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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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I think it's a good fit for a park that size & the public will flock to it....sure SLC's can give crappy rides but if they're maintained well they can also be smooth & enjoyable.


I rode Thunderhawk last year and it was a total POS. Paying a midget to beat guests in the head with a hammer would be a better addition to the park.

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^ It's really up to you on whether it should be or not, but I count them as new. I counted X-Flight and Firehawk as 2, and this summer I am going to ride Voodoo, counting it as another credit aside from Superman: Ultimate Escape/Steel Venom. When a coaster is relocated, it has a whole different scenery, and, who knows, maybe they might use some new parts on it, like a new chain or wheels or something. That would make it somewhat new and different than the original, I guess. So I do count them as separate credits from when they were in their previous location, but it's totally up to you.

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Paying a midget to beat guests in the head with a hammer would be a better addition to the park.

Considering the height of the midget, this takes on a whole new meaning. Therefore, I'd probably defer to the SLC's beating. Just barely though.


He'd have a chair to stand on you sick-o. And my vote is still for the midget.


midgets > all


Is it just me? Or is it kind of funny how that brochure lists Dominator as the 14th coaster at the park even though HyperSonic is being taken out? Last time I checked, that would make 13 coasters.


Marketing people can't resist stuff like that. I can't imagine even the GP care much about the difference between 13 and 14 coasters.

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He'd have a chair you sick-o. And my vote is still for the midget.


midgets > all

This changes everything drastically. My vote is now with the midget. And considering the thread we're in, he should be named "Dominator" as well.


They should theme the ride as a tribute to Herve "Zee plane! Zee plane!" Vellechaize, who was also triumphant as Knick Knack in The Man with the Golden Gun and the king of the 4th dimension in Forbidden Zone. (Or was that the 5th dimension?)


"Ride my coastair or I bust your kneecaps!"

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Well after hearing about the progress being made on Dominator.

Me, Chris and my son Aidan thought it would be a perfect time to get our CF jackets and check on progress and Boom here it is.


Thanks to Chris for letting me use his awesome zoom camera.

(He took some great pics too, he will add them later)


I uploaded all the full size pics to my smugmug account if anybody wants the full size High res pics




Enjoy, JEFF


New park skyline


This is what it looks like from miles away







orange track pieces in the foreground



another angle


Bolting it in place


"I just saw my first coaster track installed"


He wanted to ride so bad



Nice and easy


Installing the double piece



"Holy Cow I am Watching them build Dominator!"


Lifting a giant 1st Drop piece

(Kudos for working on a Sunday =)




Awesome new skyline


Oh really?

(New Sign)

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Fun to see this coming together again. Thank God Dominator was saved.


I hope this is up before my visit there in June.


Should this be counted as new credit??


Dominator (GL)

Dominator (KD)???????


Hmmmm, If only they had changed the name...........

No! You can't deny that it is the EXACT SAME COASTER! Would you count it as new if they just moved it to a different part of the park, painted it blue, and called it Spork? You would not. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

If you count this as new, you're inflating your count and making it inaccurate.

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Lifting a giant 1st Drop piece

(Kudos for working on a Sunday


I find it funny when guys turn down jobs on saturday/sunday. The crane operator is probably making around $40 an hour, so time and a half for working on sunday? I'd do it!!


Dominator is looking good, I hope i can get out there this year and ride it!

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So here are a few of the photos I took when I went up to KD today with Jeff and his son. I spent a little more time editing these and adding in some colors only because I've been going through this photo editing phase recently and I just can't help myself.







Jeff and Aidan are pretty excited about this new chain lift thing.




the skyline is changing before our eyes. I thought it was pretty cool that we happened to be there randomly as the largest drop section was being put into place


track being lifted


pre-drop installation


awesome new skyline

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I'm sure this has be posted before but I hate that its in the front of the park like that. I'm glad Kings Dominion is getting a new coaster. I'm also glad that its not going to block the Eiffel Tower completely from the parking lot view. And I'm not too sure about that orange color. I guess I'll have to wait and see how it turns out.

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No! You can't deny that it is the EXACT SAME COASTER! Would you count it as new if they just moved it to a different part of the park, painted it blue, and called it Spork? You would not. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

If you count this as new, you're inflating your count and making it inaccurate.


Hmmmmmm, you bring up a very good and valid point. I have never looked at relocated coasters that way. I may have to go back and re-evaluate my track record.

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