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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Family inverted coaster announced for 2025!

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I am happy they are going for a GCI. They are great rides!

And I bet even the vikings will love this! And you know how hard it is to make them happy


Edited by JordyC
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This ride is going to be the next Phoenix.

More like the next Raven to me.

Except that GCI has never built anything as forceful or intense as Raven so I'd say it's going to be more like a ride that *wants* to be the next Raven!


LOL you have a point there.

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I just want to gloat a little, and say that I called this wayyy back.



Anyway, I love this addition to the park. A wooden coaster is what this park has been lacking the most. I can't wait to see how they theme the coaster to the surrounding area.

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While a new coaster is great for the park, I'm disappointed that they went with GCI... I always hope that the SeaWorld parks make the effort to push for unique coasters with first of its kind elements or forceful layouts, but I'm sure this will still end up being fun. I just don't see this ride being anything unique enough to make me rush back out for the ride alone.

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While a new coaster is great for the park, I'm disappointed that they went with GCI... I always hope that the SeaWorld parks make the effort to push for unique coasters with first of its kind elements or forceful layouts, but I'm sure this will still end up being fun. I just don't see this ride being anything unique enough to make me rush back out for the ride alone.

Isn't it ironic how one Busch park closes a GCI woodie and people think that improves the park's overall coaster collection while another Busch park announces one and people think it's the best thing ever.


Still not sure what to make of this announcement. Just going to sit back and "wait and see..."

Edited by robbalvey
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While a new coaster is great for the park, I'm disappointed that they went with GCI... I always hope that the SeaWorld parks make the effort to push for unique coasters with first of its kind elements or forceful layouts, but I'm sure this will still end up being fun. I just don't see this ride being anything unique enough to make me rush back out for the ride alone.

Isn't it ironic how one Busch park closes a GCI woodie and people think that improves the park's overall coaster collection while another Busch park announces one and people think it's the best thing ever.


Still not sure what to make of this announcement. Just going to sit back and "wait and see..."


I agree with the "wait and see" approach. I think the area the coaster is being built in could provide some great headchopper and near miss elements that can make the ride very fun.


On the otherhand lets hope that they can maintain this coaster and not let it become a painful, rough ride. I know the climate in Tampa makes it a bit more difficult to maintain wooden coasters (Gwazi) but Virginia can be notoriously muggy (though not as much as Florida) as well. This should be an interesting project to follow. I think it fits the hamlet perfectly and could add some beautiful photo ops for the park.

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Well I never thought I'd see BGW get a woodie, glad to be wrong!


I think the "choose which side you're on" is more about guests picking the name than anything else. It could either be we decide to defend or decide to raid. But who knows? A dueler would be highly unlikely based on the plans.

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Did BGT ever do anything with the last of the Gwazi trains? Seems logical they'd come here if they didn't.

I have to assume this was part of the deciding factor to go with GCI.


In TPR's overview for BGW in the park index, you mention the park lacks a big "family" coaster. Do you think this could potentially fit the bill?

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