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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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I think the purple/green look fantastic. As much as I'm on the fence about the ride experience itself, its fun to see it go up. Can't wait to see the entire plaza, queue, landscaping and everything done. The end of Main Street is gonna look way different. I'm not sure if its been pointed out but its ironic the brand new (somewhat low capacity) ride (that everyone is gonna run to when they enter the park) is right next to the flash pass building lolz. I wonder how Superman lines will be affected since it seems that (and Ka) are the rides everyone runs to @ opening.

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^ I think you are underestimating how many teens go to the park. Teenagers are more likely to pressure/egg each other to do crazy sh!t, not to mention they think they are invincible. This ride is going to be crazy popular, especially due to its location in the park.


As long as they don't run to Nitro at opening I'll be happy. I always start my day at the park with a front row ride on Nitro.
I always start with a magic seat ride on The Bull, sometimes if I'm lucky a nice little marathon ensues. I can't wait for spring.
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Fair point, but I think Zumi's major problem is you have to walk 4 hours to get on it. I'm being half serious, but I've heard so many people complain about that. They could have a tram that takes you back there LOL.

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I love Zumanjaro's queue but that probably has to do with the fact that my Fitbit runs my life.


Now that's a marketing idea... Zumanjaro Drop of Doom sponsored by FitBit. Wait time 3000 steps from this point. I accept my royalties as cash or check.

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Personally I don't really mind it either, it is long, but its whatever. It would be nice if they put some flats back there and opened up the area between the queue line and Toro with a small midway, instead of just one giant long queue line for one ride.

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I love Zumanjaro's queue but that probably has to do with the fact that my Fitbit runs my life.


Now that's a marketing idea... Zumanjaro Drop of Doom sponsored by FitBit. Wait time 3000 steps from this point. I accept my royalties as cash or check.

I can't complain about that either. I'm definitely trying to get more exercise when and where I can. I'll make it a point to ride Zum every time I visit the park this season

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I only miss GASM because I only rode it in the early 90s and would like to have been able to say how much it sucked before it was torn down. But it was a decent ride back in 92. Also, I like to imagine that as bad as it might have gotten, it was probably better than what replaced it.

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I liked Scream Machine slightly more than Green Lantern. I didn't find Scream Machine bad if you avoided the last few cars and in 2010 the red train was running the best it had in years. I would have rather seen Green Lantern built elsewhere in the park and had both rides stay.

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Ai miss GASM, as well. While I definitely prefer GL, GASM gave the lineup more variety since we are overloaded with B&M's. On goods days in the right seats, GASM was a very solid ride. Always really liked the vertical loops and consecutive corkscrews. Everything else was garbage.


Speaking of torn down coasters, I miss this coaster literally every time I visit the park:


*Courtesy of East Coast Coasters

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Scream Machine was rough and subpar but it had personality and history, it always looked really intimidating and I usually rode it once a visit. I was mediocre but it could still be fun.


Green Lantern is trash, it's ugly, it's rough and it has no redeeming qualities. Luckily it's really the only bad coaster in the park so even though it's unbelievably horrible I can't complain with a lineup like that.

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