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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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That's hardly even a hump. For some reason, I imagined it going down a bit, then coming up, like a typical bunny hop. That is basically straight track, although you will still definitely get some air-time on it.


I'm sure there were good reasons for making this modification though, they wouldn't just to it to be jerks.

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You guys aren't looking closely enough. It's not a linear path of track...it has a bit of a sidewinding kick to it --- where the track banks rapidly to the left then immediately to the right before climbing the 200-foot tower. Go back and look at the images again...closely.

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I wouldn't say rapidly... that's a VERY drawn out transition. With the lack of banking, and the drawn out hill shaping/banking transitions, I don't think it'll be that great, and I'm about as sure as I can be without having ridden that it won't be anywhere close to as exciting as the rolls that were there previously. They were absolutely amazing IMO, especially with lapbars as opposed to OTSRs.

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You guys aren't looking closely enough. It's not a linear path of track...it has a bit of a sidewinding kick to it --- where the track banks rapidly to the left then immediately to the right before climbing the 200-foot tower. Go back and look at the images again...closely.


It looks like it has a zig-zag in one picture, but I don't see it in the rest of them. If it's there, it must be very gradual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone I was there yesterday and I have top say with the transitions the train looks really smooth going through them. I sadly have to say no airtime may be induced but who knows. If you can...go to Gadv Source and look for Mysterio's Video of the day...I was the one in the DC sweatshirt.



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You know what,.......to be honest..............WTF IS THAT!



I mean for real, what are they trying to pull, the zero-g roll was way better. who cares if it valleys! Deja Vu dealt with it!


Deja Vu doesnt valley with people stuck upside down, with a lap-bar only for 40+ minutes...

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no airtime? Whats the point of having a hump there then?


Not every hill on every coaster has airtime. I'm sure they looked at it the way of time and money. Instead of removing all that steel to pour more footings then add smaller supports all for having nothing there. They instead saved money on steel, time and work and we get a hill instead of nothing at all.

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