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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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Titan/Goliath - boring coasters that seemed interesting and had to lot of fanfare in the early 00's (due to height/speed/helixes) but haven't aged well and are actually quite boring. I honestly think if the girl never died on Goliath (brain aneurysm) then the MCBR wouldn't have been nurtured so much and they would still be somewhat thrilling today. But now the ride comes to a complete stop and crawls through the second half of the coaster. I do love the drop after the first turn around and how it curves slightly. I also agree that Titan would be better off with VR.



Back on topic, as far as Nitro getting VR. I really hope this doesn't happen, and I need to make it to SFGAdv before it does. With the queue being outside and no shade areas, I cant imagine waiting 2 hours for that.

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Titan/Goliath - boring coasters that seemed interesting and had to lot of fanfare in the early 00's (due to height/speed/helixes) but haven't aged well and are actually quite boring.

I agree with the boring part, but Goliath has aged very well. Still rides as smoothly as it did back in 2000. Thats probably its only redeeming quality however


Never ridden Titan, but I'd imagine it's just as smooth as Goliath

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Having ridden both, I found Titan a hell of a lot better and more interesting than Goliath. Neither is much to write home about, but Titan was much more fun. The two helixes are really intense, nothing like I experienced on Goliath. And both are very smooth.

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Off topic but I just got an email for a $39.99 gold pass for SFA so I'll just make the quick drive to process at some point before Gadv.


I wasn't going to pay $100 for a gold pass after going to Platinum passes this year but it's impossible to pass up $40 gold passes so looks like I'll be riding El Toro this summer after all, lol.

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^ uh no. ShockWave is definitely not a middle tier coaster. It did have some popularity loss, but heck, when I went the line was longer for ShockWave than it was for Titan. Put the VR on Titan because it sucks anyway and it gives me an excuse to not have to ride it anymore.


Man, did Titan murder your entire family? Holy moly

yes. yes it did.


(no, it just sucks lol)


Being serious, ShockWave is a bad candidate. Nitro is a bad candidate. DDD is a bad candidate. Superman/Bizarro is a bad candidate. Raging Bull is a bad candidate.


Ninja at SFStL is probably the best VR candidate that's been chosen. If they're going to ruin capacity for a ride, may as well ruin capacity for a sucky ride that the VR will actually make slightly not terrible. In fact, of all of the rides, that's the only one where the VR actually makes me want to ride it. I intentionally skipped Ninja while at SFStL because I'd heard terrible things about it, and the VR makes me almost want to ride it. Titan's probably a terrible candidate as well because the headache would get even worse because of the VR, but at least it would make the ride more interesting. I personally think the top candidates are Arrow and Vekoma loopers, stuff like Boomerangs, SLCs, Arrow megaloopers like Vortex and Viper, etc. These rides have a ton of VR potential and aren't too interesting without the VR, but not too small (like mine trains) where the target audience of the ride probably wouldn't use it either. Obviously I don't control Six Flags, but I can voice my opinion that it seems like they're choosing their VR rides without much thought and sort of sporadically (some of them are top tier rides at their park, some are bottom tier, etc). It seems experimental at best. Let's just hope that's what it is, an experiment. Or that the ride crews learn how to efficiently operate a ride with VR. But that'll never happen.

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I rode Shockwave with the vr and hated it. My biggest complaint is the graphics, if it's going to look like a Playstation 1 game then what's even the point?


I enjoyed the hell out of Titan but I'm not really much of a critic of coasters, I have fun on most rides except for Green Lantern. That one can rot in hell.

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^I'm the same way with enjoying coasters, there are only 5 coasters I really can't stand and Titan is one of them. The others are exclusively Arrow and Vekoma, although there are Arrows and Vekomas I have liked (shoutout to Vortex and Invertigo, both at Kings Island). I've enjoyed every mine train, rough woodie, and kiddie coaster I've been on. A ride has to really stand out for me to dislike it.

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So I have until tomorrow night to decide but I was going to six flags on Thursday and I was going to just buy the online ticket for 51.99 instead of the 70 plus at the park. I got an email saying I can get a gold season pass for 59.99. Do you think its better to go for the season pass versus just buying a one day ticket? I was also going to go to the water park next week as well.

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So I have until tomorrow night to decide but I was going to six flags on Thursday and I was going to just buy the online ticket for 51.99 instead of the 70 plus at the park. I got an email saying I can get a gold season pass for 59.99. Do you think its better to go for the season pass versus just buying a one day ticket? I was also going to go to the water park next week as well.

Considering parking is $25 I'd say get the pass. I'm pretty sure you just show them the voucher at the booth and they scan it and it works for one time parking. Correct me if I'm wrong. Of course this only applies to gold passes I'm assuming parking is still included in them.


You also get additional perks like bringing a friend for less than 25$ depending on the month.

Edited by anonymouscactus
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So I have until tomorrow night to decide but I was going to six flags on Thursday and I was going to just buy the online ticket for 51.99 instead of the 70 plus at the park. I got an email saying I can get a gold season pass for 59.99. Do you think its better to go for the season pass versus just buying a one day ticket? I was also going to go to the water park next week as well.

Considering parking is $25 I'd say get the pass. I'm pretty sure you just show them the voucher at the booth and they scan it and it works for one time parking. Correct me if I'm wrong. Of course this only applies to gold passes I'm assuming parking is still included in them.


You're correct. THis is how it has worked for me at both Six Flags Over Georgia and Six Flags Great Adventure.

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So I have until tomorrow night to decide but I was going to six flags on Thursday and I was going to just buy the online ticket for 51.99 instead of the 70 plus at the park. I got an email saying I can get a gold season pass for 59.99. Do you think its better to go for the season pass versus just buying a one day ticket? I was also going to go to the water park next week as well.

Considering parking is $25 I'd say get the pass. I'm pretty sure you just show them the voucher at the booth and they scan it and it works for one time parking. Correct me if I'm wrong. Of course this only applies to gold passes I'm assuming parking is still included in them.


You're correct. THis is how it has worked for me at both Six Flags Over Georgia and Six Flags Great Adventure.


Thanks. They will still add the parking to the season pass right? I tried calling but I can't get a person on the phone lol. I just want to make sure of that before I buy them. Also I never used to take my phone into six flags but this year I am wanting. What do you all do with your phones when on the rides? I guess I am scared that it will fall out of my pocket. Was thinking about getting a small fanny pack but I know on some rides, like Toro, they don't allow them.

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So I have until tomorrow night to decide but I was going to six flags on Thursday and I was going to just buy the online ticket for 51.99 instead of the 70 plus at the park. I got an email saying I can get a gold season pass for 59.99. Do you think its better to go for the season pass versus just buying a one day ticket? I was also going to go to the water park next week as well.

Considering parking is $25 I'd say get the pass. I'm pretty sure you just show them the voucher at the booth and they scan it and it works for one time parking. Correct me if I'm wrong. Of course this only applies to gold passes I'm assuming parking is still included in them.


You're correct. THis is how it has worked for me at both Six Flags Over Georgia and Six Flags Great Adventure.


Thanks. They will still add the parking to the season pass right? I tried calling but I can't get a person on the phone lol. I just want to make sure of that before I buy them. Also I never used to take my phone into six flags but this year I am wanting. What do you all do with your phones when on the rides? I guess I am scared that it will fall out of my pocket. Was thinking about getting a small fanny pack but I know on some rides, like Toro, they don't allow them.

Cargo pants or shorts with pockets that zip or velcro are always my go to.
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So I have until tomorrow night to decide but I was going to six flags on Thursday and I was going to just buy the online ticket for 51.99 instead of the 70 plus at the park. I got an email saying I can get a gold season pass for 59.99. Do you think its better to go for the season pass versus just buying a one day ticket? I was also going to go to the water park next week as well.

Considering parking is $25 I'd say get the pass. I'm pretty sure you just show them the voucher at the booth and they scan it and it works for one time parking. Correct me if I'm wrong. Of course this only applies to gold passes I'm assuming parking is still included in them.


You're correct. THis is how it has worked for me at both Six Flags Over Georgia and Six Flags Great Adventure.


Thanks. They will still add the parking to the season pass right? I tried calling but I can't get a person on the phone lol. I just want to make sure of that before I buy them. Also I never used to take my phone into six flags but this year I am wanting. What do you all do with your phones when on the rides? I guess I am scared that it will fall out of my pocket. Was thinking about getting a small fanny pack but I know on some rides, like Toro, they don't allow them.


I do zipping cargo shorts, or I stuff my personal belongings into my sports bottle. That being said I would NOT recommend taking any loose articles into Great Adventure. They're aggressive on their no loose article policy. I've seen people not able to ride since they have phones in their pocket and their are no bins for personal belongings. I always leave my phone in the car and my wallet at Great Adventure and just stuff my seasons pass into my shoe once I'm in the park. I'm much less stressed this way. That's just me though. Great Adventure has the worst loose article accommodations of any park I have ever been to. Fair trade for some of the best coasters in the world.

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I wear cargo shorts with a zipper and never had any issues this season at the park(been there 6 to 8 times) with someone trying to tell me that wasn't ok. Haven't seen any staff tell people they can't keep their phone in their pockets either. I rode El Toro twice this season with people holding up cell phones and filming during the ride and nobody said anything to them.

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The park's enforcement of their loose article policy fluctuates. Some days they're on the ball, other days no one seems to really care. Been going to the park for years and not once have I been given a problem of putting my phone and wallet in a zipper or button pocket.

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My iPhone and keys fit fine in my hip pockets while I'm on rides. I'm a little bigger, so I'm stapled in most rides which ends up pretty much sealing my pockets shut. That's when I'm wearing my jeans which have no cargo pockets. When I'm wearing my shorts with velcro cargo pockets, my iPhone and keys stay in those without any issues.

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I couldn't find it . . . Does the park do early ride time for gold passes?

No, but there is a separate gold pass queue at the gates that may or may not get you towards the front of the mass of people at the fountain before rope drop. They're supposed to allow gold passholders through to enter a queue 10 or 15 minutes before official opening but you have to jam your way through the mass of stubborn sweaty people (note: from Jersey) to the staff guarding the rope to show your gold pass if they're bothering to let anyone through.


It's basically a sh!tshow. Good luck.


At least this is how it worked for me in 2015 so idk if they've changed policies or their mood since then. You really never know with this park.

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The last few times I've been there, both in late 2015 and this season at opening, they don't even do the rope drop. Once they just let everyone in early, opened all the gates. Every other time they've opened the season pass lines 10/15 mins early, no rope drop, they just open the rest of the gates at 10:30 (or whenever open is that day).

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It's actually hard to have a bad time at Great Adventure. You have to be actively trying to not enjoy yourself. There is always some stupidity and occasional line jumping but if you don't let it bother you you'll enjoy the park. The operations otherwise (excluding Kingda Ka and Bizarro) are pretty solid and the ride selection is top notch.

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