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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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Are they going to have to modify the skyride for the coaster? I think it's pretty awesome we are going to have a top view of the construction as it goes. I just hope they don't shut it down before we get some good coaster construct pics.



Actually, the skyride will be shuting down in the very near future, well before any track arrives. ...And will probably be down the rest of 2010.

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I see the new pathway is there :E


wait, I see a new lion exibit....and a lake?


Isen't there suppose to be a new coaster? it looks like from the map they are just extending EOA. That coaster better be damn quiet.

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Hey everyone this is pretty much my first post one here but I shall give it a try....


I got a chance to head over to Busch Gardens today to check out the construction and get a ride in on Montu. Sorry I didn't have my camera with me, but it seems like the progress on the bridge has really picked up pace, it now has thick wood beams on each side. Also it looked like they were set to drive more of the black sheeting for the ditches down. Further away from that section over were Animal Connections was, the white fencing was starting to come down on the inside as well as materials being stripped from the inside(so it seemed). And finally fencing has gone around the adjacent building where Akbar's used to be.


Can't wait to see this area in a month!

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New map looks cool. When the skyride is back up, it will take the same path? Kind of sad how you can look at the history of the park's expansion and be able to assume that in 15 years or so, that northeast corner won't be housing animals.. though I imagine that the zoo aspect is probably a huge write off. I'm having a very hard time conceptualizing this track on that map, as in where it's going to be. I'm looking at the 'plans', then back at the map.. It doesn't help that the map isn't exactly 'to scale', and it certainly doesn't help that I'm an idiot..Well, as in to say that the only place where I see it would have it chilling with lions and elephants, I wonder how the animals would react to a coaster being that close?

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For everybody wondering about the map, the lions and hippos on this new version are already there, they just drew it so that there isn't a lot of empty space. In reality, there is that whole construction zone separating the train from EoA. It's like how they didn't include the large employee facility on the map (for obvious reasons lol).


Off topic, but, for anybody going to BG anytime soon, could you find the prices for those caricatures scattered around the park? It would be a great help, thanks!

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Well, as in to say that the only place where I see it would have it chilling with lions and elephants, I wonder how the animals would react to a coaster being that close?


They would get used to it because of natural habituation...a behavioral alteration where an organism gets accustomed to a particular stimulus, and no longer responds to it.



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^ the problem would be how they would respond not only long term, but short term. Introducing something new to an environment that they have lived in for awhile. I'm just rambling on, but I have a huge concern on the short term (not only the long term) of the health and happiness of the animals. I may not know much, but care is genuine.

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^When Rhino Rally opened I thought it was A MILLION times better than Kilamanjaro Safari. It was thrilling, you got to see the animals much closer, had an interactive guide, and more.


Then when the accident happened and they toned RR down so much that a baby could ride it, it kind of lost its appeal.


Now I'd probably give the edge to Kilamanjaro simply because it's a longer ride?!!?

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How did they tone it down again? I don't remember it being any different since it opened, aside from the water portion. It must have not made a huge difference in ride experience If I don't remember it.


Also, I'm heading back to the park this weekend to check out construction and the new show Kenitix. (I'm not sure how it's spelled)


I'm going in the afternoon, So I want to hope I can get some shots with the "new" lights and effect that Busch placed on the rides for the Summer nights thing.

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It used to have many more 'bumps' and 'cliffs' and you would go like 45 degrees or more in those vehicles. I swear I really thought we were going to flip over on one of my first rides...


and then a vehicle did flip over and sent people to the hospital.


The ride was closed and all of the really fun 'offroad' sections were filled in with dirt and concrete and made more 'flat'.

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The Clydesdale stuff is off the map as well. (statue & horse/fenced area) I have been to BG once, but I happen to have my map on my desk from last year, so I started to compare the two...giving myself a huge headache. lol. Not much has changed between the two, except to take off Rhino Ralley, the skyride and add the kiddie stuff. Lions are there last year... and I am curious what lake? I cannot find any body of water that is in addition to what was already there.


In any case, I love the updates! It is awesome to see parks change, especially when there is a new coaster involved! Cannot wait to see this thing being built and to see future updates! Thank you to all who bring the updates to us. Myself living in NY, I cannot get down to Fl whenever I wish I could to see them for myself.

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Featuring the Australian Exhibit, Project 2011, and The new show(which is a MUST SEE).


First, before I show photos, this is a 30 second clip of the new show, Kinetix .




Anyway, they blocked off a good portion of land near the skyride and cut the trees down :O


Fences next to katonga, not new but still


No trees...


Shot from over the fence (dad took the photo as he is tall)


a LOT more fences, the Clydesdale is gone now. they are ripping it all up.


A single Defined path.... I was afraid montu was cut off D: (it isnt, but montu has NO LINE though)


They ran out of fence?


Extends to egypt


See, they are ripping it all up (you're looking at the Clydesdale area)



Look from the skyride


Loook of the new bridge


They extended the pathway some more


Though, a small portion in the middle of the pathway is missing


Viewing area maybe?


The track on rhino rally is totally gone now (from view)


Excuse the blurry photo.... but walkabout way sign


The areaaa


Are they not finish yet?


A kangaroo feeding experience, still not open. (while you can walk through it, it won't open til tomarrow, according to busch)


THIS SHOW WAS AMAZING, I'm not going to give anything away, but it's a MUST SEE

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The shows are every night at 9. And I was disappointed with the effects, all it was were skytrackers. I attached a link of a Skytracker for those who don't know. These are the ONLY "special effects" for the rides. There's one for each ride


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Thanks for the update. They are moving very quickly. Gotta love the fact that it hasn't rained a whole lot in the Tampa area so far this year. Hopefully they will make good progress throughout the summer.


Real quick question that I'm not sure there is an answer to.. are they keeping the building that houses the skyride as part of the entrance/queue for the new coaster? or will that be completely redone..

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No, it's still open normal operations. You're right though, they did say it was suppose to be closed by now, but It hasn't. I"ll ask the official facebook person who works in guest relations. Since it's not a question about something the public shouldn't know about, I'll just ask publicly.


( Source for closure: http://buschgardens.com/Bgt/CP/Default.aspx?page=Attraction%20Closures )

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Yes, the sky ride is still open I was just there today. I also talked to one of the operators of Rhino Rally; yes the water section is gone but he mentioned they were putting in a coaster (apparently a really big one too). I really can not wait till they formerly say what exactly they are building.

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Yes, the sky ride is still open I was just there today. I also talked to one of the operators of Rhino Rally; yes the water section is gone but he mentioned they were putting in a coaster (apparently a really big one too). I really can not wait till they formerly say what exactly they are building.


Uhhh, Most of the ride ops would fear their jobs if they let out information like that. They arn't allowed to leak info that is not already open to the public. (meaning, press conference or from official source) Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

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