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Busch Gardens Tampa Bay (BGT Discussion Thread)

P. 377: Wild Oasis realm in Jungala announced for 2025!

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^I realize that you live in a civilized country but we live in a country where people are killed by wedgies, rape babies, and sleep with alligators. This is barely a news story here! Go Team USA!


Are you talking about the USA, or just Florida?


Seriously, why does all the weird crazy news happen in FL...

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That's why they should have you surrender your firearms when you enter the theater. Tazers on the other hand. That could be a true source of amusement.


That'd be one hell of a check-in counter, I dread to think how people would react if disney ever moved that second screen thing they were going to do with the little mermaid to other properties people really care about such as marvel or star-wars, "Kids help guide the x-wing using your very bright ipad screens with laser sounds". I know they include them on the blu-ray already but wasn't there talk about having it at the movie cinemas as well when they were going to re-release the little mermaid?

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^I realize that you live in a civilized country but we live in a country where people are killed by wedgies, rape babies, and sleep with alligators. This is barely a news story here! Go Team USA!


I feel almost as if we should redesign the flag to celebrate these things.

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We regret to announce that the Beach Boys and Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo have cancelled their performances at Bands, Brew & BBQ this year. It’s disappointing that a digital harassment campaign enacted by animal activists led to denying thousands of fans what would have been two exciting concerts, but we’re committed to bringing our guests a great festival.
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^I realize that you live in a civilized country but we live in a country where people are killed by wedgies, rape babies, and sleep with alligators. This is barely a news story here! Go Team USA!


^HA! Definitely this...sad, but true!


I was just saying to my co-workers today that it is getting more and more embarrassing to live in this country...the scary thing was that they completely agreed with me without any hesitation.


I certainly won't crap on the USA because it kicks all sorts of ass, but the people here just need to wake the heck up...NOW!


Oh well...I'm looking forward to my visit to Sea World/Busch Gardens in March. I just wish that we would have been able to attend this festival.


I think that I mentioned this before, but I think that they should just drop the "bands" part of the event and focus more on the food and beer part of it like Epcot's Food and Wine event in the future. Yeah, it's giving up the fight to some extent, but personally, I would be more drawn to this event for the beer and food than I would be the bands anyway.


Instead of a stage with bands, use that area to bring in food trucks showcasing ethnic foods, independently owned restaraunteurs featuring local culinary fare, state micro-breweries and local artisans.


I think that this would be a win for the city of Orlando?Tampa & the state of Florida...and it keeps money-hungry, ratings-seeking news reporters and Hollywood wanna-be's from producing & publicizing negative one-sided news stories and documentaries!

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We regret to announce that the Beach Boys and Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo have cancelled their performances at Bands, Brew & BBQ this year. It’s disappointing that a digital harassment campaign enacted by animal activists led to denying thousands of fans what would have been two exciting concerts, but we’re committed to bringing our guests a great festival.


How in God's name do you get the Beach Boys and Pat Benatar on the same billing........Although it would be cool to see the semi, still alive original Beach Boys.

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^&^^Not to spin this thread off topic but I'd really like some more info on the movie theater shooting thing. Sounds to me like the poor old guy was provoked and harassed by the texter and after he tried going to theater staff the guy got physical and accused him of "telling on him". This is Florida, you don't get in fights with people cause someone is always armed! And you don't act rude in a movie theater!


This was a really weird story. The gunman was led out of the theatre holding a water bottle, with his hands 'cuffed in front. Only one officer led him to the squad car, and he was about five feet in front of him the whole time.




That is the murderer getting brought out of the theatre. Why the hell doesn't he have 3 guys leading him? Totally bizarre.

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Really? Because they are owned by seaworld, that makes them a bad park? Shame on those people, they should never be allowed into ANY amusement park again with or without animals! Seriously, I think some of these people have mental retardation! How can you be SO STUPID and SO STUBBORN when you KNOW (or should know) that not 1 but 2 trainers involved in Blackfish came out and said that the movie was wrong about Seaworld. Now who are you going to believe? 2 people who have worked at Seaworld as whale trainers or some producer trying to earn some money by exploiting Seaworld in any way they can. GOSH! THESE PEOPLE ARE F***ING STUPID!


[EDIT] How does that one woman at the bottom know the truth? She's been LIED TO by Blackfish about Seaworld being the evil corporation. Groups like PETA should be charged for animal abuse. Ya' wanna hear a little known fact:


Since 1998, a total of 29,398 pets have died at the hands of PETA workers.
Found off of this website: http://petakillsanimals.com/

What HYPOCRITES! They say that Seaworld tortures their animals when THOUSANDS have died in PETA's hands. And you want to know what I think? They probably RELEASED the animals and let them run off to die because, "oh no, domestication of animals is torture. Let them be free!!!"

Some people..... some people are just down right stupid.

Edited by tarheel1231
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I'm traveling to Tampa to next week with my wife and I wanted advice on the "experiences" Busch Gardens offer. My wife and I love to interact with animals so we were wondering what does the park offer in terms of maybe handling, feeding or petting animals at the park. I wonder if anyone here has done any of the 'experiences' they offer on their website and what you thought about it. Thanks in advance!

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I'm traveling to Tampa to next week with my wife and I wanted advice on the "experiences" Busch Gardens offer. My wife and I love to interact with animals so we were wondering what does the park offer in terms of maybe handling, feeding or petting animals at the park. I wonder if anyone here has done any of the 'experiences' they offer on their website and what you thought about it. Thanks in advance!


Right off the bat, without even taking a tour you can already walk through the Kangaroo enclosure and the Aviary. You can pay a small amount to feed them, but it's not even necessary to be able to pet them.


Otherwise the Safari is pretty cool, gets you really close to some of the less dangerous African animals, and you can feed some of them too. It's pretty cheap at $19. I've never done the nighttime one, but it looks like a great option!


The coaster tour is fun if your into that.

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I'm traveling to Tampa to next week with my wife and I wanted advice on the "experiences" Busch Gardens offer. My wife and I love to interact with animals so we were wondering what does the park offer in terms of maybe handling, feeding or petting animals at the park. I wonder if anyone here has done any of the 'experiences' they offer on their website and what you thought about it. Thanks in advance!


Right off the bat, without even taking a tour you can already walk through the Kangaroo enclosure and the Aviary. You can pay a small amount to feed them, but it's not even necessary to be able to pet them.


Otherwise the Safari is pretty cool, gets you really close to some of the less dangerous African animals, and you can feed some of them too. It's pretty cheap at $19. I've never done the nighttime one, but it looks like a great option!


The coaster tour is fun if your into that.


Why thank you! We would love to pet and feed animals and I know some of their experiences are a little pricey. Thank you for the heads up!

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The kangaroo and walabi habitat is really quite fun. I did buy a bowl of a really yummy looking salad to feed them and I believe it was only 5 bucks. I was hungry at the time and it was really tempting to get one for myself, but alas, they had no dressing for it there. Some of the walabis were actually running free on the pathways in the enclosure and would come right up to you. I spent a lot of time in there. I have had friends do the other safari add on and they said it was worth it. You can get face to face with giraffes on it, something I would really like to do.

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I'm traveling to Tampa to next week with my wife and I wanted advice on the "experiences" Busch Gardens offer. My wife and I love to interact with animals so we were wondering what does the park offer in terms of maybe handling, feeding or petting animals at the park. I wonder if anyone here has done any of the 'experiences' they offer on their website and what you thought about it. Thanks in advance!

Take the Serengeti railroad, it gets really close to the animals and the cars are open so its pretty exciting, plus the train conductor is funny and gives you lots of knowledge about the animals.

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