFOT in 2017 followed by a coaster of some sort in 2018.

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The people at Great Adventure History are a little delusional sometimes. The owner of the site is fantastic however and a lot of the posters are excellent but I'm not sure that speculation page is in the least bit reputable (Railer, cough cough).


I post over there as well, I wouldn't mind the flat package but I just don't think it would go in the chillers spot because to me it seems like a wasted potential when that space could have something else.


I would really like to see the area over by zumanjaro utilized more with some flats since it's such a long walk already to zumanjaro some flats right near there would be great


This. If SFGAdv gets any kind of flat package, it should go along the Zumanjaro path. I loved that ride but I was always so discouraged to ride it since it is so far back there. That would also give them an opportunity to round out the section of the park and connect the dead ends.

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The Rolling Thunder plot would be an absolutely ideal place for a new midway with new flats to connect to the backside of Plaza del Carnaval, but the problem is that they *just* built Zumnajaro and did not design that ride plaza to allow expansion whatsoever. They would have to re-work basically the entire half mile of queue that was built two years ago. The queue also stick far out into RT's old footprint, which wouldn't necessarily block too much physical space for expansion, but it's a telling clue that the park really doesn't intend to build there.


There are a lot of dead areas in already semi-developed parts of the park, so it doesn't make financial sense (which SF is all about) to rework a new queue and expand/build an entirely new midway with food locations, games, facilities, etc back there.

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I would think that the reason you don't see as many new B&Ms in the Six Flags parks is that the S&S 4d's are much more affordable as well as doing the lower cost RMC conversions. The company is trying to add something to each park without taking on anymore debt, so therefore, they have to be conservative with their budgets. If it was the old regime, I'm sure there would be 5 wing riders by now.

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There are a lot of dead areas in already semi-developed parts of the park, so it doesn't make financial sense (which SF is all about) to rework a new queue and expand/build an entirely new midway with food locations, games, facilities, etc back there.


QFT. Redoing that all back there would be a lot more expensive than I think most people would imagine. As much as some of us may want it, it's pretty clear the park has no intention of expanding back there. There's plenty of areas of the park that need to be rehabilitated before they even consider additional expansion.

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^^ pretty much. I think a Premier launch coaster or an RMC would be next but the Premier seems more likely considering the park already has a top tier woodie and no bad wooden coasters to give the I-box treatment to. Maybe they'll get a T-Rex or Raptor track from RMC


However I don't see a new SFGAdv coaster for 2017 at all. They just got one and every other year seems like the industry standard.

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Its just crazy to me how in the planning nobody in the room said, "Hey maybe we should make this viable for expansion at some point in the future." I understand that with finances a large new expansion of a *brand new* area isn't happening anytime soon, but I also guess they aren't too concerned with the future. Besides everyone knows the next area up for refurbishment is Old Country. My question with that is will they keep the Old Country theming or just take a new route?

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It's Corporate America. No corporation plans past the five-year mark. Even if they say they do, things end up changing due to a variety of factors.


Not excusing it, but it's far from surprising.

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It's Corporate America. No corporation plans past the five-year mark. Even if they say they do, things end up changing due to a variety of factors.


Not excusing it, but it's far from surprising.


Well bless my privately owned mom and pop store sole, I was not ready for the harsh realities of corperate life.

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The people at Great Adventure History are a little delusional sometimes. The owner of the site is fantastic however and a lot of the posters are excellent but I'm not sure that speculation page is in the least bit reputable (Railer, cough cough).


I post over there as well, I wouldn't mind the flat package but I just don't think it would go in the chillers spot because to me it seems like a wasted potential when that space could have something else.


I would really like to see the area over by zumanjaro utilized more with some flats since it's such a long walk already to zumanjaro some flats right near there would be great



I agree that the area by Zumanjaro needs to be filled in, but I think that Chillers old spot would be the perfect location for a Giant Frisbee.




As far as the B&M discussion, just because it has been a while since SF has purchased one does not mean they never will again. They are focusing on less expensive additions at the time. B&M will return to a SF park near you in due time lol! I highly expect SFGAd to receive a Wing coaster in the future.

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If you haven't ridden one you should try it. Maybe make that the first ride of the day at some park so you're not already exhausted or dehydrated... Word is that Kennywood's and SFOT's Zamplerlas are by far the best so I'm looking forward to riding one.


Yes and yes. If I turn my head too quickly walking down the street I get motion sick but can tolerate the frisbees quite well, surprisingly. Kennywood's frisbee is unbelievable. I swear it's an out of body experience and is in a completely different league than Delirium and MaXair! I'd love if SFGAdv or SFA got a Zamperla model.

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Kennywood's frisbee is unbelievable. I swear it's an out of body experience and is in a completely different league than Delirium and MaXair!

So much here. I'm not typically a fan of Zamperla's rides for the most part, but this one (plus the smaller, full 360-degree model they have at Luna Park) is quite amazing. I'd love having a Giant Discovery within a decent driving distance.

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I booked a hotel close to here for Sunday night in a couple weeks and was going to probably get here around 1:00 p.m. Sunday right after I eat lunch probably, leave around 5:00 Monday, do the park both days with my Six Flags season pass from Six Flags St. Louis. What rides do I definitely have to ride and is there anything I should stay away from? Also what would be the best plan so I can fit everything in? I've never been to this park before. Thanks

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