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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Goliath is fun, but it leaves something to be desired. It would be dumb if SFGAdv got an RMC, especially one similar to Goliath. The park should get a GCI to fill the void left by Rolling Thunder Instead of another intense wooden coaster.


If a launch coaster is in the works then I hope it's from Intamin. Something on par with Maverick and iSpeed would be awesome. I would be fine with a Premier coaster too.


A giga coaster would be great, but I don't see that happening for a while. The possible locations for a new coaster are not big enough for a giga. Hopefully the coaster gods bless SFGAdv with an Intamin giga in the future.


Lastly, please no more B&M. This park doesn't need anymore for a long time. SFGAm is my home park and they are a little B&M crazy too. I feel your pain guys and I will send positive thoughts your way .

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^ Actually, SFGAdv has the most B&Ms out of any other park.


I hope SFGAdv gets a 4D like Batman at SFFT. They were rumored to get it this year after all and if the park reuses the Chiller station it would make sense.

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If anything, the fact that they already have an giant, award-winning, revered wooden roller coaster shouldn't even make them think about putting in a new Rocky Mountain coaster.

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^Well Holiday World had The Raven which was highly praised, then put in Legend which at the time was well-received, then put in Voyage which is one of most talked about coasters of all time. An RMC with inversions and steel track would be a completely different experience than El Toro.


I think it makes less sense for the park to install something like a Wing coaster which looks and rides almost exactly like Bizarro.

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With the demolition going on by the lakefront, I think something rather large is coming. They have the space now, but the thing is that we know an attraction is almost certainly coming but we don't even know if it's a coaster, let alone what type of coaster.


I agree, by the way. We were insanely spoiled, and we have a top notch lineup but we're a bit overdue for a coaster now

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There were a lot more school groups in the park on Friday compared to the past 2 weeks. Lines still weren't that bad though except for some reason Skull Mountain had around 30 minute wait when I walked past it. El Toro was also running 1 train for part of the day but they added a 2nd train later. Nitro was dispatching trains very fast with barely any stacking.


I thought Zumanjaro was going to open since they had someone at the entrance with the height check stick compared to the past 2 weeks when they had no one there with the entrance chained off with a ride closed sign and there was a line forming but it never opened.

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Not surprised. The statue is very close to the midway and people can walk right up to it. If it shot out flames it could actually be a danger to people. For once it sounds like the State was in the right.

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Where is the proof it was going to shoot fire? Sounds like just whitney inaccurate and whiny post from lightning loops.


I was going to ask the same thing. Given it's size and the fact that the mouth on the thing points towards the ground I can't imagine that it was even up for discussion.

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Where is the proof it was going to shoot fire? Sounds like just wildly inaccurate and whiny post from lightning loops.


I'm 90% sure he was joking. Unless there is a reason that I'm missing that would suggest that lighting loops is trying to spread some false rumors. I took it as a jab toward the whole ZJ/KK v.s NJ debacle.


I mean, Six Flags didn't even want to keep a fog machine after media day, never the less a flame thrower!


Reminds me of Bizarro's media day when they shot confetti cannons and the wind blew the confetti onto the track. They spent about 45 minutes removing bits of paper from the entry to the cobra roll

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Got my Six Flags season pass voucher last week. Didn't get one last year, and I was going to skip this year as well, but I received an e-mail from them trying to lure me back. $59.99 for Gold Pass good thru Fright Fest, including free parking at any Six Flags park. I'll probably go one day this coming week after work to validate it and get a few rides.


Now it looks like a trip or two to Chicago, New England, DC, or possibly Magic Mountain look feasible.

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