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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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It's got to be body type, because I just don't know what else it could be. I'm 5'10" 160 - A B&M Standup in the lineup makes the park a must-visit. They're designs from the days before B&M began mixing Vagisil into the ink they print their blueprints with, second only to their Inverts.


Re: Groin-busting (someone mentioned earlier) - It's not so much a technique- just common sense- that solves this problem while you're getting into position before restraints lock.

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It's mostly about height. I've ridden GL so many different ways based off tricks mentioned on this site, and nothing changed the fact that I was getting the snot kicked out of me. It's because I'm only 5'7, so no matter what I do, my head isn't getting above the restraints.


Although I will say, even though I only rode it once, my ride on Riddler was infinitely more enjoyable than any of my dozens of rides on GL, so layout might also play a factor.

Edited by Genx24
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  Password121 said:
Even if there less intense there's always some sort of discomfort (not in a pussy way, just not enjoyable) with stand ups.

Agreed. If it isn't head banging, it's groin pain. Or pain my legs because of all the weight shifting to them during the ride. I guess they're just a model that haven't aged well, because some people talk about how great GL was when it was Chang.

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  Ed Farmer said:
It's got to be body type, because I just don't know what else it could be. I'm 5'10" 160 - A B&M Standup in the lineup makes the park a must-visit.

Totally agreed. I'm 5'10" and 135 pounds, and I just don't experience this Guantanamo-level beating that everyone else seems to. My left leg always gets a little sore around the inclined loop, but they're fine after the MCBR. I mean, at least the damn thing is forceful.


  Ed Farmer said:
They're designs from the days before B&M began mixing Vagisil into the ink they print their blueprints with.

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With GL, every single time I ride it, right when the train goes into the incline loop, my legs get really sore, and then after the MCBR, the real pain starts. My legs get so sore during the corkscrews and turns, and there is so much headbanging, that I'm literally looking forward to getting off the ride at that point.

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I was wondering the same thing the other day just for fun and realized they wouldn't open the park because they wouldn't expect to make any money but if they had reason to believe people would show up then they would probably send a train up the lift. I give it about a 50% chance of coming back but if it did then I'm sure they'd open it.

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  coasterbill said:
Hit up the Camelback mountain coaster. That thing is surprisingly fun. They have snow tubing / skiing too so it's a cool place to bring a date / kids. It's a pretty good cure for the offseason blues in the NY area. lol


I've been to the water park, that was about 5 years ago but it was very fun. Always thought they should add a coaster, but then again im biased

Edited by Jcoaster
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  coasterbill said:
Hit up the Camelback mountain coaster. That thing is surprisingly fun. They have snow tubing / skiing too so it's a cool place to bring a date / kids. It's a pretty good cure for the offseason blues in the NY area. lol


They also just opened an awesome indoor waterpark! (you have to stay at the Camelback Logde hotel there to go to it though)

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  coneyislandchris said:
  strz said:
<-------so would they run Nitro this weekend is what I'd like to know!














...you know damn well they would.




I needed a good laugh today!!!!!! Well- done!!!!

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I swear to God, I'm not addicted to the construction blog or anything, but it seems like every time I check it they add new photos. Here's the latest, current as of 11:40 AM yesterday;




It looks as if they are hauling some serious booty on this, and I remain optimistic they will have it up and running ahead of schedule!


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