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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 378: New Wild Oasis details released!

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I think those of us that have been following the ride closely understand where the launches are and am sure none of us are "looking for things to complain about." Prior to this past week, we only had the animation to gauge the ride experience. Now that the ride is testing, we can get a more grounded real world expectation from the ride, and on some levels, to some of us, it's disappointing.


I believe the vast majority of us are thrilled to see a new coaster in Florida and think it's a great addition to the park. With that said, it's also an Intamin, which historically makes world class thrill machines and believe that's where the disappointment stems from. It's going to be a great ride, but not at the same level as I305, Maverick, or El Toro.


I know this is rehashing something from a few pages back, but I can't quite conceive how you would ever think that this would be on the same level as I305, El Toro, or even Maverick when it has been touted as a family friendly coaster. Apart from Scorpion and Cheetah Chase (or whatever it is being called now) you had to be 54" to do the coasters. Sure, there is Gwazi, but a lot of my cousins that we've brought to the park were scared more of the wooden coaster than the steel, so even at 48"it still was a tough sell...


Busch Gardens has shown they're not dumb with what they do... they have the thrill market cornered with their B&Ms; a wild mouse to get the "first credits," a small looper to help progress into things a bit more intense, and a woodie that is a great ride. They're expanding their coverage of the full range of age/intensity levels of their guests.


Not everything has to set and/or break records to be a great coaster. Look at what a good majority of the world hold as some of their favorite coasters (Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain) for proof.

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^I've already made my position noted on pass discussion on this subject.


Let's take 5 people who I just interviewed in my school class, who dislike "intense" coasters, such as Sheikra, Kumba, and Montu, and see what they think based on photos and videos of the ride. When showing them photos of: The Tower element, The loop, the videos of the launches, the Drop over the skyride, and what little we've seen of the Rhino Rally Section. Overall, the consensus is that the ride would be more appealing without the loop, and less steep drops. They also noted the that launches scared the shit out of them, and I showed them the "slower, not up to speed" version. They don't consider this a family oriented coaster. When asked, if they would ride one of these four coasters; Kumba, Montu, Sheikra, and Cheetah Hunt, only one of the five kids said cheetah hunt.


I understand that these are only 5 people of the GP out of a absurdly large number of actual visitors, but, what coaster enthusiastic might find as boring, could be thrilling to GP. I highly doubt most of the people who visit Busch have ever gone one or more top 10 steel coasters.


You can go ahead and say, "Hey, this coaster is going to suck, and it's directed as a stepping stone to the bigger rides." However, I couldn't disagree more. I say it's suppose to be another thrilling coaster, it's just being thought of, by most enthusiast, as another low class ride.


Also, regarding the 48in height requirement, it's rumored to change. (Busch's official facebook still is telling people it's not set in stone.) Of course, this could mean nothing.

Edited by Inukaza
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This coaster just looks so amazing to me!


I really think that this going to be one of the most enjoyable and rerideable coasters to date! And i diffenetly think that this is ERT meterial!


I am so exited about this coaster even thourgh i live in Scandinavia!

This is probably (IMO) one of the best looking coasters to date, and i really love how it interacts with the theming, ground and of course, the cheetahs!


This is not a B&M Hyper or a Maurer Söhne Skyloop, this is a one of it's kind ride, and it's something new, something innovative and it's very apealing and beautiful! And i love that fact!



- Kian

Edited by Gerstlauer1
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I'm sorry since when has Cheetah Hunt been a family ride??? Just because it has a lower height restriction doesn't mean it isn't an amazing coaster. It is good that they have a lower height restriction, do you remember as a kid you couldn't wait to ride the big rides, and the frustration when you were just under. Maverick's original height restriction was 48" and that is most definitely not a family ride!

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I'm sorry since when has Cheetah Hunt been a family ride??? Just because it has a lower height restriction doesn't mean it isn't an amazing coaster. It is good that they have a lower height restriction, do you remember as a kid you couldn't wait to ride the big rides, and the frustration when you were just under. Maverick's original height restriction was 48" and that is most definitely not a family ride!


"Family friendly" as in, if the 48" height requirement sticks, more kids will be able to ride it. That frustration of being just under the height can be compounded when big brother or big sister can ride, and the younger can't. Lower height, more potential riders. Less heartaches and tears for parents...


The notion was not to say that this was going to be a glorified wacky worm... rather, that more families with younger children would have the option of riding provided the height doesn't change.

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Regarding the debate, I'm just going to throw my two cents in and say that what Busch probably wanted here was akin to what Disney wanted out of California Sreamin': A smooth, re-rideable, reliable launch coaster that is appealing to thrill seekers but able to be enjoyed by a slightly wider audience than most mega coasters. And if it even comes close to just how well Screamin' matched all of those goals, it's going to be a very, very fun ride.

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Picture time! Some inside pictures from Busch Gardens! Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!


Typically when we give a coaster construction update, what you see is somewhat of a visual mystery – enormous pieces of steel strewn about in varying stages of completion, scaffolding unfolding as far as the eye can see…and, the occasional huge pile of dirt. In those cases, it is necessary to give captions and explain what exactly is happening on the site.


However, today’s Cheetah Hunt update is different. Why?


We have LOTS of photos to share that tell the story of the final weeks of construction. These photos speak for themselves. We will just cut the chatter and let you take it all in.


The only question that remains is: Are you ready for May 27?


The best way to experience Cheetah Hunt over, and over, and over again is with a 2011 Busch Gardens Fun Card -- and hurry, because May 31 is your last chance to get one!


ADMIN EDIT: I went ahead and added the photos so people didn't have to jump to see them. Thanks for sharing this with us!


POST ADMIN EDIT: I was pressed for time, so I just posted the link. Thank you for putting up the pictures for all of us!












Edited by jjune4991
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I'm sorry since when has Cheetah Hunt been a family ride??? Just because it has a lower height restriction doesn't mean it isn't an amazing coaster. It is good that they have a lower height restriction, do you remember as a kid you couldn't wait to ride the big rides, and the frustration when you were just under. Maverick's original height restriction was 48" and that is most definitely not a family ride!


"Family friendly" as in, if the 48" height requirement sticks, more kids will be able to ride it. That frustration of being just under the height can be compounded when big brother or big sister can ride, and the younger can't. Lower height, more potential riders. Less heartaches and tears for parents...


The notion was not to say that this was going to be a glorified wacky worm... rather, that more families with younger children would have the option of riding provided the height doesn't change.

Busch Gardens has shown they're not dumb with what they do... they have the thrill market cornered with their B&Ms; a wild mouse to get the "first credits," a small looper to help progress into things a bit more intense, and a woodie that is a great ride. They're expanding their coverage of the full range of age/intensity levels of their guests.


I don't think you'd get what I mean. Your originally said it was MADE for a lower age group and was not suppose to be thrilling. However, just because it has a lower height limit, it doesn't mean that it was designed as a stepping stone.


While yes, it can appeal to a very small range of kids, by having a slightly lower height requirement. I agree that more children will be able to ride, obviously, it's just your previous comments that I have a problem with.

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I'm sorry since when has Cheetah Hunt been a family ride??? Just because it has a lower height restriction doesn't mean it isn't an amazing coaster. It is good that they have a lower height restriction, do you remember as a kid you couldn't wait to ride the big rides, and the frustration when you were just under. Maverick's original height restriction was 48" and that is most definitely not a family ride!


"Family friendly" as in, if the 48" height requirement sticks, more kids will be able to ride it. That frustration of being just under the height can be compounded when big brother or big sister can ride, and the younger can't. Lower height, more potential riders. Less heartaches and tears for parents...


The notion was not to say that this was going to be a glorified wacky worm... rather, that more families with younger children would have the option of riding provided the height doesn't change.

Busch Gardens has shown they're not dumb with what they do... they have the thrill market cornered with their B&Ms; a wild mouse to get the "first credits," a small looper to help progress into things a bit more intense, and a woodie that is a great ride. They're expanding their coverage of the full range of age/intensity levels of their guests.


I don't think you'd get what I mean. Your originally said it was MADE for a lower age group and was not suppose to be thrilling. However, just because it has a lower height limit, it doesn't mean that it was designed as a stepping stone.


While yes, it can appeal to a very small range of kids, by having a slightly lower height requirement. I agree that more children will be able to ride, obviously, it's just your previous comments that I have a problem with.


I never once said it was made for anything other than cornering another segment of their demographics. With what you quoted of mine, where does it state anything other than that? You've not understood my point from the beginning... hell, your first reply to me has you saying: "Hey, this coaster is going to suck, and it's directed as a stepping stone to the bigger rides." which is completely the opposite of my point that post was referring to. How am I going to mention Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain, rides that are unanimously loved/ridden/re-ridden/re-loved and think that unless it is an ACEr's wet dream, that it will suck? You're arguing with me in parallel thinking, wrongly might I add, that I'm detracting the coaster... I agree that the ride will be good for what it was designed to be, 1 of 5 world class coasters, of varying types, at a well run theme park, it's just your previous comments and assumptions of points that I have a problem with.

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I never once said it was made for anything other than cornering another segment of their demographics. With what you quoted of mine, where does it state anything other than that? You've not understood my point from the beginning... hell, your first reply to me has you saying: "Hey, this coaster is going to suck, and it's directed as a stepping stone to the bigger rides." which is completely the opposite of my point that post was referring to. How am I going to mention Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain, rides that are unanimously loved/ridden/re-ridden/re-loved and think that unless it is an ACEr's wet dream, that it will suck? You're arguing with me in parallel thinking, wrongly might I add, that I'm detracting the coaster... I agree that the ride will be good for what it was designed to be, 1 of 5 world class coasters, of varying types, at a well run theme park, it's just your previous comments and assumptions of points that I have a problem with.


Again, your mistaken. I'd like to first say that I have always defended the coaster, not once saying it sucked. So, please, for the future, look my my post before you comment on them. I'm not saying you said that the coaster will suck. I'm saying it's probably not intended for being a "steeping stone" coaster.


In my original post to this argument that happen a month ago, I said you can't assume this will be a horrible coaster unless you ride it. You shouldn't assume, nor can you make a accurate assumption until you ride.


I don't see why you're getting so worked up about this. If you want to quote me again, actually do it so you know it's right. However, this will only attract unwanted ears. So, let's just accept each other opinion, and get on with the thread. I'll stop.



Edit: Oh, I see where you said that you saw me saying this coaster will suck.


You can go ahead and say, "Hey, this coaster is going to suck, and it's directed as a stepping stone to the bigger rides." However, I couldn't disagree more. I say it's suppose to be another thrilling coaster, it's just being thought of, by most enthusiast, as another low class ride.


Read the full sentence before you argue it.

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Again, your mistaken. I'd like to first say that I have always defended the coaster, not once saying it sucked. So, please, for the future, look my my post before you comment on them. I'm not saying you said that the coaster will suck. I'm saying it's probably not intended for being a "steeping stone" coaster.


In my original post to this argument that happen a month ago, I said you can't assume this will be a horrible coaster unless you ride it. You shouldn't assume, nor can you make a accurate assumption until you ride.


I don't see why you're getting so worked up about this. If you want to quote me again, actually do it so you know it's right. However, this will only attract unwanted ears. So, let's just accept each other opinion, and get on with the thread. I'll stop.



Edit: Oh, I see where you said that you saw me saying this coaster will suck.


You can go ahead and say, "Hey, this coaster is going to suck, and it's directed as a stepping stone to the bigger rides." However, I couldn't disagree more. I say it's suppose to be another thrilling coaster, it's just being thought of, by most enthusiast, as another low class ride.


Read the full sentence before you argue it.


Cutting through the bullshit, fictitious e-quarrel aside, you still seem to not get the point that what you're so valiantly arguing for and against are points of discussion that I've never made. The quote:


You can go ahead and say, "Hey, this coaster is going to suck, and it's directed as a stepping stone to the bigger rides." However, I couldn't disagree more. I say it's suppose to be another thrilling coaster, it's just being thought of, by most enthusiast, as another low class ride.


Is immediately after my initial post with a lovely " ^ " indicating that you are replying to me. Thus, the "You" in "You can go ahead and say [...]" is me. Thing is, I didn't say that. Nor did I say anything remotely close to that, or even anything else you've attributed to me in the subsequent replies. You rail on and on about assumptions and it is really you who've assumed and misinterpreted what I've wrote as being a "hater," which is the furthest from the truth.


The lines about Space and Thunder mountain are to add on that records don't mean squat with the people who matter to parks; the non-enthusiast, general public. That is where the money is. That is where the focus is. This ride is intended to do only one thing and that is to be a boon for attendance figures and get more of "those people" through the turnstiles.


And I think what the whole problem was this entire time was you were not understanding what that run-down of rides was actually meaning:


"[...]they have the thrill market cornered with their B&Ms;" - Kumba/Montu/Sheikra

"a wild mouse to get the "first credits," - Cheetah Chase / Sand Serpent

"a small looper to help progress into things a bit more intense," - Scorpion

"and a woodie that is a great ride." - Gwazi


... and then ...


"They're expanding their coverage of the full range of age/intensity levels of their guests." - Cheetah Hunt


This isn't a slight against the coaster it is me acknowledging and breaking down why this isn't the typical "Intamin" coaster as Thom25 was saying... Hell, if all parks did was look to top each other year after year, coaster after coaster, they probably wouldn't be in business all that long as without a balanced line-up of coasters and thrill rides your bottom line will suffer. I'm all for BG to expand further, bringing in new visitors and new dollars to help with future projects to take crowns.

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I promised a few people I wouldn't argue anymore. I absolutely disagree with you, still, and would love to argue my point even further. I'll respect your opinion even though I disagree. Let's get on with life.


Either way, going to the park later on and should hopefully get some more pictures.

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It's so PURTY!!!


I'm going to try to swing by the park tomorrow afternoon for a bit to get some photos (and see my kangaroo & wallaby friends). In the morning I'm going to be at Citrus Park Mall checking out the Star Tours thingy Disney is going to have going on to promote the updated ride.

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Busch is going to put in another world class ride, let's just leave it at that until people start riding it.




And I'll be there in the morning as well to check on the progress. Looking forward to seeing some of the details that are visible!

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Personally, this ride looks like it's gonna kick some serious ass. the launch (es) will probabaly be great, the layout is interesting and unique, the area and trains just have my jaw dropping to the floor their so beautiful. Just look at all of Busch's other coasters. Almost every one, at least in the last 10 years, has been something beautiful and iconic along with being a great ride. The whole idea of this atraction with the cheetah exibits and whatnot is totally awesome sounding.


This ride is even more awe-inspiring when you consider their last ' 48" height restriction ' attraction was Python. I actually did like python and miss it, but this looks to be a much better ride.

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I'm just wondering...the train seemed to be crawling through the layout on the full layout test video. That's not the full speed, right?


I hear this talk about this ride being marketed to families and I really hope that's not the case. It has so much potential, especially since it is Intamin and it is the Blitz type like Maverick.


Really, this ride looks fantastic. It's gorgeous and the layout is great...unless the talk I'm hearing is true and it does run at that speed.

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