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Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 201 - Iron Menace announced for 2024!

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  andy_e219 said:
Why wasn't the Laser operating?

I can't wait to go there this August, and also, when is the best time to go to the park in August?


I would say any weekday Monday-Thursday.


I was at the park today also and Voodoo does look awesome up close! I heard a TON of people in the park talking about the ride, so I expect it to be a hit. A lot of people in this area don't even know what a launch coaster is.


Also, I was wondering why the train wasn't in the station. The train was stopped just outside of the station on the launch track. Does anyone know the reason for this?

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  NewsPlusNotes said:
The first part of the train is new because of damage caused when the ride had a whoopsies at Geauga Lake and never opened again.
This is new to me. What happened? Was the launch somehow too powerful, and it slammed into the stopper? That doesn't even seem possible.
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I'd have to go back through different forums to read the story again ... but it was along the lines of Geauga Lake was doing their normal morning testing and the ops kept hearing a weird noise.


They did more tests and on one launch the LIMs were misaligned and the ride sorta crashed ... not like horrible but it did major damage to the lims and the first part of the train.


Because of this the ride never reopened at Geauga, and that part of the train is now totally new at Dorney.



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  haux said:
  NewsPlusNotes said:
The first part of the train is new because of damage caused when the ride had a whoopsies at Geauga Lake and never opened again.
This is new to me. What happened? Was the launch somehow too powerful, and it slammed into the stopper? That doesn't even seem possible.


As NewsPlusNotes said, a magnet fin on the train was slightly bent, enough to not go through the slot properly and hit the LIMs attached to the track at high speeds.

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^ Yes the flags are very similar to Dragsters... CF Corp P&D must have done the 'new' part of Voodoo's station hence the similarities. All of the rest of the station is the same from Geauga, far as I can tell.




The ride's station from Geauga, grabbed from YouTube videos.

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  dwerling said:
I believe Wicked Twister stops in that general area when it has a mislaunch


Alright thanks for informing me on that. It was just odd looking to me that the train would be stopped there in that position all day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Voodoo actually opened yesterday! I happened to be there and took some pics.


I'd never been on the ride at Geauga Lake, so it was new to me. I really enjoyed it... the launch is pretty good and I actually loved the holding brake.


It was operating again today but Dorney had a park buyout for Girl Scouts. Hopefully now that we know it's operating more people can ride next weekend.




Important park people and happy riders.


It's a fun ride to watch at the park.


Holding brake in action.


Wish the sky was a nicer shade of blue...


The launch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was browsing the usedrides.com website, and came across an ad for Laser at Dorney Park. This is the description it gave-


Description: 1979 Schwarzkopf LOOPING COASTER.THIS COASTER WAS BUILT TO BE PORTABLE. IT WILL LOAD ON 26 TRAILERS.This ride is 93 feet tall, 2,200 feet long, and has two vertical loops. This coaster first operated in 1979 as Cobra at Parque de la Ciudad (translates to "City Park") in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was moved and opened at Dorney Park in 1986 as Colossus. It was renamed Laser a few years later. ASKING PRICE IS $1,200,000.00


It also includes actual pictures of Laser. Is Laser really up for sale or is this a false ad? It is for sale under Tommy, the head of ride sales for Usedrides.com so it must be real. I haven't heard anything about Laser being sold until I came across this ad.


I would give a direct link but it doesn't allow me. You can go to usedrides.com and its ad reference number is 34676. Or you can go from the home page, click on "search ads" under the for sale banner. Then click on "All Ads" and it will be listed on page 3.


Why is it up for sale?

Edited by larrygator
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I've never ridden the ride, although it looks fun (most Shwarzkopf's are) but the sale has also been reported on Screamscape.com.


Demon Drop at Cedar Point has been up for sale for a couple years and it's still thrilling riders daily as best I know!


If you can, ride it while it's still there.


I had the same thing happen to me at my homepark of SFGA with Deja Vu, but our ride DID get sold. I miss it terribly.

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Why is it up for sale?


It's a really old ride is 1. I don't think it gets too much of a line, but yet it's not my homepark, so I don't really know if it does it or not, but I'm thinking it does. I think this ride is an awesome ride, but what can you do about it?

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  ParkTrips said:
fudge you, Cedar Fair.


I have more choice words then that...... like....... *%*# you you *$&%*#ing mother$*%*ers!


This is a sad day. To think, the line last Sunday was the longest that I had seen it in 6 years. The popularity of Voodoo is really doing wonders for Laser, and now, it really is for sale. And for what? I can't see them having plans for anything worth while over there, unless they really did get that extra couple acres in that area and are looking to place a wood coaster, but I have heard that they are just looking to expand the parking lot. In either case, I will still be very bitter. I was just starting to warm up to the park, but like I said, if this goes through any time soon, I will be extremely bitter.

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  VivaLaVibora said:
Why is it up for sale?


It's a really old ride is 1. I don't think it gets too much of a line, but yet it's not my homepark, so I don't really know if it does it or not, but I'm thinking it does.



Anyway, here's hoping it ends up in Lake Winnie, right Joe?

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^That would be awesome for Lake Winnie to get a classic looping coaster! I mean is it that hard for a small park to get a small loan of 1.2 mil? LOL :0)


This would be a nice addition to Lake Winnie, but I doubt that this would ever happen.... :0(

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^ It's way more intense. The spot between the two loops pulls high G's, and the turn after the second loop is crazy.


I don't understand why some of you are mad at Cedar Fair for this. If it's buggy or high maintenance, selling it off isn't that bad an idea. The same goes if it has low ridership.

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