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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Was out on Monday and Kingda Ka didn't open until the last 45 minutes. What's the point of even opening it that late?


Got on Zumanjaro and Joker for the first time though, never riding Zumanjaro again. Fuck that ride. Too tall, freaked me out.


Joker was straight up /violent/ and had us both seeing stars after the first flip.

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Was out on Monday and Kingda Ka didn't open until the last 45 minutes. What's the point of even opening it that late?


Got on Zumanjaro and Joker for the first time though, never riding Zumanjaro again. fudge that ride. Too tall, freaked me out.


Joker was straight up /violent/ and had us both seeing stars after the first flip.

You know it's funny--I applaud parks for opening rides the last hour of the day because they didn't give up and know there are still people that want to ride it. Good for them making the best of a situation.


And I honestly don't find Zumanjaro *scary,* just fun and exciting. The view is astounding.

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Was out on Monday and Kingda Ka didn't open until the last 45 minutes. What's the point of even opening it that late?


Got on Zumanjaro and Joker for the first time though, never riding Zumanjaro again. fudge that ride. Too tall, freaked me out.


Joker was straight up /violent/ and had us both seeing stars after the first flip.

You know it's funny--I applaud parks for opening rides the last hour of the day because they didn't give up and know there are still people that want to ride it. Good for them making the best of a situation.


And I honestly don't find Zumanjaro *scary,* just fun and exciting. The view is astounding.


The drop itself was pretty good, but I'm not a fan of extreme heights. Being held at altitude for what seemed like forever really freaked me out.

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I'm in the same boat with Zumanjaro, normally I'm fine with drop towers, but zum. scared the crap out of me. You just kept going up, and up, and up for what seemed like hours. The ride up was way more intense that the actual drop.

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Was out on Monday and Kingda Ka didn't open until the last 45 minutes. What's the point of even opening it that late?


Got on Zumanjaro and Joker for the first time though, never riding Zumanjaro again. fudge that ride. Too tall, freaked me out.


Joker was straight up /violent/ and had us both seeing stars after the first flip.

You know it's funny--I applaud parks for opening rides the last hour of the day because they didn't give up and know there are still people that want to ride it. Good for them making the best of a situation.


This. I don't know why anyone would complain about that. Six Flags deserves a lot of credit.

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^Agreed. No advantage to the park to have the staff available to run it or anything but yet they did. This is definitly not a something to complain about. That's solid operations.

Solid operations don't exist at Six Flags. It's just something they made up, like the Boogeyman or Michael Jackson...


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Went to the park for a couple hours yesterday afternoon to walk around. Hurricane Harbor was definitely slammed (as expected), but the main park wasn't as bad as I expected. Sure, it was busy, but overall lines seemed pretty manageable. I got on El Toro after only waiting fifteen minutes, and that was mostly due to a protein spill delay. As great as that coaster is normally, it really shines when temperatures are at their hottest. We FLEW through the course - one of the best rides I've had on it in a while.

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Apparently Ka and Joker are both back open. Joker's fins that were on the lift have been removed.


Pic taken by a member of the Great Adventure Connoisseurs group

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I still haven't ridden it. Haven't been to the park since May. Too hot for that nonsense lol


Preach! I was thinking about heading up to the park today, but then I looked at the weather. Feels like 100+ with a chance of rain? No thank you.

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It's actually a lot of fun. It's not worth the waits it's been generating but it's a very solid ride.


I agree, I really enjoy it. It's fun not knowing how many times you may flip and all my rides have been different so far. I just wouldn't wait any longer then 20 minutes for it.

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I still haven't ridden it. Haven't been to the park since May. Too hot for that nonsense lol


Preach! I was thinking about heading up to the park today, but then I looked at the weather. Feels like 100+ with a chance of rain? No thank you.


Ive been itching but have just been getting my fix @ Moreys the last two months. I can't wait til HITP!!!

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Wow, that's pretty high praise. I pulled up my old Great Adventure ride ranking list which has really stood the test of time and decided I'd probably put it somewhere around #13.


1) Skull Mountain

2) Pointsetta Peak

3) The Waffle Cart

4) Skyway

5) El Toro

6) Safari Off Road Adventure

7) Batman

8) Nitro

9) Kingda Ka (Front Seat)

10) Saw Mill Log Flume

11) Zumanjaro

12) Bizarro #1 (Get twisted)

13) Superman

14) Sky Screamer

15) Choo Choo

16) Dark Knight

17) El Diablo

18) Parking Lot Off Road Adventure

19) Root Canal

20) Getting hit by a truck

21) Green Lantern

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I try not to get too in depth with my rankings besides how much fun I have on the rides. Going off that basis, Joker slots in at two, behind El Toro. (because of course) It's just a great addition that slots in perfectly in the parks already robust line-up.

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