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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Pretty cool.


I have a feeling with 4 launches (rumored of course) that this will probably launch go through and element or 2 into an animal area and pause for you to look at the animals/attractions and then do the same thing again, then again and then finish with one final launch through elements home.


Think several of the fastest animals around. Perhaps with the cheetah being the last one. Each launch would be increasingly faster (ie #1 - 40mph, #2 - 50, etc etc ending with the cheetah at what 65mph I think is what it does)


I dunno just throwing that out there.



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It must be great being you for a day Robb. Thanks for this update and for your continued efforts in making this website so great! Besides Cary Grant, Jimmy Page, Morrissey and Howard Stern, you are my fourth favorite person alive and the fifth spot when I include Cary Grant. But you are in a quality league with these guys. Thanks for being so cool Robb,


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Something never done before...do you think he means by height, speed, prototype?


It has been done before, just not on this scale. Back in my TV days, Universal did stuff like this all the time inviting reporters down to HHN and for certain media events. Disney has done similar things, but not for websites. What they did to, is take it to a whole new level that I'm sure other parks will soon follow.

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Other parks should take note, this is the right way to build excitement about your new attractions. Well done Mr. Dean.


And on a side note...


Besides Cary Grant, Jimmy Page, Morrissey and Howard Stern, you are my fourth favorite person alive and the fifth spot when I include Cary Grant. But you are in a quality league with these guys.


This is hands down the best thing I've read in the last week.

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Something never done before...do you think he means by height, speed, prototype?


It has been done before, just not on this scale. Back in my TV days, Universal did stuff like this all the time inviting reporters down to HHN and for certain media events. Disney has done similar things, but not for websites. What they did to, is take it to a whole new level that I'm sure other parks will soon follow.


I was talking about how they've said the ride has never been done before.

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Definitely very cool to acknowledge us in the PR teaser, makes it seem a little more personal and that this attraction is something they're really proud of already. He dropped a couple of interesting phrases that stuck out: "speed through details", "accelerate", and "moving fast around here" pretty much clinching that it's going to be launched. Since he said "curiosity" and that is in fact what killed the cat, I'm still going with a cat theme, specifically the cheetah. I'll be very excited to get back to Florida next year for this, as if Busch Gardens doesn't have an awesome coaster collection to begin with.


Oh yeah, and I loved the excitement over piles of dirt, they really know enthusiasts, don't they!?

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Just a very long shot darkhorse rumor idea here but since Intamin is just the speculated and rumored manufacturer at this point but not confirmed, is it possible that this could be an American version of that new B&M prototype going to Gardaland? I remember recently seeing some track pictures from the B&M track fabrication facility in Ohio in a strange color scheme that possibly could work for the desert/jungle/cheetah theme. I don't know if B&M manufactures track for foreign rides at the Ohio plant, but with no other north american B&M's announced for 2011 that track is either for Gardaland or a yet to be announced project. Also considering Busch's longstanding relationship with B&M they would be a perfect candidate for another ride especially a prototype (wasn't Sheikra the first large scale dive machine)? But also considering they already have almost a full B&M catalog they'd be a great candidate for a ride from a different manufacturer as well. Just an idea......

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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay has sent us a new press release and photos of the latest additions to their animal family, baby flamingos!


Since June 3, seven baby Caribbean flamingos have hatched at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay – the most recent, born on Sunday, July 25. The babies are on display along with approximately 125 adult flamingos in the Bird Gardens area of the park.


As these babies prove, newly hatched chicks are not pink, but in fact have gray or white down feathers. Their pink coloring comes from the carotenoid pigments they consume as part of their diet. They won’t lose all of their darker feathers for a few years.


Flamingos have long resided at Busch Gardens. Their bright color and gentle nature have made them a favorite of park guests for many years.





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I asked the PR department about cheeta chase and they assured me it would "remain untouched" in regards to the 2011 project.


I just dumped my Primium passes for Disney annual passes. I feel this might have been a bad descion D:.

I should go out and get a fun pass this next year :I


(I miss my spell check on my computer, damn Ipod ;-; )

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