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If you could tear down one coaster

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I guess mean streak was better in the olden days


NO. It was never better, and I rode it opening weekend in 1991. It just keeps getting worse and worse.


Tear down just one?

How about use one BIG match to get the following:


Grizzly at Great America (wow...sucks SO bad)

Mean Streak (sorry CP....there are better uses for the wood)

Son of Beast (ouch ouch and more ouch)


Hmm...and all three are at Cedar Fair/APOLLO parks!

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I think I'd tear down Great American Scream Machine at SFGAdv. It's not necessarily an awful ride; it just seems to take up a huge amount of space while doing almost nothing for the park. Even just another path back to Kingda Ka would be nicer than GASM IMO.

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The Voyage, just because I like to see fanboys cry.


I'm in the Mean Streak camp too, my reasoning is more than it is just mediocre and painful in a way that cannot be fixed but that it is taking a large area in a park that has limited land space and Cedar Point would more than like put one or more coasters there that would vastly superior to Mean Streak.


Son Of Beast should be burned to the ground before it kills (again?).


Quoted for truth (except for the part about Voyage, I shudder at the thought). Mean Streak has one of the most massive footprints I've ever seen, and it's not worth one square foot of the land it sits on. There's so much space in the middle of the coaster that you could literally put a number of flat rides in with room to spare. Even though it's beautiful to look at, tear the wasted lumber down and build something that's worthy of the valuable CP peninsula land.

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^but it has cows! Every coaster has to be better with bovines.



I have a hard time deciding on a coaster to tear down. While I have had awful rides, I am not sure if there are any cases where I would rather have nothing rather than a coaster.

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^but it has cows! Every coaster has to be better with bovines.


Well, we'll re-locate them to another coaster more worthy of bovine goodliness, LOL!


it just seems kind of cruel


Coasters have feelings? Who knew?

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Disaster Transport at Cedar Point.


The ride is essentially a giant warehouse which acts as an eyesore to that part of the park. It blocks the view of the lake, which is one of the most unique features of CP. And the ride sucks too, worst theming ever. It's really the main symbol of Cedar Fair's failure at theming.


Raze it and build a plug and play woodie in its place.

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Not that I object to negative threads, per se--but what's the point? Do we get to build something better in its place? Because, if not, it just seems kind of cruel.


/Somebody somewhere loves Flashback.


What i had in mind is a scenario where you could give the park more space to build newer rides. there's always gonna be crappy rides that are just space hogs, that's a fact. We can't control what parks can and cannot do, so why not just think out loud. I thought it would be kind of a fun thread idea. And, it may be cruel, but some of the pain these coasters are causing to everyday people like you and me is more cruel than anything we could do to it.


--- alex

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Colossus at SFMM. The lapbar gave me a dead leg on every single bump. It's the only ride I honestly hate and have been physically injured on (other than headbanging).

Really? Colossus would be the first one you tear down? I mean It's definitely not the smoothest ride in the world but I don't think it's bad enough to tear down.

Andrew "It's your opinion and I respect that" Iorio

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