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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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IMO, turning Bizarro's trains around backwards would cause more trouble for the park than needed. One of those "great in theory, horrible in practice" things.


I was personally fine when it was still called Medusa...

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  Schotcher said:
  Parallax said:
I just noticed that Bizarro's trains are backwards on the 2011 park map.


I think you're reading way too much into this....


I'm not saying that it will happen because it won't. It was just an idea I had and I found it funny that it was on the park map.



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^^Agreed. I was good with Medusa as well. But if it worked for the park to re-brand it, I guess it's a good thing. I completely forgot there were only 2 seats available in the back row this past summer when I visited... I'd be okay with that if the audio worked on a regular basis!

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Serious idea or not, turning the trains backwards just seems too, well, bizarre for me. I can see how the theming change might bring the idea to mind, but some coasters just don't seem like they should ever go backwards.


Of course, I'd probably be first in line if that ever did happen to a floorless...

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  Parallax said:
I just noticed that Bizarro's trains are backwards on the 2011 park map.


I would definitely take the park map with a grain of salt (the size of your fist). The Six Flags maps are even less accurate than the Cedar Fair ones IMO, and they don't even have the charm that CF does. Or maybe they're trying to tell us that they'll remove the zero-G roll as well... CONSPIRACY!!!

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I did say I know it isn't going to happen. There are a lot of errors on the map, I just found it funny that the backwards train was one of them considering I had the idea a few days ago.


The ride was fine as Medusa, but I prefer Bizarro. It's really the same exact thing, just with mist and fire so I guess it's better with more. I've only been on it as Medusa once, and about 12 since it's become Bizarro. The on board audio is just crap though. They should go back to the regular trains that have 32 seats instead of 30. And while they're at it, make them backwards (I feel the need to say that this is sarcasm).

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  • 2 weeks later...




In all likelihood it's going to the scrap heap, but idle speculation sure beats studying any day of the week Assuming some park is willing to handle this ride's baggage (perhaps switch to LSMs?), where do you think it would go?


EDIT: Another random question I just thought of. What's the longest a coaster has been in storage and lived to tell about it?

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  SharkTums said:
^I keep hearing very strong rumors that it will live again...not in the US, but it may live!


This would be awesome. When it was running well, which was not often....it was my favorite ride at the park. You'd definitely think with the technology going on today behind some of the rides out there they'd be able to resurrect it.

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I too hope it gets new life somewhere else. When I made my first trip to the park in 2006, it was a bummer to see it sitting there, looking like a cool ride I'd enjoy, but idle and closed. I'm always a sucker for lapbar-only inversions!


As for their new Star Flyer, if I'm thinking correctly, won't this one be the tallest one built in the US so far? I think it will add nicely to the park's skyline.

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